Ingredients Jokes
60 ingredients jokes and hilarious ingredients puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about ingredients that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Ingredients Short Jokes
Short ingredients jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The ingredients humour may include short recipe jokes also.
- Why does Michael J. fox make really good milkshakes? Because he's rich and can afford the best ingredients
- Why does Michael J. Fox make the best milkshakes? Because he uses only the highest-quality ingredients.
- I was reading through the ingredients for a fruit salad I'm making today It said: "Pineapples: five cubed."
I'm not sure though, 125 will probably be too many. - Cooking with French ingredients always makes me depressed. Yesterday I almost lost the huile d'olive.
- [first day as a bartender] Customer: I'll have a martini, dry Me: [staring at all the liquid ingredients] I don't know how to tell you this
- My nutritionist told me to only eat foods if I could pronounce their ingredients I gained a lot of weight after taking organic chemistry.
- I'm sorry, I won't be buying ingredients for soup anytime soon The stock market is terrible
- Making bread is very addictive First I was enjoying just mixing the ingredients. But after a while I kneaded it.
- how come Michael J. Fox can make such good milkshakes? because he is rich and can afford high quality ingredients!..
- Heard of the Fibonacci soup? Apparently , the ingredients are :
Yesterday's soup and day before yesterday's soup.
Price : $1.61
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Ingredients One Liners
Which ingredients one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with ingredients? I can suggest the ones about material and composition.
- Waiter! These potatoes taste powdery. Yes sir. We use only the finest ingredients.
- What's the first ingredient in a push up bra? Start with two cups of lies.
- What's the secret ingredient in nutella? I'm nutellin' you.
- What's the most important ingredient in a business burger? The deal pickle!
- What is Doctor Who's least favorite ingredient? GARLEK.
- What special ingredient do cannibals put in their burritos? People de gallo
- What do designers of gum call new flavors from old ingredients? ex-spearmints
- Ingredients for a Honeymoon Salad Lettuce alone without dressing.
- What's tumblr's favorite ingredient? Trans fats
- How does Michael J. Fox make the best milkshakes? With the finest ingredients.
- What's the main ingredient of suicidal alphabet soup? C's to exist
- What's the secret ingredient for young MILFs to get into clubs? Cardamom
- If you're thinking about mixing together poison ingredients... Don't whisk it!
- Some people seem to tell me I have a speech ingredient... Impediment*
- What's a racist bakers favourite ingredient? WHITE FLOUR!
Gather Around for Heartwarming Ingredients Jokes and Uplifting Humor
What funny jokes about ingredients you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean parts jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make ingredients pranks.
Jesus likes to drink wine.
As we all know, Jesus liked to drink wine. One day, however, he got tired of wine. He said unto John and Thomas, "Go, and fetch me some ingredients so that I may create another kind of drink." And so they went to the market, and John asked Thomas "So, what should we get Him?" Thomas responds, "The rice, for Christ's sake."
Going to open up a donut shop next to a medical m**... store
I'll call it glazed and confused
A woman stopped me in the street today and told me a joke.
After hearing it, I thought it had all the ingredients of a great joke: child a**...; incestual r**..., tears, poverty and suffering; but I didn't understand the punchline.
Something about $10 a month...
What is the main ingredient of a fractal fondue?
Mandel broth
Ha ha ha
The puns I make up while working as a grocery cashier..
I'm on a new diet where I can only eat and drink things where I know what the ingredients mean.
I can now tell you every ingredients use in cheetos, how it's obtained, and the molecular structure.
What's it called when you fry up an egg with a bunch of different ingredients?
Omelette you figure it out
What did the chef say to his assistant when he got handed the wrong ingredients?
This is neither the thyme nor the plaice.
WAITER: "Yes, is there something wrong?"
WAITER: "Yes, sir, is there something wrong?"
CUSTOMER: "The soup. Taste it."
WAITER: "I beg your pardon, Sir?"
CUSTOMER: "Taste it."
WAITER: "But, Sir, I can assure you that the soup is excellent."
CUSTOMER: "Taste it."
WAITER: "Sir, the soup was made this morning of the finest ingredients."
CUSTOMER: "Taste it!"
WAITER: exasperated, "All right, Sir, I'll taste it."
Then after a pause he said, "Where is the spoon?"
CUSTOMER: "Ah ha!!"
There's a new scam involving counterfeit copper tone sunscreen.
Police are warning the public to read the ingredient list to avoid getting burned.
I was watching a french man make a cake...
I admired his enthusiasm. He grabbed the flour, added it to the bowl, and started adding the wet ingredients. Intrigued about his recipe, I asked "hey man, how many eggs did you use for your cake?"
The French man replied, "un oeuf."
Tide is fully embracing their new consumers with their new Tide Pod containers...
They just changed their active ingredients to nutrition facts .
I've been considering opening a soup restaurant. I'd serve the finest soups from around the world using only the most illegally-sourced ingredients. I'll call it...
Bisquey Business
DNA is like the menu at Taco Bell
Different combinations of the same four ingredients to achieve endless results.
Customer: I'll have a martini, dry
Me, staring at all the liquid ingredients: I don't know how to tell you this
Happiness recipe.
I've found the recipe for happiness. Can someone just send me some money so that I can buy the ingredients?
I don't understand why a sandwich is more expensive the more ingredients there are.
Shouldn't pure bread be more expensive?
I was very angry when my waiter served me bowl of dust. But then he pointed out, it's written right there on the menu...
"We only use the finest ingredients"
A man walks into a tiny hardware store
looking for something to rid of a wasp problem. After 10 mins of walking around the store all he can find is ant spray. So he goes up to the counter and asks the clerk, Is this any good for wasps? Without a word, the clerk takes the can from his hands, reads the back for ingredients. No. he replied, That'll kill them.
Found a human hair in my McDonald's burger. I was so surprised....
... I didn't know that they use natural ingredients.
The worst thing about this pandemic is all the restaurants apparently using lower quality ingredients to save money.
I'll keep eating out every day, but I haven't been able to taste anything for weeks.
Reasons to Avoid Water
* Can be extracte from rocket fuel
* Is the main ingredient in pestisides
* 100% of violent criminals have consumed water in the hours leading up to their crimes
* Is the #1 cause of drowning
* Excess consumption will cause sweating, urination and possibly death
* 100% of people exposed to water will die
(caution, horrible joke) I once asked an employee of a Pepto factory if they had a secret ingredient.
He told me it was none of my bismuth.
A young woman goes to the doctor.
The general doctor sits her down and asks her what's wrong.
"Doctor, I keep thinking I'm a fruitcake!"
The doctor wasn't sure how to respond.
"I see. What's gotten into you?"
"Raisins, butter, flour... All the usual ingredients!"
[OC] Three British people were arguing about who drinks the hottest tea.
The first person says: "The moment my tea is ready, I pour it into the cup and drink it all up".
The second person laughs and says: "That's it? I drink my tea straight from the Kettle".
The third person scoffs and says: "You both are amatuers. I just put all the ingredients in my mouth and sit on the stove".
My t**... has been a little hoarse lately...
I managed to round up the ingredients for a herdal remedy, the medicine has reined it in and now I'm in a stable condition.
Everyone thinks pound cake is called "pound cake" because of the ingredients
But it's actually named after the place it was invented, "p**...",
You know, where your mom lives.
A Dr. Of marine biology was inspired to create a new beverage.
Dr. Marcus Opor, renowned marine biologist and ocean sustainability expert, experimented with a brewed beverage with skipjack tuna as its primary ingredient. He spent years alternating its composition, striving for a balance of savory and rich ocean flavors. At last, he perfected his "tea", and was ready to bring it to market.
Dr. Opor made a single sample of his piscine tea and brought it to Costco to perform a taste test. Sadly, nobody was interested in his tuna beverage and it was thrown out.
It was a wasted Opor tuna tea.