
Kami Jokes

10 kami jokes and hilarious kami puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about kami that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Uplifting Kami Jokes to have Hilarious Fun with Friends

What is a good kami joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

What did the kamikaze flight instructor tell his students?

I'm only gonna show you this once

What did the kamikaze pilot tell his students?

Watch closely. I'm only gonna show this once

It's only kamikaze if it came from the Kamikaze region in Japan...

Otherwise it's just plane s**....

What did the Kamikaze pilot say to his students?

Pay attention, I am only going to do this once.


It's a dying art

Why were kamikaze flyers a bad weapon?

Because all the good ones died in practice.

What did the kamikaze instructor say to the student

Now watch carefully im only gonna show this once

Kamikaze pilots had a lot of potential.

But it turned out they were all one hit wonders.

A kamikaze teacher explains to his students:

Students pay attention I will show you once.

What were the Kamikaze Pilot's last words?

"Watch this cause i'll only do it once."

Kami joke, What were the Kamikaze Pilot's last words?

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Kami joke, What were the Kamikaze Pilot's last words?

Kami joke, What were the Kamikaze Pilot's last words?