
Infertile Jokes

18 infertile jokes and hilarious infertile puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about infertile that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Infertile Short Jokes

Short infertile jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The infertile humour may include short fertility jokes also.

  1. My wife told me to stop teasing our neighbor about his infertility after he threatened me with gun. But I'm not scared because he's shooting blanks.
  2. According to scientists, Infertility is hereditary. So, if your parents didn't have kids, then neither will you.
  3. Why did the infertile chicken cross the road? She wanted to take adavantage of Burger King's 10 piece special. She now has lil nuggets of her own.
  4. A woman tells her friend that she found out she's infertile. The friend asked, "Really?" to which the woman replied, "I kid not."
  5. So, Mars Bars are just nutless Snickers, right? I guess you could say that they're infertile.
  6. My daughter just told me she's infertile. "That's a great joke," I said. "I can't wait to tell it to my grandchildren."
  7. Went to to the doctor the other day to check my reflexes Now he's suing me for assault because I made him infertile
  8. A criminal was hired by a infertile man to impregnate his wife, but she never got pregnant Conned em'
  9. What did the infertile artist say when he couldn't think of anything to sketch? "I'm only drawing blanks here..."
  10. Whenever I see a show like Fuller House I wonder to myself Whatever happened to infertility?

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Infertile One Liners

Which infertile one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with infertile? I can suggest the ones about fruitless and impotent.

  1. The girl I'm dating just said those three magic words. "I am infertile."
  2. My friend told me that his wife was infertile "Inconceivable!" I said.
  3. What did the doctor say to the infertile Princess Bride? Inconceivable!
  4. Infertility is hereditary If your parents have no children, I bet you have none either.
  5. Man 1: Is it hard being infertile? Man 2: Nut always
  6. What do you call an infertile man from Italy? Seedless Italian.
  7. What did the Tumblr user say when she found out she was infertile? i cant bREED

Infertile joke, What did the Tumblr user say when she found out she was infertile?

Hilarious Infertile Jokes for a Fun-Filled Night with Friends

What funny jokes about infertile you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean futile jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make infertile pranks.

Infertile joke, Went to to the doctor the other day to check my reflexes