Juicy Jokes
31 juicy jokes and hilarious juicy puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about juicy that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Make your day with some of the juiciest jokes around! Discover the best jokes that combine citrus with softness, while bringing a freshness of Lemons, Tarps, and even Juicy Couture! Enjoy a nice chuckle and lighten your mood.
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Funniest Juicy Short Jokes
Short juicy jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The juicy humour may include short juice jokes also.
- What's the similarity between a woman and a KFC? Once you get past the tender breast and the juicy thigh your left with a greasy box to put your bone in.
- A guy's girlfriend A guy's girlfriend asked him to buy her some Juicy Fruit.
He said; "It only lasts for a few seconds."
She said; "Oh, like you did last night?" - I like my women like I like my pineapples... Sweet, juicy and chopped into slices on cheese pizza.
- What's hairy, juicy, and starts with the letter "c" and ends with the letter "t"? A coconut
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Juicy One Liners
Which juicy one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with juicy? I can suggest the ones about fruity and called juiced.
- Truly delicious tofu recipe: 1) Chuck the tofu.
2) Fry a juicy steak. - Why was the couple so juicy? Because it was a great pear.
- Have you heard of this new paraplegic juicy juice? It's 50% juice for 50% kids.
- What do you call a hot gay person? Juicy Fruit.
- Which Jews make the best fruit punch? Juicy Jews
- The spanish word of the day is "Juicy" "TELL ME IF *JUICY* THE COPS!"
- I like my women like I like my onions.... Raw, juicy, and pungent.
- I want to lose weight But on the other hand is a juicy cake that needs eating

Fun-Filled Juicy Jokes to Boost Your Mood
What funny jokes about juicy you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean delicious jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make juicy pranks.
Three dinosaurs are running across the desert when they stumble across a magic lamp.
They rub it, and a genie appears.
"I have three wishes, so I'll give one to each of you," the genie announces.
The first dinosaur thinks hard.
"Alright," he says, "I'll have a big, juicy, piece of meat."
Instantly, the biggest, juiciest piece of meat he'd ever seen appears in front of him.
Not to be outdone, the second dinosaur thinks even harder.
"I know! I'll have a shower of meat!"
Immediately, huge pieces of meat rain down around him.
The third dinosaur, certainly not to be outdone, thinks harder than the previous dinosaurs.
"I've got it!" he cries, "I want a MEATIER shower!"
Two mexicans are stranded in the desert for days....
... and they're at death's door....
They stumble on, hoping for salvation in the form of an oasis or something, they suddenly spy through the heat haze a tree off in the distance.
As they get closer, they can see that the tree is draped with s**... after s**... of bacon. There's smoked bacon, crispy bacon, life-giving juicy nearly- raw bacon, all sorts.
"Hey, Pepe" says the first hombre. "ees a bacon tree!!! We're saved!!!"
"You're right, amigo!" says Pepe.
So Pepe goes on ahead and runs up to the tree salivating at the prospect of food. But as he gets to within five feet of the tree there's the sound of machine gun fire, and he is shot down in a hail of bullets.
His friend quickly drops down on the sand, and calls across to the dying Pepe. "Pepe!! Pepe!! Que pasa hombre?"
With his dying breath Pepe calls out.... "Ugh, run,amigo, run!! ees not a Bacon Tree".......
"ees... a.... Hambush"
A traditional Iranian joke
A man has a very bad case of worms so he goes to very famous doctor. the doctor assesses his case and says go to the market buy the biggest juicy watermelon you can find, cut off one end drop your pants and sit on it. The worms will go into it and leave your body. So the guy does just that and when he sits down the king worm comes out tastes the watermelon and says " bring it in boys"!
A man walked into a cafe, went to the bar and ordered a beer.
"Certainly sir, that'll be one cent."
"One Cent? ' the man exclaimed. He glanced at the menu and asked: "How much for a nice juicy steak and a bottle of wine?"
"A nickel" the barman replied.
"A nickel?" exclaimed the man. "Where's the guy who owns this place?"
The bartender replied, "Upstairs, with my wife." The man asked, "What's he doing upstairs with your wife?"
The bartender replied, "The same thing I'm doing to his business down here."
A man walked into a pub.....
A man walked into a pub, went to the bar and ordered a beer.
"Certainly, Sir, that'll be ten pence."
"Ten pence?" the man exclaimed. He glanced at the menu and asked, "How much for a nice juicy steak and a bottle of wine?"
"A pound," the barman replied.
"A pound?" exclaimed the man. "Where's the guy who owns this place?"
The bartender replied, "Upstairs, with my wife."
The man asked, "What's he doing upstairs with your wife?"
The bartender replied, "The same thing I'm doing to his business down here."
A young boy wants to buy a tomato...
He approaches the farmer with his few pennies and asks how much that nice, red, juicy tomato would cost. The farmer replies, "35 cents."
Appearing dismayed, the child wanders down the rows of vines and finds a small, green, unappetizing tomato.
"How much for this little one, here?" he timidly asked.
"Hehe. 3 cents" the farmer replied with a chuckle.
"Great!" the boy exclaimed as he handed over his coins. "I'll be back next week to pick it up."
Nickel & Dime Dining
A man walked into a cafe, went to the bar and ordered a beer. "Certainly, Sir, that'll be one cent." "One Cent?" the man exclaimed. He glanced at the menu and asked: "How much for a nice juicy steak and a bottle of wine?" "A nickel," the barman replied.
"A nickel?" exclaimed the man.
"Where's the guy who owns this place?"
The bartender replied: "Upstairs, with my wife." The man asked: "What's he doing upstairs with your wife?"
The bartender replied:
"The same thing I'm doing to his business down here."
A man and a woman go out to dinner...
This is during the time the Mad Cow disease ravished Britain. A man and a woman are sitting at a table when the waiter approaches them, asking "what would you like for dinner?"
The man replies, I'll have a fat juicy steak, medium rare with all the trimmings. Gravy and roast potatoes please. The waiter asks "what about the mad cow?"
To which the man replies
"Nahh she'll just have fish"
I brought my vegetarian girlfriend home for dinner...
...and my grandmother served us all, including my girlfriend, a very juicy, very much still hanging on the bone, rack of lamb. My girlfriend was looking at me in horror, whilst I took my gran aside.
"Didn't I tell you she was a vegetarian?" I asked.
She replied "oh yes dear, I checked with the butcher and he said the sheep he sells only eat grass!"
I know a guy who had a pet pig.
This pig got sick one day, suffering from fear of what would happen when he finally got eaten, and turned into a nice juicy ham. My friend took him to the vet, to see why this pig was acting depressed(not eating, not sleeping, etc.). The vet prescribed one thing: cure him.
tld;dr: my friend's pig was sick, but then he got cured.
The best way to fall asleep is not by counting sheep....
It is to place a nice juicy steak beside your bed, call over a Vegan to let the whacko start talking about why meat is bad and why you should become a Vegan too
The owner of Rachel Dolezal's tanning salon is releasing a "tell all" book...
...among the many juicy details revealed is Professor Dolezal's favourite television programme... Orange Is The New Black.
3 dinosaurs find a magic lamp in a river
A genie pops out and says I will grant each one of you one wish! The first dinosaur thinks and says I wish for a huge piece of meat! . The genie smiles and a big, juicy steak appears in front of him. Not to be outdone, the second dinosaur says I wish for a shower of meats!! The genie snaps his fingers and it begins to rain freshly cooked steaks. The last dinosaur thinks for a bit and then finally gets an idea. Not to be outdone, he says, I wish for an even meater shower!
Deaf Man Steals Chicken
There once was a deaf man named Jeff who lived in the countryside. He had this neighbor, Brad, who raised some chickens in his front yard.
One day, Jeff was was walking by his neighbor's house and saw one fat juicy chicken that caught his eye. Seeing that there was no one around, Jeff stole the chicken and made himself a delicious roasted chicken that night.
Next morning, when he saw his neighbor, Brad, the following conversation took place:
Brad: Howdy neighbor !
Jeff: WHAT f**... CHICKEN ??
Not sure if this translates well from my Albanian origins
So their was a farmer woman and she is tending her crops and notices her tomatoes are brown and rotten. She looks over to her neighbors and they were bright red and juicy.
So one day she sees her neighbor and asks him.
Her what's your secret? My tomatoes will never get like yours and I water them every day
Farmer says My secret is at night I water them n**... and they get embarrassed and blush
So she goes out at night and gets n**... and waters the tomatoes.
2 weeks go by and the neighbor sees her and asks how her tomatoes are doing.
She responds tomatoes are still brown and rotten but the cucumbers are long hard juicy and thick