
Intent Jokes

38 intent jokes and hilarious intent puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about intent that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Intent Short Jokes

Short intent jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The intent humour may include short attempt jokes also.

  1. Russia is reportedly seizing Apple's assets in Russia with the intent to make a new vehicle. They plan to call it the iVan.
  2. Kim Jung Un responds to why he doesn't let people leave North Korea. Kim Jung Un has said "The intent is to provide people with a sense of pride and accomplishment for escaping North Korea"
  3. My dad always told me that if a bee is bothering you, stare at it intently instead of trying to swat it. Because ….seeing is bee leaving.
  4. Did you hear about the new minting machine that produces coins only if you focus intently on it? It makes cents if you think about it.
  5. Remember, men, when your wife declares her intention to learn how to drive, Don't stand in her way.
  6. Donald Trump says that he plans to reduce inflation. Shortly after, Tom Brady announced his intent to vote for Trump.
  7. A man sees a blonde girl staring intently at a ice cube in her hand The man asks the girl why she's staring at the ice cube and she responds, "I'm trying to figure out where it's leaking from."
  8. What is the difference between stabbing a man and killing a hog? One is assaulting with intent to kill; the other is killing with intent to salt.
  9. Hey, girl... Are you a cell phone? 'Cause I could stare at you all day...
    (I am ashamed to admit that intentionally bad pickup lines are my specialty.)
  10. I intentionally left my cell phone at home when I went to visit the Vatican for the first time But somehow I still incurred massive Roman charges.

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Intent One Liners

Which intent one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with intent? I can suggest the ones about inter and purpose.

  1. What do you call it when Al Capone goes camping? Criminal intent.
  2. I hate dolphins... ...for all intents and porpoises.
  3. Only one man has ever entered parliament with honest intentions... ... Guy Fawkes
  4. What is the difference between intentionally and by mistake? The presence of a witness.
  5. If ISIS would really like the world to know their intentions.. they should kill a lion
  6. What do you call a trespassing camper? Criminal intent
  7. What do you get if a convict goes camping? Criminal Intent.
  8. How was Boy Scout camp? Intents
  9. The last person to enter parliament with honest intentions was Guy Fawkes.
  10. What's the action like at a circus? In-tents.
  11. I do all my own stunts But never intentionally.
  12. How did the extreme campers describe their living conditions? Intents!
  13. Opportunity, Motive and Intent Could-ah, Should-ah, Would-ah.
  14. Why was the serial killer intentionally bad at bowling? He preferred to gut her.
  15. How does a quarterback discipline his kids? Intentional Grounding

Intent joke, How does a quarterback discipline his kids?

Loads of Fun with Charming Humor Intent Jokes

What funny jokes about intent you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean vent jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make intent pranks.

Medical School Entrance Exam...

When I was young (100 yrs. Ago) and my intent was to go to medical school, the entrance exam included several questions that would determine eligibility.

One of the questions was "Rearrange the letters P N E S I to spell out an important part of the human body that is more useful when e**...."

Those who spelled "SPINE" became Doctors. The rest ended up in Congress.

My girlfriend asked me if I would take a bullet for her

I said of course I would!

But if the intent was so that I could finally die or to actually protect her is a whole 'nother conversation

What do you call a m**... who goes camping?

Criminal intent

Wife asks her man a serious question one day...

It was a beautiful morning, however wife had a serious question to ask her husband.
"Babe", she reckoned. "If I die tomorrow, how will you be affected by my death?"
Husband did not question the intent behind asking such a question, indeed he was smart.
"Babe, if I lose you, I'll become a madman, I'd drive myself CRAZY !", he reckoned.
Feeling satisfied with his response, she further questioned, "So you wouldn't marry someone else once I'm gone is it?"
"I don't know babe, a CRAZY man could do anything", he replied.

So I hear EA has removed all refund options from their website, and now customers have to call them directly. But hey:

"The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment from successfully navigating our automated phone menu."

In 1985, new wave band, A-Ha, wrote a song for a new broadway version of Peter Pan that was never used. In the musical, Tinkerbell was supposed to sing to Peter, urging him to try and fight Captain Hook's right hand man with the intent of demoralizing Hook and his pirate crew...

Taaaaake oooooon Smeeeee

How did the private eye use math to find the intent of the crime?

He solved for y!
Thought this one up myself and thought it was post worthy

A man broke into a convent one day, intent on kidnapping a nun.

Bursting through the door, he swept the first nun he saw off her feet and threw her over his shoulder. Police arrive on the scene just as the kidnapper escaped through the front door.
The first cop shouted What the h**..., man as the kidnapper fled on foot, nun over his shoulder.
No offense, the kidnapper responded as he ran away.
Nun taken! the officer reported into his radio.

a man was in court, as he was accused of cannibalism…

The Jury was bought by the accusers claims and was ready for the session to be over, however due to formalities the judge was obligated to allow the dfendant one last shot.
His lawyer, realizing the terrible situation, stared at the judge with an intent look and said, If you are what you eat, my client is in fact an innocent man

My girlfriend was so intent on going shopping for a dress that she wouldn't even think about seeing a movie.

I swear, she's such a clothes-minded person sometimes.

When he was arrested, the mafioso was intent on not ratting anyone out. But he had ebola, so...

...he spilled his guts to the cops.

Intentionally or not, g**... are the only people fighting overpopulation and it's time for everyone else to join the fight. But first...

Why do internet service providers try to end Net Neutrality every few years?

The intent is to provide citizens with a sense of pride and accomplishment in fighting for their rights.

I was arrested on my last camping trip.

I was sleeping with intent.

Intent joke, I was arrested on my last camping trip.