Justice Jokes
157 justice jokes and hilarious justice puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about justice that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Do you know a good joke about justice and the law? Get ready to laugh at funny Justice Jokes about criminal justice, social justice, liberty and injustice in court, along with jokes from the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited.
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Funniest Justice Short Jokes
Short justice jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The justice humour may include short jury jokes also.
- Justice is a dish best served cold because... ...if it were served warm, it would be justwater.
- Today I gave up my seat on the bus to a blind person. I was also fired from my job as a bus driver, no justice for the kind hearted in this world.
- So Harambe walked into a bar Bartender: What will you be having to drink?
Harambe: I'll have a beer
Me: No, he'll have just ice.
Bartender: Just ice?
Me: Yes, justice for Harambe - It's appropriate that Cyborg from the Justice League is black, Considering that he's only 3/5 of a person.
- A man walks into a bar with Harambe Bartender: What can I get you ?
Harambe: I'll have a beer.
Man: No, he'll have just ice.
Bartender: Just ice?
Man: Yes, justice for Harambe. - What's the difference between a bomb and a social justice warrior? The bomb actually accomplishes something when it's triggered.
- Picking a Supreme Court Justice is a lot like crossing a river... It all comes down to Roe v Wade
- A lawyer walks into a bar The bartender looks at him and asks The usual?
The lawyer nods. The bartender then serves a glass full of ice.
Just-ice was served... - The Supreme Court has changed dramatically since Justice Ginsberg died. It has become Ruth less.
- My wife asked me how Wonder Woman got her new sword in the Justice League movie... I told her that she must have Amazon Prime
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Justice One Liners
Which justice one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with justice? I can suggest the ones about judge and equality.
- What do you call a super hero completely made of ice? Justice
- Justice is a dish best served cold If it were served warm it would be justwater.
- Justice is best served cold Because if it was served hot it would be Justwater
- I made a gun in the style of a social justice warrior It has too many triggers though.
- What does batman like adding to his drinks? JUST-ICE
- What type of tea does the Social Justice Warrior avoid? Reality
- Why do social justice warriors hate dentists? Because they make teeth straight and white.
- Why is justice best served cold? Because if it were warm, it would be justwater.
- Criminal Justice is a lot like racial humor. It's the dark ones that get you in trouble.
- Two social justice warriors walk into a fence store... Both took a fence
- TIL Supreme Court judge kidnapped by cannibals in the caribbean! Justice was served.
- What do you call a dead baby ,who fights crime? Miscarriage of Justice
- What do you call a werewolf who has taken an interest in social justice? Awarewolf
- What's a Social Justice Warrior's favorite math course? Triggernometry.
- Justice is best served cold Coz if it were warm, it'd be Justwater.
Social Justice Jokes
Here is a list of funny social justice jokes and even better social justice puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What's the difference between a landslide and a social justice warrior? It takes a lot of effort to trigger a landslide.
- What time does a social justice warrior get up in the morning? It's hard to say, she's already woke.
- What's the difference between a social justice warrior and an IED? You can't trigger an IED just by disagreeing with it.
- How many social justice warriors does it take to change a lightbulb? One. They just hold the lightbulb and cry until the universe spins around them.
- What's the difference between a gun and a social justice warrior? The gun has only one trigger.
- Why is everyone a social justice warrior ? Couldn't they pick another class ? Like social justice mage or social justice hunter ?
- How many Social Justice Warriors does it take to change a lightbulb? None, just the one black guy they get to do it so they can tell him how oppressed he is.
- How many social justice warriors does it take to change a lightbulb? Twelve, one to change it and the other eleven to start a support group called "recovering from the darkness"
- Why are Social Justice Activists always warriors? Because they don't have a high enough intelligence to be Social Justice Mages.
- What's the difference between a social justice warrior and a knife? The knife is edgier and has a point.
Social Justice Warrior Jokes
Here is a list of funny social justice warrior jokes and even better social justice warrior puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Social Justice Warriors Favorite Sandwich: Lettuce, Guacamole, Bacon and Tomato
- What's the opposite of Social Justice Warrior? A Status Quosader
- Dogs were the first social justice warriors They hate mailmen.
- How many social justice warriors does it take to screw in a lightbulb? I don't know, but they'd shame it for its light privilege.
- After watching social justice warrior's behaviour on YouTube. TIL: the old saying is true... War doesn't determine who's on the right, only who's on the left.
- A group of kids start singing "Baa Baa Black Sheep" Then a social justice warrior barges in and says "it should be "Baa Baa African American Sheep"
- Social justice warriors love Captain Marvel because she's a powerful woman... ...but hate her because she's Binary.
- Why was a social justice warrior being held in solitude confinement in a mental institute? She attacked the guards when they tried to force her into a straight white male jacket.
- Mark 12:25 And Jesus said; In heaven there is no marriage. No men, no women, only angels. So it's Social Justice Warrior paradise? Like Berkeley?
- What secret society of social justice warriors has been sworn for a thousand years to get their only exercise typing angry comments on each other's bad CW fan fiction? The Knights Tumblar

Justice League Jokes
Here is a list of funny justice league jokes and even better justice league puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- The Social Justice League doesn't have a Batmobile They have a tumbler.
- Why did Plastic Man get kicked out of Justice League? He was accused of rubbery
- What's the difference between the Justice League reshoots and unlocking all the heroes in Battlefront 2? One was only slightly cheaper than the other.
- Which member of the Justice League has loose connective tissue? The Marfan Manhunter!
- Warner Brothers cracks down on paparazzi problems on "Justice League" set... ...apparently they're not allowing any unauthorized flash photography.
- There's a heavy riot across US.. Trump administration undecided who to call, Avengers or Justice League.
- Why is Superman the Leader of The Justice League? Just is.
- What's the difference between Me and the new Justice League movie? The movie finally got a date.
- If Superman and the Flash were to race in the Justice league movie do you know who would win? Chuck Norris
- What will you find in Superman's lavatory? A Superbowl.
Shamelessly stolen from: The Joker -Justice League Action.
I was drunk and I thought this was funny.
Criminal Justice Jokes
Here is a list of funny criminal justice jokes and even better criminal justice puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- As a dyslexic liberal trying to reform criminal justice, I don't know why I only get support from the other side on my bill to give rifles a chance to return to society.
- How should justice be brought about on criminal semites? By judge and jew-ry.

Cheerful Justice Jokes for Unforgettable Laughter with Friends!
What funny jokes about justice you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean court jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make justice pranks.
Batman was my tour guide in Antarctica.
What can we even find around here?
Why can't you hear the bass on Metallica's And Justice For All album?
Because they threw the bass player under the bus.
Poetic Justice
I find you guilty.
You are sentenced to ten years,
Take him away boys.
Prosecutor mutters, "Poetic Justice"
What do you calla judge with no thumbs?
Justice fingers
I want an option to hit "like" on the hot friend instead of the girl who actually has the tinder account.
Sometimes the friend is better and there is no option on tinder for that.Where is the justice tinder?
What do you call an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, logician, political commentator, social justice activist, and anarcho-syndicalist advocate who doesn't eat ham?
What is the difference between a miscarriage and a miscarriage of justice?
One takes away your freedom, the other gives you it back.
Justice Scalia stated that he wants to be cremated after his death
Millions of women are meeting now to discuss if that's what is best for his body.
Why is revenge a dish best served cold?
Because it's just-ice
What did Batman give Doctor Freeze with his whisky?
Batman walks into a bar with a pig...
It was a hot summers day and the barman thinks it's a strange sight, not to just see Batman, but to see him with a pig that has jet black hair, black eye shadow and studded bracelets.
The barman says "Is there anything I can get you Batman?"
He replies "Just-ice for goth-ham"
h**... was the original Social Justice Warrior
Adolf h**... is the story of a failed liberal art student who blamed it on ethnicities he deemed privileged.
Harambe went to a bar
Bartender: What can I get you today?
Harambe: May I get a martini?
Me: Just ice for Harambe.
Harambe: Just ice?
Me: Justice for Harambe.
My dad was trying to tell me that Republicans want liberty and justice for their rear ends
His exact words were "their pro-states rights"
What's the difference between justice and relevant ethnic groups in America?
Justice isn't always black and white
Why was the hamster a bad Supreme Court Justice?
Because his mind was always on a pellet.
What do you call an angry Social Justice Warrior?
A MadLib
a man and harambe walk in to a bar
bartender: what will you fine gentleman have?
harambe: scotch
man: no, you'll have ice
bartender: just ice?
man: yes, justice for harambe
What do you call a dyslexic small town spinster who takes justice into her own hands?
A Village-Auntie
What do you call it when a future serial killer's mom has an abortion.
A miscarriage of justice
Whay doesn't McCree eat at lunch buffets?
It's high noon, and Justice ain't gonna serve itself.
It was recently discovered that Hillary approached President Trump to ask if she could replace Justice Scalia after his death.
Trump replied, "That's perfectly fine with me so long as the undertaker is okay with it."
Despite What the Media Says Justice is Colorblind
It sees black and white and acts accordingly.
The Justice League has a vacancy and the number 7 is interviewing to fill a superhero position...
Batman: Thank you for coming, 7. Its been rough since the Flash took off and we're having a hard time finding someone to replace him. Let's get right to it. What is your first power?
Number 7: Well, for my whole life I've been in prime condition and I don't anticipate that changing anytime soon.
Bathman: That's great to hear. What do you consider your second power to be?
Number 7: 49
I'm mad about the Mad p**... lady,
I hope she f**... justice!
Did you hear about the insomniac social justice activist?
He was woke af
I saw justice in action today for the first time ever.
I went out for breakfast this morning with my girlfriend, saw a Jehovah's Witness lock himself out of his own house. Kept ringing the bell.
What government organization only investigates incidents involving frozen water?
The Just-Ice Department.
Batman walks into a restaurant and orders a glass of ice
The waiter brings him a glass of water with ice in it, and Batman says, "You misunderstood me. I didn't want any water; I wanted justice."
What do you call an introverted feminist?
An Antisocial Justice Warrior
Did you hear they're building a new courthouse?
Now that's what I call a construction of justice
Batman went to a restaurant.
Shortly after being seated, the waiter asks if he would like a drink.
"Water." Batman says in his gruff voice.
"Would you like ice and a lemon?"
Batman looks at him and says: "Justice."
Did you hear about the supreme court justice who was caught stealing the scraps from restaurant booths?
Police identified her as Booth Raider Ginsburg.
Harambe and I walk into a bar...
Bartender: What will you be having to drink?
Harambe: I'll have a beer.
Me: No, he'll have just ice.
Bartender: Just ice?
Me: Yes, justice for Harambe.
OFF: This is a repost because Harambe was shot today two years ago. d**... out for Harambe!
Justice is best served cold.
Because it's just ice.
The US Justice Department were hellbent on taking IKEA to court a few years ago.
Unfortunately they had to walk away as they were having difficulties putting a case together.
President Trump accidentally bumped into Chief Justice Roberts.
Trump: "Pardon me."
Roberts: "Well that is your absolute right."
Did you hear about the judge who exposed himself during sentencing?
Apparently he wanted to meat out some justice.
One day, Justice Ginsburg will no longer be a part of the Supreme Court
On that day, the court will be Ruthless.
I don't know why the American people are so worried.
I'm sure Jared Kushner will make a fine SCOTUS Justice.
A new Judge in town...
Why can't a man with the name Dunn become a judge?
Because then everyone would want to see Justice Dunn
Why is Antarctica the least corrupt continent?
Because it has justice
Justice is a dish best served cold
Because when you look at it again, you realize it's just ice.