
Inventor Jokes

109 inventor jokes and hilarious inventor puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about inventor that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Inventor Short Jokes

Short inventor jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The inventor humour may include short invention jokes also.

  1. When the inventor of the USB dies... they'll gently lower the coffin, then pull it back up, turn it the other way, then lower it again.
  2. The inventor of the wind chill factor died this week. He was 86 but felt more like he was 64.
  3. Inventor displays the first knife ever. His friend, "that's the greatest invention since bread"
    Inventor, "well I'm about to blow your mind"
  4. The inventor of the USB died. They lowered his coffin, raised it back out, flipped it over, lowered it again, raised it back out, flipped it over again, then lowered him again.
  5. Sad to report that the inventor of predictive text has passed away His funfair will be held next Monkey
  6. The inventor of inappropriate innuendo jokes died suddenly yesterday. His wife is taking it really hard.
  7. My grandfather was a very intelligent man. He was an inventor. He invented the cold air balloon. Only problem was it never really took off.
  8. The inventor of autocorrect has died... The inventor of autocorrect has died. I didn't even know he was I'll
  9. 2016 strike again. The inventor of the inappropriate innuendo has died. His family are taking it really hard.
  10. The inventor of the ballet skirt was struggling for a name for his invention. Finally he put tu and tu together.

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Inventor One Liners

Which inventor one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with inventor? I can suggest the ones about credited inventing and new invention.

  1. The inventor of autocorrect died The funnel will be held tomato.
  2. The inventor of Velcro died last week. RIP
  3. The inventor of auto-correct has died his funnel is tomato
  4. The inventor of autocorrect died today His funfair will be hello on sundial
  5. The inventor of the umbrella was actually just going to call it brella But he hesitated
  6. The inventor of autocorrect just died. May he restaurant in peanut.
  7. Sad news from Australia The inventor of the boomerang grenade died today.
  8. The inventor of predictive text has died. His funfair will be hello on Sundial.
  9. Email inventor dies aged 74 I sent my re:re:re:re:re:gards
  10. The inventor of Velcro died today. RIP
  11. The inventor of autocorrect walks into a bar. He asks for a bear
  12. The inventor of velcro just passed away. RIP.
  13. The inventor of the umbrella was originally going to call it the brella But he hesitated.
  14. Today the inventor of autocorrect has died Resturant in peace
  15. The inventor of auto-correct has died His funfair will be next monkey.

Inventor Telephone Jokes

Here is a list of funny inventor telephone jokes and even better inventor telephone puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • We all remember Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone... But no one ever remembers Alexander Graham Kowalczyk, the first telephone pole.
  • Alexander Graham Kowolczyk... The inventor of the telephone pole.
  • What do you say when the inventor of the telephone falls over? Alexander Graham Fell!
Inventor joke, What do you say when the inventor of the telephone falls over?

Entertaining Inventor Jokes to Laugh Out Loud Fun with Everyone

What funny jokes about inventor you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean credited invention jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make inventor pranks.

What's something that the inventor doesn't want, the buyer doesn't use, and the user doesn't know about it?

A casket

What did people say when the inventor of the Dry Erase Board showed off his new invention.

That's Remarkable!
Terrible joke, came to me on the toilet early, but I had to say it. And it's also likely be told in some form before.

Alfred Nobel is considered the inventor of dynamite

...because all the others could not be positively identified.

The inventor of the dissapointing punchline has died

His f**... will be held on Thursday at 2pm.

The inventor of t**... lozenges has died.

There will be no coffin at his f**....

The inventor if the anti-virus software has been charged with m**....

They expect the trial to last 30 days

Why did the inventor of t**... lozenges choose to be cremated?

So there wouldn't be any coffin.

The inventor of the air conditioner has died

Thousands of fans are attending his f**...

I met the inventor of the trampoline.

He's an all round nice guy, but a bit jumpy.

I met the inventor of the crossword last week.

Can't remember his name. P something T something R.

The inventor of large scholarly books showed me his factory.

He said, "Make yourself a tome."

The inventor of the snooze button has passed away.

His f**... will take place tomorrow at 8:00, 8:06, 8:11, 8:13, and 8:14.

The history of the c**....

In 1272, a Welsh inventor created the first c**... using a sheeps lower intestine.
In 1873 the English somewhat refined the idea by taking it out of the sheep first.
~ Obligatory edit. No, it took them 601 years to get the welsh out of the sheep to make the condoms.

The inventor of the Big Mac died the other day....

His family ordered the most lavish coffin they could find in the brochure, but were extremely disappointed when it turned out to be nothing like the picture.

I just heard news that the inventor of the Heimlich Manuever, Henry J. Heimlich, just passed away at 96

I'm still choked up about it.

I was at the inventor of the USB stick's f**... yesterday.....

They lowered his coffin into the ground, then raised it back up, turned it around, and lowered it back down again.

I just heard the inventor of autocorrect died...

...may his sole restaurant in pieces.

What do you call it when the inventor of the ceramic knee replacement gets a metal knee replacement?


Don't let the naysayers get you down, even the inventor of toilet paper had his critics...

"this is tearable" they said at first.

I once dated the inventor of the stopwatch.

That was my 15.535 seconds of fame.

What did the inventor of the shovel say about it?

"This is Groundbreaking!"

They say the inventor of yoga pants had comfort in mind

But I like to think he had posterior motives.

Captain Picard meets Jethro Tull, the inventor (not the band) and says

"Make it sew, number one"

USB Inventor

When the inventor of the usb dies thay will lower him slowly stop flip the Casket and put him in all the way

The inventor of dog treats died earlier today...

He was a good boy, yes he was...

The inventor of the clockwork radio has died.

It's true, it's not a wind up!

The inventor of wax strips has just died.


Was reading about the inventor of MadLibs this morning...

Apparently when he died, he was was seventy-s**... years crack pipe.

The inventor of the 'anagram' died today

May he 'erect a p**...'

The inventor of the jigsaw puzzle has died today...

...his wife is said to be in 1500 pieces!

An eccentric dutch inventor whom invented inflatable shoes has died.

A member of the family said it was only a matter of time until he popped his clogs.


The inventor of predictive text was injured in a traffic accident.
He's been bacon by ambience to the horse piddle.

An inventor shows his friend the first knife ever.

His friend says, Wow! That's the best thing since bread.

Karl Marx is a historically famous philosopher,

however no one ever mentions his sister, Onya, the inventor of the starting p**......

Get set.....

Karl Marx is a historically famous philosopher, but no one ever mentions his sister, Onya, the inventor of the starting p**......

Karl Marx

Karl Marx ia a historically famous philosopher but no one ever mentions his sister and brother: Onya, the inventor of the starting p**..., and Skid, who was generally unpopular.

Everyone knows the famous communist Karl Marx.

But I bet you never knew the inventor of the starter p**... was his sister, Onya.

The inventor of the s**... innuendo has sadly passed away

His wife is taking it really hard

The inventor of Velcro just died


A Scientist, Inventor, and Engineer

A Scientist, Inventor, and Engineer are tasked with solving a major world problem. The Scientist does the research and makes a discovery that the Inventor then uses to invent the thing that will solve the problem. The engineer refines the invention until it is ready for operation. Their solution is a huge success and very profitable. Who makes all the money?
The businessman.

The inventor of the crossword puzzle lives near me.

Street's three across and two down.

The Inventor of the Cassette Tape Died This Week...

But his memory will never be erased.
It will get a bit fuzzy over time though.

the inventor of the revolving door looked at a perfectly normal door and boldly asked "what if i added social anxiety?"

if i go too slow? surely everyone behind me hates me.
too fast? everyone behind me is in danger.
perfect invention.
let's put them in the busiest buildings.

The kind of joke that should have been invented by a six year old, but instead by me, a thirtysomething: What kind of f**... grows on a cow?

a mooooshroom
(I don't know if I can actually claim credit as an inventor of this joke, but I've never heard it anywhere)

The inventor of Halls cough Drops died last night.

There will be no coffin at his f**....

Is it true that the inventor of fractions was...

...Louis the 1/16th?

Did you hear the inventor of spell check died?

May he rust in p**....

The inventor of the ferris wheel never met the inventor of the merry-go-round

They moved in different circles.

Sir John Harrington, the inventor of the flush toilet, is well remembered for two reasons.

Number 1 and Number 2
(Note: Ancient civilizations like the Mesopotamians and Minoans can also lay claim to inventing flush toilets too, I guess)

The inventor of the USB stick has died

At his f**... they gently lowered the coffin, then pulled it back up, turned it the other way, then lowered it again.

Netflix is releasing a movie about the inventor of the t**...

It's a period piece

The inventor of the t**... lozenge passed away

There was no cough-in at his f**...

The umbrella was originally going to be called just brella …

Until the inventor hesitated.

The inventor of the umbrella was going to call it the brella,

but when he went to register the patent , he hesitated.

Sir John Harrington, inventor of the modern flush toilet is well remembered for two reasons:

Number 1 and Number 2

The inventor of the Xerox machine never had an original idea in his life...

He just copied everybody else's work.

Did you hear that the inventor of the t**... lozenge passed away?

There was no cough-in at his f**....

The inventor of Mad libs died

He was eighty p**... years old

The inventor of auto correct died today.

His fun fair is next monkey

Inventor joke, The inventor of auto correct died today.

jokes about inventor