
Ion Jokes

60 ion jokes and hilarious ion puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about ion that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Get ready for some hilarious chemistry-themed ion jokes! Laugh along at the puns centered around polyatomic ions, like iodide and sodium hydroxide. Whether you're in the lab or in the classroom, these jokes will have you in stitches.

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Funniest Ion Short Jokes

Short ion jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The ion humour may include short sodium jokes also.

  1. An atom walks into a bar… Bartender: What are you doing here?
    Atom: I'm celebrating the loss of an electron.
    Bartender: I'm keeping my ion you.
    Atom: Don't worry, I'll keep things positive.
  2. Two ions are walking down the street... the first one says I'm missing an electron. The second one asks "Are you sure?" The first one says "I'm positive"
  3. What do you get when you wreck a Honda Accord into a saturn Ion? An Accordion.
    ...I'll, uh, see myself out.
  4. Why did the lead acid battery have to tell the truth? Because if it didn't it would be Li-ion.
  5. So a ion walks into a bar... So an ion walks into a bar and tells the bartender, "hey I may have lost an electron." Bartender asks in reply, "are you sure?" Ion answers, "yeah, I'm positive."
  6. A molecule tells another: A free electron once stripped me of an electron after he lepton me. You gotta keep your ion them!
  7. An ion walks into a bar and tells the bartender I think I dropped an electron on the way in. The bartender asks, are you sure? I'm positive
  8. Seal loses electron Did you hear about the seal that lost an electron?
    It's now a seal ion.
  9. Cation Pronunciation : [kat-ahy-uhn,-on]
    -Noun Chemistry
    1.An ion with paws-tive charge.
    2.The cutest ion ever.
  10. I had to take my Model S in for service yesterday. I could hear loud roars coming from underneath the car. Tesla said it was normal and coming from the Li- Ion battery.

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Ion One Liners

Which ion one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with ion? I can suggest the ones about hydroxide and ionic.

  1. An atom loses an electron... It says, "man, I really gotta keep an ion them."
  2. Sometimes I feel like a seal is just a neutral sea lion Neutral
    As in
    Without an ion
  3. I'm positive I lost an electron... ...better keep an ion that.
  4. What fish is made of only two sodium ions? 2 Na
  5. I think I saw my friend with an extra electron... I'm going to keep an ion him.
  6. What did the chlorine atom say to the sodium atom? I've got my ion you.
  7. Why Don't Jews Like Ions? They prefer their molecules free of charge.
  8. A hydroxide ion and a nitric oxide molecule walk into a bar. The bartender says: "OH NO".
  9. What do you call an ion that also raps? Fluoride, duh.
  10. Why do ions make good leaders? Because they always take charge.
  11. TIFU by combining a hydroxide ion with nitric oxide OH NO!
  12. A positive ion stole an electron yesterday. He got away with no charge.
  13. An atom lost an electron It should really keep an ion them
  14. Why did the ion get arrested? Because it was guilty as charged.
  15. Why can't you trust a Lithium Ion battery? Because they're always Li-ion!

Chemistry Ion Jokes

Here is a list of funny chemistry ion jokes and even better chemistry ion puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • The chemical formula for the highly toxic cyanide ion is CN-.
    These are also Chuck Norris' initials.
    This is not a coincidence.
  • Chemistry is so boring. Whenever we study electrons, ion.
  • What do I do when I'm in chemistry class? Ion.

Polyatomic Ion Jokes

Here is a list of funny polyatomic ion jokes and even better polyatomic ion puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What did the super spy polyatomic ion say when he walked into the bar? The name's Bond, Covalent Bond
  • Two Chemists Were Talking Chemist 1 : I'm afraid I forgot a couple polyatomic ion formulas
    Chemist 2 : Which ones?
    Chemist 1 : Hydroxide and Nitrate
    Chemist 2 : OH NO3

Delightful Fun Ion Jokes for a Roaring Good Time

What funny jokes about ion you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean molecule jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make ion pranks.

A physics professor and his assistant...

A physics professor and his assistant are working on liberating negatively-charged hydroxyl ions, when all of a sudden, the assistant says, "Wait, professor, what if the salicylic acids do not accept the hydroxyl ions?" And the professor responds, "That's no hydroxyl ion; that's my wife!"

What's the difference between a seal and a sealion?

A seal is neutral but a seal ion has a positive or negative charge

My friend H+ is very reactive...

I always have to keep an ion him!

A sodium ion went to rob a bank.

It was charged, without a doubt.

What is the frat guy's favorite ion?


Looking into buying a Saturn Ion sedan..

All the reviews I have read have been positive or negative.

Girl: You're like a hypobromite ion to me.

Me: A what?
Girl: A BrO−

What do you call an atom with a negative charge?

An ion

A sodium atom undergoes a vigorous reaction with flourine...

How do you feel?" Asks the fluoride ion.
"Positively shell shocked" the sodium ion replied.

What do you call an edible ion?

An onion

Lost an electron

Really gotta keep an ion them.

Why is a Seal just a neutral Sea Lion?

Because it doesn't have an *ion*

Explaining what is hydroxyl acid to an atom...

Hydrogen ion: OH^- I get it, it is water!

Why Were Sodium Chloride and Lithium Ion Arrested?

For 'a salt' and battery :D

What did the retina say to the atom?

I've got my ion you.

What do the negative ion and the positive ion have in common?

They're both in favor of net neutrality!

What did the detective particle say to the suspect particle?

I got my ion you.

The Hydrogen + ion got into a fight with the Hydrogen Oxide - ion online

The H + called the OH - too basic and the OH - called the H+ to acidic.

What did the officer molecule say to the suspect molecule?

"I got my ion you."

jokes about ion