Kanye Jokes
109 kanye jokes and hilarious kanye puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about kanye that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Kanye Short Jokes
Short kanye jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The kanye humour may include short rapper jokes also.
- How did kim kardashian tell her kid about her upcoming divorce with Kanye? North, things between West and I have gone South.
- Kim and Kanye's divorce is rough on their son, North West. It's like he's getting pulled in two different directions.
- How did Kanye find out that Kim was bound, gagged, and held at gunpoint? She released the video on pornhub.
(Too soon?) - Kanye said he is an intellectual who doesn't read books. Which I get because I am an athlete that rarely moves.
- Kanye West shows up at Neil Armstrong's memorial service... and says "Imma let you finish, but Micheal Jackson had one of the best moon walks of ALL TIME"
- Kanye West was hospitalized... Our thoughts and prayers go out to the hospital staff at this difficult time.
- As companies continue to cut tie with Kanye West... Compass maker INMARK has also decided to drop West from their product line, leaving users lost and confused.
- Kanye West, Donald Trump, justin bieber and Martin Skreli are put in a coliseum, given gladiator weapons and made to fight to the death. Who wins? Society.
- How does kanye west screw in a lightbulb? He holds the lightbulb and the world revolves around him.
- [All credit to Ana Kasparian from the TYT Network] So, I heard Kim Kardashian is having Kanye West's baby... At least she let him finish.
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Kanye One Liners
Which kanye one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with kanye? I can suggest the ones about album and kanye west.
- A racist, an anti-semite and a black man walk into a bar Hey Kanye!
- How did Kanye West ask Kim Kardashian to marry him ?? "will i marry you?"
- You know who gives kids a bad name? Kim and Kanye, for one.
- I like Kanye West as much as the next guy... ...as long as the next guy isn't Kanye West.
- What has a bunch of K's and is hated? Kim Kylie Khloe Kendall kourtney kris Kanye
- Kanye running for president.
- Why was Kanye's Christmas gift to Kim spoiled? Because he's a bad wrapper
- How do you circumcise Kanye West? Kick him in the jaw.
- The lastest celebrity to ditch plastic is.... Kanye West
- Kanye West is opening up a breakfast restaurant... Omelette You Finish
- What did Kanye do after getting dropped by Adidas? Some Sole searching
- What do you call Kanye after he gave up religion? Ye of little faith!
- How does Kanye make Kim Kardashian's eyes twinkle? He shines a flashlight in her ear.
- Kanye has a new country album in the works It's called "Ye Haw"
- Kim and Kanye's kid launched a new perfume in her own name. North—by North West.
Kanye West Jokes
Here is a list of funny kanye west jokes and even better kanye west puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Everyone is going crazy over that Kim and Kanye named their baby "North West" I believe she's going straight to the top... And slightly to the left
- What is Kanye West's favourite kind of omelette? Omeletteyoufinish
-stolen from raininginreverse on tumblr. - Kanye West Concedes After Failing to Get 0.5% of Vote in Early Returns Now he is an electoral college drop out
- I laughed in disbelief when I saw Kanye West was running for president. But with his recent incoherent twitter ramblings, he seems like he is more than qualified.
- What's Kanye West's brilliant economic plan as president? To put 50 cent into the Treasury
- What do you say when Kanye West does something that annoys you? Kanye not.
- If Kanye West actually won the US Election and became the president, I think he would turn America into a communist nation. Because he believes no one man should have all that power.
- What did Kanye West say to the eggs? Yo, omelette you finish...
- What direction was Kanye West facing when his dough was rising? Yeast ;D
*cringe* - Me: I just bought Tupacs of Eminems for 50 Cents.
Friend: That's Ludacris. How Kanye West your money like that?

Laughter Kanye Jokes for Everyone for Fun and Frivolity
What funny jokes about kanye you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean inauguration jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make kanye pranks.
Kanye and Kim name their first child North West...
....in hopes that it will one day be the lead singer for One Direction
Kanye & Kim were discussing their decision to name their child North West
They agreed that next time they would fly with v**...
Why is Kim never satisfied with s**...?
Because Kanye never lets her finish.
What do you call Kanye dressed as Kermit?
I don't know, but it's not Yeezy being green.
To all you haters out there: Kanye was not being insensitive to his disabled fans...
he was curing them.
Chuck Norris won an award today
Kanye West sat politely in his seat.
Why did Kim storm out of the bedroom on Kanye?
Because he called out his own name in bed.
Kanye joins One Direction as a replacement for Zayn...
He kicks everyone out of the band and says: "If there's only one direction, it's West."
How tall do you have to be to ride a Kanye West rollercoaster?
About Ye big.
If Kanye West and Justin Beiber were drowning, and you only save one of them...
What kind of a sandwich would you make?
After hearing Kim and Kanye are having a kid via in vitro fertilization...
Of course Kanye picked the option where he could have s**... with himself and still have a kid.
Just heard about Kanye West covering Bohemian Rhapsody at Glastonbury. Let's hope he continues to follow in Freddy Mercury's footsteps.
And dies of AIDs.
If Kanye West runs for president, and wins..?
Who will interrupt his inaugural speech to say Beyoncé should have won?
Kanye West wants to be president...
But no one man should have all that power.
NASA recently confirmed what I've always suspected
...even Mars has more flow than Kanye West.
Kim Khardasian and Kanye West named their children North West and Saint West. But to prove I'm a worse parent...
I plan on naming my children...Kim Khardashian and Kanye West
Did you hear about Kanye West's son changing his name to South?
He felt he his life needed a change of direction.
How many famous black men have to go to jail?
Before Kanye does?
What do Kanye West and North Korea have in common?
They are both being s**... by a person named Kim.
Kanye West was found alive in his apartment today.
Another sad day for the music industry in 2016.
Why wasn't Kanye allowed to have a p**... at his bachelor party?
Because you're not supposed to see the bride before the wedding
RIP Kanye West, died after what police think was his attempt to walk on water...
Coast Guard attempted rescue, but say he was too dense.
How did Caitlyn Jenner and Kanye West settle an argument?
They went outside and exchanged blows.
If you're upset about the presidential election, just wait four years
then you'll be able to choose between Trump or Kanye
Kanye name his son North West,
So no matter who many people make fun of him, with a name like that we know he is heading straight to the top.
And a little to the left
After Kanye and Donald Trump met up the other day, they will be working on a new album together....
The Deportation of Pablo
Kanye West gets a bad rap...
And then he makes it even worse.
eeny, meeny, kanye, flo
you come to a fork in the road. the path to the left sports a sign guaranteeing a gruesome end to all trespassers. the one to the right looks clear, except for a skinny guy with a hat who freestyles rhyming insults at you. do you risk certain doom… or chance the rapper?
Never give your kids s**... names.
You might think it's funny but they have to live with that for the rest of their lives. Take Kanye West for example. His kids, North and Saint . They've got to spend their whole lives telling people that their dad is called Kanye .
What do Asians listen to before bed?
Kanye Rest
Did you know that Kanye West used to work for a shop that would put custom paint on keyboards & synthesizers in only half a day's time?
Yeezy dyed four-hour synths.
Kim and Kanye expecting another baby....
say they will name it something normal.
Congratulations, Something Normal West.
I knew a girl who went out with Kanye and then Chris Brown.
She said the difference was striking.
Why did Kanye name his dog P Diddy?
So he can scoop Diddy's poops
Did you guys hear Kanye is going gluten-free?
He said no one man should have all that flour.
Kim and Kanye are combining their talents to make a new genre of music
they call it plastic rap
How does Kanye West like his eggs?
Over Yeezy
Absence makes the heart grow fonder unless?
it's Kanye West.
What we can expect from a Kanye presidency
Kanyesian economics
Reasons why Kanye shouldn't be President
1. No one man should have all that power.
So everyone is freaking out that Kanye West wants to run for President ...
Everyone just needs to take it Yeezy!
So apparently Kanye West is running for president
My question is, will he let the other candidates finish their speeches?
Kanye West
After a long day of work, Kanye West goes to his Kanye Nest to take his Kanye Rest. He wakes up feeling his Kanye Best. Then he'll get Kanye Dressed on his Kanye Vest to go on a Kanye Quest. He goes to church and becomes Kanye Blessed, then to a hotel room to be a Kanye Guest. Then to school to take his Kanye Test. He forgot to brush his teeth. Did he run out of Kanye Crest? His neighbor stole it, what a Kanye Pest.
It's nice to see that celebrities have taken up book writing during the pandemic
One Direction by Kanye West
Guitars by Mel Gibson
Mining by Brad Pitt
Pear Cider by Katy Perry
Ship Building by Tom Cruise
How to Move Things by Jim Carrey
Escape from Prison by Morgan Freeman
American Motors by Harrison Ford
Wild Animals by Will Ferrell
If Kanye West is running ...
I think Vanilla Ice should run for president at some point as well. He'd have a solid campaign slogan "If there was a problem, I'll solve it" and he'd make everyone collaborate and listen.
An old man's dream
"I dream to be the president of USA just like my school friend." an old man said.
"Who is your friend , Biden or Trump ?"
"Neither. His name is Kanye West"
"But he is not the president of USA"
"Correct, he dreams to become the president."
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are divorcing.
After naming their kids after directions they're the ones going south.
What does Kanye West and North Korea have in common?
They both are getting s**... by Kim
This row between Kim and Kanye is getting more serious than ever.
It's really going to send their daughter in two directions.
A gift from Kanye
A gal walks into a bar and orders a beer. "I got an anonymous gift for Valentine's Day, but I'm pretty sure it's actually from Kanye West," she tells the bartender. "What makes you think that?" the bartender asks. "The bad wrapping," she replies.
How did Kim Kardashian explain to her daughter the reason why Kanye is acting this way?
North, my relationship with West has gone totally South.
Kanye went to a fortune teller to see what was in his future
The fortune teller told him that he will die on a Jewish holiday. Kanye asked how she could be so sure. "Any day" she replied "you die will be a Jewish holiday"