
Int Jokes

9 int jokes and hilarious int puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about int that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Confused by 4chan INT Runtime errors? or just need some fresh jokes in your life? Check out this article to learn the basics of the 4chan INT Runtime and to get a few chuckles in. Read on to get the scoop on why var errors happen and how you can enjoy a few laughs along the way.

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Gather Around for Fun Int Jokes and Laughter with Friends

What is a good int joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

A young black boy walks int to kitchen ...

There he dumps a pound of flour on himself, he goes to his mother and says, " look! I'm a white boy!" His mother slaps him in the mouth and says, "go tell your Father what you jst said!" The boy goes to his fAther and says, " look! I'm a white boy!" His father takes him over his leg and spanks him hard. Then the father asked," okay son , now what have you learned?" The looks at him and says," I've only been a white boy for 8 minutes now an I already hate you black people!"

[Programmer Joke] Why did the int drown?

Because he couldn't float! (Insert laughter here)

I made a program to generate puns, but I stored them in the wrong type of variable

No pun int. Ended

2,147,483,647 bottles of beer on the wall, 2,147,483,647 bottles of beer. Take one down and pass it around

Error: Int overflow

How do you tell a programmer from a DnD player?

Ask them to complete the list: int, char, str...

How do programmers get a sixpack?

int[][] abs = new int[2][3]

I've been programming for ten years, but I keep learning new things. For example:

for (int i = 0; true; i++) {
// this is a for example

I'm writing a movie, its about an hour

One Mississippi, two Mississippi....
I've only written the first two lines so far.

Why couldn't Jesus play int he match opposing Jerusalem to Nazareth?

Because he was suspended.

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