
Intensity Jokes

26 intensity jokes and hilarious intensity puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about intensity that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Intensity Short Jokes

Short intensity jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The intensity humour may include short intense jokes also.

  1. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120... Don't bother me. My work here is intense.
  2. EA Games and Ubisoft walk into a bar... Act now and for just $49.99 you too can experience the intensity and originality of this punchline!
  3. I tried to do an intense workout that involved 500 sit ups per day But my body couldn't take the ab use
  4. After decades of intense research, scientists have finally figured out what a woman wants Unfortunately, she's since changed her mind.
  5. How are women and tsunamis similar? At first things are wet and intense, then you lose your house.
  6. Jesus and Muhammad were having an intense debate about which of their religions is stronger. My faith moved mountains, exclaimed Jesus.
    Yes, agreed Muhammad, but mine moved skyscrapers.
  7. As the finances of rishi sunak’s wife come under intense media scrutiny, Boris Johnson says if everyone could keep talking about it until about January that’d be great.
  8. Sometimes I just like to switch off I think that's why I lost my job in the Intensive Care Unit
  9. My family have been doing a collective workout challenge. It was tough at first, very intense. As of this weekend though I can say we've collectively lost 80kg....
    ...or, Grandad.
  10. A man was brought to a hospital with heavily fractured bones. The doctor in the intensive care unit asks him, "Are you married?"
    "No, I've been run over by a truck."

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Intensity One Liners

Which intensity one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with intensity? I can suggest the ones about concentration and voltage.

  1. The number 10210... Is too intense.
  2. I don't like camping with just one other person. It's just too intense.
  3. I struggle with an intense fear of becoming disabled It's crippling
  4. I can cut wood in half by looking at it intensely. I saw it with my own eyes.
  5. What do you call an intense love of math? Calculust.
  6. Did you hear about the circus fire? It was intense
  7. I dated this girl who was only hot when we went camping She was pretty intense
  8. I went camping recently. It was intense.
  9. Which anion has an ​​intense dislike of itself? Sulfate
  10. I've never been a fan of dramas. But the series finale of America is intense!
  11. Which unit describes the intensity of light in South Africa? Nelson Candela
  12. The past, the present and the future got into a fight. It was pretty intense.
  13. They say having a kid is a lot of work But having twins is labor-intensive
  14. "Donald is intensely loyal. To family, friends, employees, country." -His 3rd wife
  15. You know what's intense? Camping

Intensity joke, You know what's intense?

Laughter Intensity Jokes for Everyone for Fun and Frivolity

What funny jokes about intensity you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean integrity jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make intensity pranks.

Dolphin joke...made it up myself today. :)

An aquarium guide brought a group of visitors around to see the dolphins, which were split up into two tanks. In the first tank the dolphins were all having fun, playing around with a beach ball. In the second tank the dolphins were training, working hard on a new trick. One of the visitors asked the guide, "So is this tank for the more serious dolphins?" The guide said, "Yes, for all intensive porpoises."

I stared intensely as my neighbour removed the red dress, then the bra, then the silk underwear.

"Oo yeah," I whispered to myself, as I looked through my telescope, "you keep emptying that washing machine, baby."

I lost my watch at a party.

After some intensive searching through the crowd, I spotted it lying on the floor. There was a guy standing on it. When I looked up, I saw the guy harassing a girl, touching her at all the wrong places. She obviously didn't approve. So I walked over there and punched this guy in the face. Nobody treats girls like that. Not on my watch.

Woman: Doctor, my husband wants intense s**... all day. What can i give him?

Doctor: My number

A son and his Dad have an intense argument and the son storms off, furious.

Before he gets out of earshot of his father, he yells "Jim Morrison was a terrible singer and an uninspired artist who never did anything worthwhile".
His father cannot believe this insolence, and screams at the top of his lungs "As long as you live in this house, you will never, EVER SLAM THE DOORS"

Golf lessons

A young woman has been taking golf lessons. She has just started playing her first round of golf when she suffers a bee sting. The pain is so intense she decides to return to the clubhouse.
Her golf pro sees her come into the clubhouse and asks, "why are you back so early? What's wrong?"
"I was stung by a bee"
"where?" he asks.
"between the first and second hole," she replies.
He nods knowingly and says, "apparently your stance is too wide."

A solar panel, a wind turbine and a hydro dam are all getting to know each other.

'What kind of music are you into?' asks the dam.
'I'm into trance', replies the solar panel.
'Ooh, too intense for me', dam says, 'I much prefer classical melodies, maybe a little 60s soul at the weekends.'
'What about you Mr Turbine? What are you into?'
'Me?' He replies, 'I'm a huge metal fan.'

I got a call from my brother the other day...

I found out he was diagnosed with an intense fear of wanting to have s**... with other men; Homonymphobia. Which really freaked me out because I have a fear of words that sound the same but mean different things.

Stop me if you've heard this one...

A young woman was taking golf lessons and had just started playing her first round of golf when she suffered a bee sting. Her pain was so intense that she decided to return to the clubhouse for medical assistance. The golf pro saw her heading back and said, You are back early, what's wrong? I was stung by a bee! she said. Where? he asked. Between the first and second hole. she replied. He nodded and said, Your stance is far too wide.

I realised at the last minute that i forgot my protective goggles at the nuclear test facility this morning. My line manager saved my vision and shielded me from the intense light!

He's my super visor

Intensity joke, I realised at the last minute that i forgot my protective goggles at the nuclear test facility this