
Jagermeister Jokes

4 jagermeister jokes and hilarious jagermeister puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about jagermeister that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Delightful Fun Jagermeister Jokes for a Roaring Good Time

What is a good jagermeister joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

A young man sits down at a bar and says, "I want six shots of Jagermeister."

"Six shots!?" exclaims the bartender, "Are you celebrating something?"
"My first b**...," replies the young man.
"Well, in that case," says the bartender, slapping him on the back, "let me give you a seventh on the house."
The man holds up his hand, "No offense, sir. But if six shots don't get rid of the taste, nothing will."

My dad had this great magic trick he'd show us every night

He'd turn a full bottle of jagermeister into domestic violence

I ordered the kit "Make your wife beautiful"

And they sent me two bottles of Jagermeister.

Johnny is in a bar

And sees h**... in a stool raising a glass of Jagermeister. Every few minutes h**... would raise his glass, toast and drink it back.
Johnny is watching this and after a few injections of liquid courage decides to approach him. h**..., what are you doing here?!
h**... responds, I am back! I am back and I am going to kill one million Jews and three clowns!
Johnny takes a drink and thinks to himself before responding why are you going to kill three clowns?
h**... hastily responds You see! No one cares about the Jews!

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