Insect Jokes
115 insect jokes and hilarious insect puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about insect that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Everyone loves a good laugh! Check out this collection of insect jokes guaranteed to keep you giggling. Read on for punchlines about crickets, bites, kids, stick insects, flies, beetles and more. Get ready to have your funny-bone tickled with this collection of insect jokes!
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Funniest Insect Short Jokes
Short insect jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The insect humour may include short mosquito jokes also.
- I used to hang out with a guy who crossbred insects... But I got sick of his crazy ant ticks.
- Why did the polar bears on noah's Ark hang out near the insects? They were looking for the ark tick.
- What's the Priest of an insect church? A Praying mantis.
Yes I thought of this joke, no im not sorry. - Known as the "one-day insect" the Mayfly has the shortest lifespan of all organisms... But it still lives longer than my headphones.
- What did the pink panther have all over his house after he fumigated for insects? dead ants... dead ants... dead ants, dead ants, dead ants, dead ants, dead aaaaantsss
- I've developed an app with information about insects, but it keeps getting bad reviews in App Store …
People say it has a lot of bugs? - I got caught smuggling insects I was anxious. My heart began to race and I had butterflies in my stomach.
- Jello has created a product that deters insects. It's very effective, but the flavor is OFF-pudding.
- I met a guy who cross-bred insects... ...he was alright at first, but I soon tired of his ant-ticks.
- I'm working on a fitness routine for insects. It's going well, but I'm still trying to work out the bugs.
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Insect One Liners
Which insect one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with insect? I can suggest the ones about bed bugs and beetle.
- Hey, Gandalf! What's your favourite kind of insect? FLY, YOU FOOLS!
- What is Russia's most secretive insect? Cagey Bee.
- I'll tell you what's a dangerous insect... ....That Hepatitis Bee
- What do you get if you crossbreed a rabbit with an insect? Bugs Bunny
- What do you call an insect that used to drive people around for money? Exuberant
- Imagine winning the 100m butterfly... What would you do with such a big insect?
- what did the optometrist say to the tiny Australian insect? "good eye, mite"
- I hate insect puns. They bug me.
- What do you call insects on the moon? Lunatics
- I'm really fed up of those insects that worship their Queen. Sycophants.
- What do you call an insect that is into electronic music? A house fly.
- What kind of insects to secret agents like? (as told by my 9 yr old) Spiders.
- How do they kill unwanted insects in the hungarian capital? With Budapesticide.
- I did pretty well in my insect catching exam... I got a bee.
- What do you call a group of 10 insects that live in a housing complex? Tenants
Fly Insect Jokes
Here is a list of funny fly insect jokes and even better fly insect puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- I was in the kitchen when a flying insect came through the window and exploded I think it was a jihaddy longlegs
- I walked into the biology lab and saw my lab partner dissecting an insect. I told him, "I think your fly is open."
- Why did the Insect MMA manager get nervous? His fly was down.
- I love insect jokes I can make them on the fly
- (OC) What kind of insect always flies back to you? A frisbee.
- The surgeon really did not know how to perform quick surgeries on insects... ...but he did one on the fly.
- Which African Dictator extorts flying insects Robert Mug-a-bee
- Waiter, waiter, there's a fly in my soup! Calm down sir, it's the near future and insects are our only sustainable protein source.
(cautionary joke) - A flying insect exploded in my kitchen ... it must of been a jihaddy longlegs.
- Today I heard about a specific set of insects that appreciate a good directional indicator. Apparently, time flies like an arrow.
Also, fruit flies like a banana.
Insect Cricket Jokes
Here is a list of funny insect cricket jokes and even better insect cricket puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- I just made a joke about the EU's decision to allow insects in food. [crickets]

Insect Bite Jokes
Here is a list of funny insect bite jokes and even better insect bite puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- I was talking to some insects about my feet. I think they're pretty big, but mosquitos think they're bite-sized.
- Proventative measures for preventing disease from biting insects Don't bite them.
Insect Kid Jokes
Here is a list of funny insect kid jokes and even better insect kid puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- I saw a bunch of insect larva on my porch You've got to bee kidding me!

Gather Around for Heartwarming Insect Jokes and Uplifting Humor
What funny jokes about insect you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean cockroach jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make insect pranks.
What kind of insect is good at math?
An account-ant
Several insects dancing in a pen, what is the name of the movie?
In The Pen Dance Day
What do you call a Hungarian insect who won't leave siddhartha alone?
A Buddha-pest.
What do you call an insect who is very c**...?
Do you know what really bugs me?
Insect puns
What do you call an insect that talks under its breath?
A mumble bee
I told the insect I knew he used to be part of an elite military unit
he was exuberant
What did the confused alphabet say to the buzzing insect?
O... I C, U R A B!
... I'll show myself out.
which 2 insects are the most foolish?
Which is the only insect that needs to wear shoes?
"Doctor, doctor I keep seeing a spinning insect out of the corner of my eye..."
Doctor says "it's nothing it's just a bug going round."
What do you call an insect that gets exposed to radiation but nothing of consequence happens to it?
A moot ant
What happens when an illiterate insect becomes enlightened?
Shopping for insect repellent spray is so s**.......
I always get Off.
What do you call an eight-legged insect holding a magnifying glass?
A spy, duh.
An insect just flew into my bedroom and exploded.
I think it was a Jihaddy Long Legs.
What's the difference between a bug and an insect?
Judging by Table 5's reactions, not a lot.
What do you call an insect on your family tree?
An ANT-cestor.
What does a large pink cat and a deceased insect have in common?
Dead ant, dead ant,
Dead ant, dead ant, dead ant, dead ant, dead ant dead annnnt....
Who do insects pray to?
The antichrist.
What do you call a small insect that likes to download things illegally off the internet?
A Tor-ant
Which insects are the most passionate?
What would you call a bloodsucking insect that is part of a middle eastern religion?
A mosque-ito!
Did you know that fireflies are the smartest insect?
They're the brightest one.
Did you hear about the insect living in a brief case?
He flew off the handle when I tried to swat him.
insecticide kills mosquitoes
Son: "Is this insecticide good for mosquitoes?"
Dad: "Not at all, it kills them!"
What do you call a undead yellow and black striped Insect...
a Zombee.
What do you call an insect that brings goods into the country?
An important!
What do you call a wary Russian insect?
Cagey Bee
Which insect has great hair?
An ear-wig!
What do you call a s**... insect?
A w**...-net
Did you hear about the insect transport plane that crashed into the Duct factory?
Don't worry, it's all caught on tape
Who are the bookkeepers of the insect world?
Account ants.
Why did Professor X take on an insect as a student when it couldn't talk?
Because it was a mute ant.
What is the gassiest insect?
A flatul ant!
What do you call it when an insect has a hardware f**...?
A butterfly nut.
A fruit, an insect, and a Chinese surname walk into a bar.
Well, a pear, ant, lee.
What do you call a black and yellow insect that isn't overly confident in itself?
A humblebee.
What do you call an insect in a Muslim place of worship?
A mosque-ito!
What is a muslims favourite insect?
A mosquito.
I was in the kitchen today when...
An insect flew around my head and towards the window, as it hit the window it exploded! I think it was one of those Jihaddy Long Legs
What do you call an insect who is in trouble with the law?
A defendANT
What contains a small dog and an insect?
A 6 legged insect came up to me and said Help, my wife, Eve, has eaten an apple and is now trapped by the devil! I asked him, are you sure?
He replied, yes, I'm Adam-ant
Why are insects farmed for food always organic?
They don't use insecticide.
How do you make an insect trip?
How do you make an insect feel sad?
With depressant!
To be stung by a mosquito is not very pleasant.
But the thought that an insect with just 10 brain cells could mess up your entire night is something quite different.
I met the most minuscule insect and he was really well behaved.
He was a beady ant.
What's the best smelling insect?
This was found on the back of my Laffy Taffy wrapper. The answer is deodor-ant.
Not your dairy insect
An ant was walking around when it found a 5inch ant of his very same species:
- Why are youso big, it asked
- I drink a lot of milk
"Lactose in taller ant"
I just heard a huge oil company is planning on using insect u**... as a source for an alternative fuel.
I think its BP.
What do you call an insect that hates changes?
A const-ant.
A large oil company has announced it's going to start producing fuel from insect u**....
I think it's BP
I know a guy who has a f**... for insect repellents.
He likes to get OFF.
A man is doing a crossword and asks his wife for help.
Husband: Body of water, three letters.
Wife: Bay.
Husband: Flying insect with stinger, three letters.
Wife: Bee.
Husband: To hush someone, four letters.
Wife: shhh.
Husband: Boat Noah built, three letters.
Wife: Ark.
A woman goes to the doctor looking fantastic: hair and makeup done by a professional, Gucci heels, Versace dress and Prada purse.
"I've been stung by a n**... insect of some kind," she tells the doctor, "...but I'm ashamed to tell you where."
"It's okay," says the doctor. "Our communication is privileged; I won't tell anyone."
"Okay," says the woman. "It was at Walmart."
Which insect is the best at what it does?
Most people think ants or bees, but ya know...flies have really been on top of s**... lately
A man walks into an insect shop...
and asks for several bags of cockroaches.
"What are you using all the cockroaches for?" the cashier asks.
"Well..." the man said, "the landlord asked I leave his property the same way I found it."
Don't get involved in organized insect crimes.
The mothia is ruthless.
What do you call a mad insect on the moon?
A Lunatic
Insects are apparently the superfood of the future. I tried eating caterpillars but it made me too nervous.
Gave me butterflies in my stomach.
I told my friends I was a blood s**... insect from the moon
they said I was a luna tick.
So, one large oil company have announced that they are going to be producing fuel from insect u**....
I think it is B.P.
A gorgeous woman goes to a Doctor looking fantastic: hair and makeup done by a professional, Gucci heels, Versace dress and Prada purse...
"I've been stung by a n**... insect of some kind," she tells the doctor, "...but I'm ashamed to tell you where."
"It's okay," says the good doctor. "Our communication is privileged; I won't tell anyone."
"Okay, It was at Walmart."
A fan emailed Bethesda about Starfield
A fan emails Bethesda and asked if the game would contain any Huge Insect Aliens like in Starship Troopers.
A few weeks later he gets a reply back stating the following:
Thanks for reaching out.
While we can make no promises of insects in the massive universe, we promise Starfield will be full of bugs!