Interesting Jokes
136 interesting jokes and hilarious interesting puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about interesting that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Discover some of the most unusual and interesting jokes for students and conversationalists. Liven up any conversation with these fun and diverse jokes.
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Funniest Interesting Short Jokes
Short interesting jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The interesting humour may include short interested jokes also.
- My girlfriend borrowed $100 from me. After 3years, when we separated, she returned exactly $100. I lost Interest in that relationship.
- When a girl changes her clothes in front of you, she's either really interested or you're level 99 friend-zoned Or she hasn't spotted you in the tree yet
- I need to re-home a dog. It's a small terrier, and tends to bark a lot. If you're interested, let me know and I'll jump over next door's fence and get it for you.
- To the women who say "Men are only interested in one thing" Have you ever considered being more interesting?
- Yo girl, are you a zero APR loan? Because I don't really understand your terms and you keep saying you have no interest.
- Two guys are playing chess. One says to the other, "How about we make this more interesting?"
So they stop playing chess. - I loaned $200 to my girlfriend 5 years ago. She returned exactly $200 after we separated. I lost interest in that relationship
- What's a gay man's favorite planet? Earth, most likely. Unless he's personally interested in space exploration, in which case he might say Mars.
- The movie titanic turns 25 later this year. In related news, Leonardo DiCaprio said he is no longer interested in seeing it.
- A blind man walks into a library and asks, "Do you have any books on tape?" The librarian says, "Yes, yes we do, but it's not a very interesting subject."
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Interesting One Liners
Which interesting one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with interesting? I can suggest the ones about relevant and nice.
- Roy Moore is no longer interested in this year.. Because it's officially '18
- A cute girl winked at me She must be extra interested because she winked with both eyes.
- Why don't archeologists get married? They are only interested in dating.
- I used to be a banker... But I lost interest.
- I used to like banking... ... But then I lost interest.
- Now that the movie Titanic is 25 years old Leo has completely lost interest in it.
- Why wasn't the archaeologist interested in girls? Because he only dated mummies.
- How is God just like every other man? If you're not on your knees, he's not interested.
- A banker broke up with his girlfriend... He lost interest.
- Why did the banker dump his girlfriend? He lost interest.
- What does the most interesting man in the world eat for breakfast? Dos Eggies
- Looking to play a game of D&D. If anyone is interested, please DM me
- Would anyone be interested in being my companion? Asking for a friend.
- My wife is like a new credit card. 0% interest for 12 months.
- Quit my banking job this morning I lost interest
Interesting Facts Jokes
Here is a list of funny interesting facts jokes and even better interesting facts puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Reddit, no matter how much I love cake... ...I would never dessert you.
- Learnt an interesting fact today..... If you spell "Absolutely Nothing" backwards, you get "Gnihton Yletulosba" which actually means......... ........... Absolutely Nothing!!
- Husband: Tell me an interesting fact that will make me happy and sad at the same time. Wife: Yours is bigger than all your friends.
- Interesting fact: the sun makes up 99.86% of the solar system's mass! The rest is your mama
- Interesting fact: T-Shirt is short for Tyrannosaurus Shirt… Because of the short arms.
- Just read an interesting fact-Bruce Lee had a vegan brother Broco Lee
- An interesting fact about Darth Vader He's got a good poker face
- I learned an interesting fact about the Titanic today The swimming pools on it are still full of water.
- I told my daughter an interesting cat fact. If you drop any cat it will fall at 32-feet per second squared. She immediately replied, "That's a rumor started by dogs."
- I have an interesting fact about Snow White... Did you guys know that 6/7 dwarves from Snow White are not happy?
Pretty Interesting Jokes
Here is a list of funny pretty interesting jokes and even better pretty interesting puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Some say Thor's dad is a pretty interesting guy I say he's Odinary
- I got slapped in the face for asking a girl if she was interested in one night stand. Pretty rude, considering I was going to give her a discount on it as well.
- I read an interesting article about the Titanic today. It was pretty deep.

Playful Interesting Jokes to Add Joy and Laughter to Your Group
What funny jokes about interesting you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean cool jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make interesting pranks.
"How long should my essay be?"
Back in high school I was in an english class and a fellow student asked the teacher how long our essays should be.
He responded saying, "As long as a girl's skirt: long enough to cover everything that needs to be covered, but short enough to keep me interested."
A man goes to his Rabbi
"Rabbi, I think my wife is trying to poison me!"
"Very interesting," says the Rabbi. "Let me go and talk to her and see what I can find out."
A few hours later the Rabbi calls the man up.
"I've spent several hours speaking with your wife," he says.
"What should I do?" the man asked.
"Take the poison."
A Kentucky Fried Chicken lobbyist meets with the Pope.
He offers a donation of ten million dollars to the church if the Pope agrees to change the words in the Lord's Prayer from give us this day our daily bread to give us this day our daily chicken
The Pope apologizes and says he is not interested.
100 million dollars , says the KFC rep.
Again the Pope shakes his head and explains that these words are sacred.
One billion dollars. This is our final offer.
After some consideration of the sum of the donation that the church is about to receive, the Pope reluctantly agrees to the deal. He then returned to the Vatican and called a meeting of all the Cardinals.
I have good news and bad news, the Pontiff said. The good news is, I have managed to secure a donation of one billion dollars to our church. The bad news is, we've lost the Wonder Bread account.
Do you drink beer?
Man: Yes
How many beers a day?
Usually about 3
How much do you pay per beer?
Man: $5.00 which includes a tip
And how long have you been drinking?
About 20 years, I suppose
So a beer costs $5 and you have 3 beers a day which puts your spending each
month at $450. In one year, it would be approximately $5400 correct?
If in 1 year you spend $5400, not accounting for inflation, the past 20
years puts your spending at $108,000, correct?
Do you know that if you didn't drink so much beer, that money could have
been put in a step-up interest savings account and after accounting for
compound interest for the past 20 years, you could have now bought a Ferrari?
Do you drink beer?
Where's your Ferrari?
I wanted to major in reverse psychology.
My dream school turned me down.
So I wrote them back and told them I wasn't even interested in their s**... program. They sent me a diploma.
I told my boss 3 companies were after me and I needed a raise to stay at my present job.
He asked which 3 were interested. I said the gas, electric and cable.
Women are alot like continents.
At various times in her life, a woman is like the continents of the world. From 13 to 18, she's like Africa- v**... territory. From 18 to 30, she's like Asia- hot and exotic. From 30 to 45, she's like America- fully explored and free with her resources. From 45 to 55, she's like Europe- exhausted, but not without places of interest. From 55 onwards, she's like Australia- everybody knows it's down there, but nobody cares.
Interesting accents!
3 hefty women walk into a restaurant, and sit down at a table. The server comes to take their drink orders. When they're done ordering he says, "What an interesting accent! Are you broads from Scotland?"
One woman looks at him with surprise and disgust and says, "WALES!"
The bartender says, "Okay, fine. Are you whales from Scotland?"
Ever since I've downloaded Adblock, all the single girls in my area seem to have lost interest...
I told my boss I needed a raise to stay at work because there are three different companies showing interest in me...
He asked me which companies and I told him, "The gas, electric, and cable ones"
I asked my professor how long my paper should be. He said it should be like a woman's skirt...
Long enough to cover the subject but short enough to be interesting.
A friend and I were playing chess, and we wanted to make things interesting.
So we stopped playing chess.
s**... after Surgery
A recent article in the Dominion Post reported that a woman has sued Wellington Hospital, saying that after her husband had surgery there, he lost all interest in s**....
A hospital spokesman replied: "Your husband was admitted for cataract surgery. All we did was correct his eyesight!"
Why did Adolf h**... hate math class?
He didn't like showing his work; was only interested in the final solution.
A drunk man
A drunk man is questioned by a police officer at midnight, asked where he is going at this time of night.
The man replies, "I am going to attend a lecture on alcohol a**... & ill effects on my health."
Officer: Really....??? Sounds interesting, Who is giving that lecture at this time of night.....???"
Man: "My Wife"!!!
If you want to know if a girl is into you, look at her feet.
If they point away from you she's not interested, if they're behind her ears she's very interested.
A joke told by an old man.
I was speaking to an old man at the grocery store yesterday when he told me something interesting about the olden days of america.
Old man: Son, back in the day my mother could give me a dollar and I could run to the store and get myself a candy bar and a soda pop, and still have money left over to buy the milk my mom asked me to get.
Me: s**... you can not do that today!
Oldman: Yeah, I know son! Now a days, there is just way to much security . . .
Euro 2016
Hi! I've got 2 tickets for the final of Euro 2016 but forgot that it's on the same day as my wedding so I can't go.
If you are interested and want to go instead of me ...
... It's at St. Nicholas' Church, Brighton and she's called Jane.
The Artist
An artist asked the gallery owner if there had been any interest in her paintings that were on display. "Well, I have good news and bad news," the owner responded. "The good news
is that a gentleman noticed your work and wondered if it would appreciate in value after your death. I told him it would and he bought all 10 of your paintings."
"That's wonderful," the artist exclaimed. "What's the bad news?"
"The gentleman was your doctor."
I have two tickets to the 2017 Superbowl, but I'm getting married that day so I can't go.
If you're interested in going in my place, the wedding is at St. Peter's church and her name is Laura.
Ever since I installed Adblocker Plus things haven't been going so well..
All of a sudden chicks in my area are no longer interested in me.
My brother and I were playing chess, and I said to him 'care to make this interesting?' He said 'sure'.
So we stopped playing chess.
An English class is writing an essay
One of the students asks how long the essay should be.
The teacher responds, "Like a skirt. Long enough to cover the subject, but short enough to keep me interested".
A man walks into a bar..
...and sees a gorgeous woman nursing a drink. Walking up behind her he says: "Hi there, good lookin'. How's it going?" Having already downed a few power drinks, she turns around, faces him, looks him straight in the eye and says: "Listen up, buddy. I screw anybody, anytime, anywhere, your place, my place, in the car, front door,back door, on the ground, standing up, sitting down, n**... or with clothes on,dirty, clean... It just doesn't matter to me. I've been doing it ever since I got out of college and I just flat-a**... love it." Eyes now wide with interest, he responds: "No kidding. I'm a lawyer too. What firm are you with?"
A police officer jumps into his squad car and calls the station...
"I have an interesting case here," he said. "A woman just shot her husband for stepping on the floor she just mopped."
"Have you arrested her?" asks the sergeant,
"No, not yet. The floors still wet."
How to get free internet @ home
I live in an apartment complex so I have neighbors left to right and below me. One day I asked my neighbor if he was interested in splitting the cost of my wifi 50/50 so he could also use it. He agreed. I went on to my other neighbor downstairs and asked him the same thing. Now both my neighbors are paying for my wifi.
A woman giddily asks her husband...
"Honey, if you could pick any number to represent me, what would it be?"
"Pi," said the husband.
"Oh!" she replied "That's interesting. Does it have something to do with circles?"
"No," he said. "But Pi is irrational, darling."
A man auditioned for a talent show
A man auditioned for a talent show and when he walked on to the stage the judge asked him what was his talent. The man replied "I do bird impressions".The judge said "Thats not something we would be interested in". The man said "Thats ok" and flew out the window.
One by one, all of my best friends have started to become interested in men as well as women.
So I'm just sitting here, watching the world go bi.
Lenin in Warsaw
A Soviet filmmaker makes a film called Lenin in Warsaw. Everybody shows up for the premiere. The film opens—on Lenin's wife, Krupskaya, n**..., having mad s**... with another man. And then another. And another. And so on. The film continues in the same vein for ninety minutes.
Finally, the lights come up and the director takes questions from the audience.
First question: Very interesting movie, comrade, but—where was Lenin?
The director answers: In Warsaw.
I might not get many upvotes for this joke about high-yield savings accounts...
But it won't be for lack of interest.
I think it's interesting how people sleep differently
I usually sleep on my back, my brother sleeps on his stomach, and my ex sleeps with half of this town
I went to the doctor today...
He had me take off my clothes and put on a gown so he could complete a full physical. I was worried I would be receiving a prostate exam. Anyways, he walked back in and had me pull my gown up for the ole turn your head and cough check. When I did he took one look at me and said, "Very interesting....You have got to stop m**...." I asked why, he said, "Because I'm trying to examine you."
Ever since I got Pornhub Premium local women in my area haven't been interested in me.
Help what do I do?
I asked my biology teacher how he makes his class so interesting
He told me: s**... cells.
If anyone is interested, I'll be signing books today at Barnes & Noble from 6 pm...
until I'm removed by security.
Man: Hey sir! Could I interest you in a microscope?
Customer: No thanks, I'd have no use.
Man: Here is my business card in case you ever do!
Customer: I can't read this, it's too small!
Man: Boy have I got the product for you!
I'm introducing my girlfriend to my parents for the first time tonight
I told my girlfriend my parents were partially deaf, so she has to speak loud and slow. I told my parents my girlfriend is r**........this should be an interesting night.
Ok now that all the nerds are gone, there's a party going on at my place this Saturday. hmu if you're interested.
It's interesting how different a US president looks at the end of their presidency. Obama had gray hair. Bush had a bunch of wrinkles..
At the end of JFKs presidency, half of his head was missing.
A woman opens up a stand near the train station selling apples for 1$
Each day, the same man walks over to the stand, leaves a 1$, but doesnt take any apples. This went on for an entire year, until one day, the man left a dollar and was about to leave but the woman grabbed him by the hand. The man says: "I see you are finally interested why I keep leaving a dollar but not buying any apples well-" The woman cuts him off: "No I am not the least bit interested, apples now cost 2$ instead of one".
There was a family of moles underground.
They were just relaxing down there when the father mole pokes his head out the hole and says wow, I smell sugar . The mother mole is interested so she pokes her head out the hole and exclaims wow I smell glucose! Then the mother mole calls her son over and he says holy cow I smell fructose! The sister mole wants to catch a whiff of the smell and climbs to the hole. Sadly the hole is clogged by her family and she said all I smell is molasses
My dad once told me that essays are like bikinis ...
Big enough to cover the subject, but small enough to keep it interesting.
A man goes to a psychiatrist and says "You gotta help. I think I'm a dog!"
The psychiatrist says "That's very interesting, why don't you go ahead and lie down on the couch. The man responds "I'm not allowed on the couch."
My girlfriend borrowed 200$ from me when we met. 4 years later, when we broke up, she gave me exactly 200$ back.
I lost interest in that relationship.
Purchased Vs. Homemade
Six year old Annie returns home from school and says she had her first family planning lesson at school.
Her mother, very interested, asks; "How did it go?" "I nearly died of shame!" she answers.
"Sam from over the road, says that the stork brings babies.
Sally next door said you can buy babies at the orphanage.
Pete in my class says you can buy babies at the hospital."
Her mother answers laughingly, "But that's no reason to be ashamed."
"No, but I can't tell them that we were so poor that you and daddy had to make me yourselves! that I was HOMEMADE."
Since I've installed Adblock Plus
All the girls in my area suddenly lost their interest in me.
Before i die im going to eat a whole bag of un-poped popcorn
Hopefully it will make the cremation a bit more interesting
The cleaning lady at work asked if I wanted to smoke a J with her
I declined because I'm not interested in high maintenance women
Professor X to JK Rowling:
Professor X: "What's your power?"
JK Rowling: "I can rewrite the past of fictional characters."
Gay Professor X: "Interesting."
Two beautiful women approached me at the bar and asked if I'd be interested in a t**.... I had to decline...
If I wanted to disappoint two people at the same time, I'd just go out to dinner with my parents.
Whats you father's occupation?
Asked the school secretary, filling in the forms at the start of the academic year. "He's a magician," said the small boy. "How interesting! What's his favorite trick? "Sawing people in half." "Really? Now, next question. Any brothers or sisters?' "Yes, one half brother and two half-sisters."
Stastistics are like bikinis.
What they reveal is interesting; what they hide is critical
Little 8-year-old Nancy was in the garden filling in a hole when her neighbour peered over the fence. Interested in what the youngster was doing, he asked: What are you doing there, Nancy?
My goldfish died, Nancy sobbed. And I've just buried him.
The obnoxious neighbour laughed and said condescendingly: That's a really big hole for a little goldfish, don't you think?
Nancy patted down the last heap of earth with her shovel and replied: That's because he's inside your cat.
The Artist
An artist asked the gallery owner if there had been any interest in his paintings which were on display.
''I have good news and bad news'' the owner replied.
''The good news is that a gentleman enquired if your paintings will increase in value after your death. When I told them they would, he bought all the 15 paintings hanging here!''
''That's wonderful!'' the artist exclaimed, ''What's the bad news?''
''The bad news is that the guy was your doctor''
A patient walks into an optometrist's office.
The optometrist starts the eye exam and casually asks her if there's any particular reason she came in for a checkup.
"Doctor, I think am having hallucinations. Every time I open my eyes, I see really dark things. Evil. Malice. Hatred. Plague. I am seeing the worst in everything. Nothing looks like it used to. It's as if everything I see is shrouded in darkness."
The optometrist sits back from the patient, confused.
"That's interesting," he said, "because from what I can tell, you see 20/20."
A charity worker stopped me in the street and asked if I was interested in taking part in a marathon.
I was going to decline but he told me it was for disabled kids and children with severe learning difficulties. I thought "d**..., I might actually win this".
I'd like to cancel my subscription to 2021
I've experienced the 7 day trial and I'm not interested
Anybody interested in a free ride in a helicopter for 4 people? I'm still looking for 2 more adults to join me and my wife.
We leave early Saturday morning (Feb 6th) from New York and will fly to Boston , where we will have breakfast, then have lunch on a friend's yacht.
Then we'll do a flight along the coast, up to Cape Elizabeth returning to Boston for dinner, then fly back home. If interested, please message me.
Preferably someone with a helicopter and yacht, otherwise we can't go.
A dog walks into the unemployment office..
"I need a job." He said, in perfect English.
Surprised, the clerk says "I'm sure the circus would be very interested in you. Shall I contact them?"
"If you like." Replied the dog. "But why would the circus need an architect?"
A man is told the local bank offers mortgages with no interest
The man enters the bank.
Man: I'm here to find out about the mortgage
Employee: I don't really care.