
Intern Jokes

105 intern jokes and hilarious intern puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about intern that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Intern Short Jokes

Short intern jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The intern humour may include short integral jokes also.

  1. Security officer: If you find a USB outside, don't bring it into the office Me (taking notes): Note to self: Only bring international bees into the office
  2. I really wanted to watch the International origami Championships tonight. Sadly, it's only on paper view.
  3. A man walks into a bar... ...and loses the international limbo championship.
    (I feel like this is probably really old, but I hadn't heard it before.)
  4. TIL France got a different version of The Force Awakens than the rest of the world. While the international version ends with Rey and Luke, the French version ends with fin.
  5. Today is International Women's Day. It was actually supposed to be held yesterday but they took too long to get ready.
  6. You are what you think you are Her: What do you do?
    Me: Global prosthetics distribution.
    Her: So you're an artificial limb salesman?
    Me: I prefer 'international arms dealer'.
  7. What do South American governments and internal combustion engines have in common? Both are measured in revolutions per minute.
  8. Boss: "Sarcasm will get you nowhere in life"!! Me: "Well It got me to the 'International Sarcasm' finals in Santiago 2011
    Boss: "Really"?
    Me: "No"
  9. Today is International Women's Day. It was supposed to be yesterday, but they took longer than expected to get dressed.
  10. Star Wars Trivia: What is the internal Temperature of a TaunTaun? .

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Intern One Liners

Which intern one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with intern? I can suggest the ones about intent and outer.

  1. International women's day should not be used as an excuse for sexist jokes Period.
  2. Monica Lewinsky i have a joke I have an intern joke and it ... nevermind.
  3. What's the internal temperature of a tauntaun? Luke Warm.
    May the 4th Be With You!
  4. Whats the internal temperature of a taun taun? Luke warm
  5. International womens day is not an excuse for low effort sexist jokes. Period.
  6. How is a meditating monk and a fiber-optic cable similar? Total internal reflection.
  7. Happy International Women's Day! Or as I like to call it, Taco Tuesday
  8. What's the internal temperature of a Ton-ton? Lukewarm
  9. Monica Lewinsky joke I have an intern joke and it... nevermind.
  10. What do you call a tangled rope on International Space Station? Astroknot
  11. My #2 favorite international bread is pita It's second to Naan.
  12. Why do pirates have trouble learning the alphabet? Because they spend years at Sea!
  13. Why do interns make the best Dungeons and Dragons players? They do it for the Experience.
  14. I work for the Big, International Non-Governmental Organization. And BINGO is its name-o.
  15. Today we celebrate international twins day. Because twins are people two.

Intern joke, Today we celebrate international twins day.

Amusing & Witty Intern Jokes for Laughter-Filled Fun

What funny jokes about intern you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean national jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make intern pranks.

An international school teacher asks a question: "What's your own opinion on food scarcity in other countries?"

**An African student:** What's food?
**A European student:** What's scarcity?
**An American student:** What are 'other countries'?
**A Chinese student:** What's 'my own opinion'?

My Internet is acting like a black guy

It doesn't work

Dr joke I just made up

A young medical intern was standing in a hospital hallway, looking flustered whilst try to examine a patients' CAT scan. Seeing his confusion, an older doctor came to see what the problem was. He saw that the intern was reading the scan upside down, and turned it around for him. Seeing that the young intern was embarrassed by his mistake, the doctor said, "don't feel embarrassed, lad, there's more than one way to skim a CAT."

An International School Teacher

...starts a lesson with her 4 students, who are an American kid, an African kid, a European kid and a Chinese kid. She asks "what's your opinion on food scarcity in other countries?"
first, the African kid asks "what's food?"
the European kid asks "what's scarcity?"
the American kid asks "what's other countries?"
and finally the Chinese kid asks "what's my own opinion?"

For you internet nerds!

I would tell you a UDP joke, but you might not get it.... I would tell you a TCP joke but I don't want to keep repeating it.

The internet is an amazing thing.

One minute I'm at work looking up
random pages, passing the time, the
next minute I'm at home looking for a new job.

My internet addiction is so bad...

Its alt of ctrl.

Why does internet explorer ask so many questions?

Because it's insecure. It has trust issues.

Did you know I have an international bathroom?

When you're heading there you're Russian
When you're in there European
and when you're done you're Finnish
*I'll show myself out*

What do internet pirates have on their legs?


My internet is so slow...


I'm currently working on a management oriented book focused on the delegation of tasks

"I'll have my secretary let you know when my intern finishes writing it." - Mr. Manager
Mrs. Team Lead

There was an International Job opening.

Two men applied, a Canadian man, and an American. After the test and the interview, they company decided to go with the Canadian man. The American with distraught asked why they decided to hire the Canadian and how he did in the interview and test. They said it was a very difficult decision because they both did equally well on the test and in the interview. The American was outraged. "THEN WHY DID YOU HIRE THE CANADIAN?!?." The manager then responded, "Well, you both did equally well in the interview, but the real problem was the test. You both got 9/10 on the test, but for question 10, the Canadian man put 'I don't know' and you put 'me neither.'"
Shout out to my Math Teacher for telling me this one.

Well, that's enough internet for the year.

see ya guys in a few days

What was the internet speed in Canada in the 1990's?


Internet went down last night

My neighbour added a password

My internet connection on my farm was be terrible until I moved the router in the horse barn.

Now I have stable WiFi.

I'm using Internet Explorer to post this, so it might be a bit delayed...

But there's a plane heading towards the twin towers right now.

I like my internet like I dislike my women.

Not going down on me.

Practical joke

An intern decided to play a practical joke on a patient husband. He went to the waiting room. "I'm afraid I have some very bad news" the intern said "your wife is going to be a vegetable. You will have to bath her, feed her and care for her the rest of her life". The husband said in tears "oh my God!". The intern laughed "no. No. I'm just kidding. She is dead"

Why is everyone in an Internet café hungry?

Server Not Found.

There are so many internet scams right now

Send me $19.99 and I will tell you how to avoid them all

What's the difference between a 19th century s**... and a 21st century unpaid intern?

No, seriously, I want to know.

Internet Explorer. The number one browser.....

For downloading other browsers.

An intern is "spanking it" in the laboratory.

A scientist walks into the lab and catches the intern. He is in shock. "What on Earth are you doing?" he asks. The intern does not stop. He takes notes with his other hand and watches the hydrogen ionize. The scientist comes to the conclusion that the intern and the hydrogen are meant for each other; they are both in the excited state.

Hello everyone. I'm using Internet explorer so I hope this gets out in time.

Happy New Year 2006

How many internet users does it take to change a light-bulb?

I dunno. Let's just sign a petition so that hopefully somebody will do it.

What did Montenegro's internet domain name say when it broke up with Yugoslavia?

It's not yu it's me.

American nuclear response time is around four minutes.

But eight minutes if you are using a cigar on a n**... intern.

International Contest

Great Britain and the USA are having a contest about who can mess up their country the most. Britain is leading, but the USA have a Trump card.

The internet is a scary place. It's dangerous to go alone! Take this

(It's a grain of salt)

An international conference was being held..

In which USA, North Korea, Europe and Africa were taking part.
The judge said,"I would like to hear your opinions about shortage of food in the rest of the world, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask us".
African president asked, "What is food?".
Europe asked, "What is Short?".
USA asked, "What is the rest of the world?".
North Korea asked, "What is Opinion?".

What was the internet technicians dying words?

Tell my WiFi love her

Thanks to the Internet

Everybody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

How did the international good shipment feel as it crossed the border?


The internet is so full of people making up fake stories for fake internet points that no one is giving any credit to the real heroes anymore...

Like me, who just yesterday beat up a volcano

The German consulate is in NYC for a big UN meeting...

The clock hits 12:30 and the meeting breaks for lunch. Being that he's in New York, the consulate requests to go out to lunch at a local Deli. An intern is charge with taking him out. As they are sitting and eating the consulate turns to the intern and exclaims,
"I have to admit, these bagels are really delicious! We don't have bagels like this in Germany."
"Well," the intern replies, "whose fault is that?"

The internet is like a choose your own adventure game

Where every adventure ultimately ends with me m**...

My internet stopped working for some time so I went out of my room to see my family

They were nice people

International Boundaries

An Englishman, lecturing on his travels, was speaking disparagingly about the Scots and French in Canada, and how they intermarried with the Indians. "You'll find," he said "quite a number of Scot & French half-breeds, but you will not find any English half-breeds."
A Scot in the audience shouted, "The Indians have to draw the line somewhere!"

My internet turned off for 5 minutes..

I met my family.. they were nice people.

I'm an internet hacker, when I'm not home I leave a sign on my door

'Gone phishing'

What international disaster occurred after someone dropped the Christmas dinner?

The downfall of Turkey, the overthrow of Greece and the destruction of China.

Internet explorer is the best web browser

For when you need to download Chrome and Firefox.

I like my internet like my water.


The internet pre 2008

where the women were men,
the men were boys,
and the children were FBI

Seen on the internet a couple years ago.

A guy driving a Tesla stops at a red light. A second guy comes up to his window and says "Nice Edison you're driving!" The driver, confused, looks at the man and says "You're mistaken, sir, this is a Tesla." The guy at the window says to the driver "You're the one who's mistaken, this IS an Edison."
Then he pulled out a gun and said "You see, it's about to be stolen."

There's an international multi-event competition for military spouses, but the same team wins every year.

The Swiss Army Wives.

It's International Women's Day today. I guess I should make some sort of sexist joke.

I'll have to simplify it for the women.

Don't believe everything you see on internet just because there is a famous person's name next to it.

-Abraham Lincoln

I got an internship job at a nudist camp

I'm doing it for the exposure

My internet connection and my diet are missing one thing in common...


Internet humor is so selfish

It's all about meme meme meme

Do you know what the internal temperature of a tauntaun is?

Luke warm
Seemed appropriate with all the Hoth stuff floating around.

On this international women's day I would like to say to all women everywhere

Thank you for your c**...

If Donald Trump had s**... with a White House intern

would they call him Bill of rights?

Why is the outside of the International Space Station so clean?

Because of the vacuum of space!

The internet ruined me

Thanks to the internet, I can no longer use the phrase lollygag in casual conversation.

What is the internal body temperature of a Tauntaun?

Luke warm

Why do seagulls live by the sea?

Because if the lived by the bay, they would be bagels.

My very quiet intern brought this in when I asked her to find a joke a day to share. She couldn't finish telling it without cracking up.

Why does Death's intern always follow his boss's orders?

Because he doesn't want to face any Reaper-percussions
Death in the corner: *Badum tsss*
*Oh no*

Two internet routers went on a date...

Then they went down on each other.

An international school teacher asks: What's your own honest opinion on food scarcity in other countries?

An African student responds: What's food?
A Western European student: What's scarcity?
An Eastern European student: What's honest?
A Chinese student: What's opinion?
A Russian student: What's your?
An American student: What's other countries?

The internet connection at my farm was terribly slow, so I moved my modem to the barn...

Now I have stable wifi.

An intern proudly greets his boss as she walks in the office...

"I took the pleasure of getting here early and doing a few tasks to help your day go smoother. I even pruned the ivy hanging on your wall."
She glared at him and stormed into her office and sure enough, almost half of the plant's leaves were in the garbage leaving the poor ivy looking pathetic. "What have you done!?! This plant is plastic!"
The intern smiled and said, "I don't think so, I did the same thing a few months ago and it grew back nice and full!"
The boss yelled, "NO IT DIDN'T! I BOUGHT A NEW ONE!"

The internet connection at my farm is really sketchy, so I moved the modem to the barn.

Now I have stable wifi.

My internet connection is a lot like my grandad

It's down most of the time, and even when it's up, it's shaky as h**... and we all know it's gonna go down again soon

Boat rental manager over loudspeaker: boat number 81, your two hour rental period is up, please return to the dock.

Boat rental intern to manager: uh, sir, we only have 60 boats.
Boat rental manager over loudspeaker: boat number 18, do you require assistance?

What does an Internet-addicted frog say?

Reddit reddit

As an internist, I always recommend that constipated patients eat more fiber, but with little success.

Apparently, they don't give a s**....

Internet arguments are like connect four

but you only have three pieces

Thanks to my internet service provider, I was finally able to read a book....

They had an outage

The internet will never stop making fun of those taking Ivermectin for Covid.

Because the internet loves to beat a dead horse.

An intern recently started working for an IT programming firm.

Everyday he went into work he was always harassed by his peers, they kept saying he was never being true always being false.
So I had to step in, I couldn't let them
keep Boolean him.

Internet discussion:

user kiki357: HEEEEY, HOW ARE YOU? I'M NEW HERE!
user ukili: Try pressing CapsLock.

My last internship interview

Interviewer: I hope you have manners. We sacked the last guy for disrespect. He compared me to a bird
Me: Wow, I can never do that ma
Interviewer: Good. So you're here for the mentorship program?
Me: Yes ma, take me under your wing
Interviewer: Get out of my office

Why are alligators' Internet connections so slow?

Because their modems are croco-dial up.

Intern joke, Why are alligators' Internet connections so slow?

jokes about intern