
Infant Baby Jokes

26 infant baby jokes and hilarious infant baby puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about infant baby that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Infant Baby Short Jokes

Short infant baby jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The infant baby humour may include short infant jokes also.

  1. Since you like Dad jokes. Here's one I laid on my wife while she was folding my infant daughters clothes. Wife: Could you go and grab the baby hangers?
    Me: They prefer to be called executioners.
  2. I was going to cover my bathroom floor with dead baby skin... My wife told be that would be infant tile.
  3. How did ancient Greeks keep tabs on their infants while they slept at night? They used a baby minotaur.
  4. I heard about SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) the other day and I felt a bit optimistic... You are telling me this baby screaming on the plane has a chance of suddenly dying?!
  5. Russian father asks his infant son... He says "Hello, comrade baby.. You know who I am, no?"
    The baby responds "Da....da..."
  6. The three wise men find Baby Jesus in the desert and eat him... one asks the others "how is your Holy Infant?"
    Between bites he says "Tender, Mild."
  7. My newborn baby boy can already juggle, speak full sentences and even ride a bike! He is infantly better than his sister...
  8. What does Arnold Schwarzenegger say to an infant who wants to install windows 7 on the baby's PC from 2006? Uninstall Vista, baby
  9. Why did the no-nonsense scatologist who was pulled over for speeding have an infant in the car? Doc Brown told him "When this baby hits 88 MPH..."
  10. An Indian King became jealous that the Queen was caring about their infant son more than him, So he poisoned her n**... in her sleep to kill the baby. The next day the Minister died of poisoning.

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Infant Baby One Liners

Which infant baby one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with infant baby? I can suggest the ones about newborn baby and baby anti.

  1. What did the disappointed mozart-fan infant say when he opened his gift? Baby got Bach
  2. What do you call a sick baby elephant? An ill-infant
  3. Why do terrorists eat baby dill pickles? They want to kill the infant dills!
  4. What would you say to a rocket shaped infant? "Baby, You're a Firework"
  5. Did you hear Kony is raising up another army? It's a baby only army.
    The infant-ry.

Infant Baby Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about infant baby you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean small baby jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make infant baby pranks.


One night a wife found her husband standing over their baby's crib. Silently she watched him. As he stood looking down at the sleeping infant, she saw on his face a mixture of emotions: disbelief, doubt, delight, amazement, enchantment, skepticism.
Touched by this unusual display and the deep emotions it a**..., with eyes glistening she slipped her arm around her husband."A penny for your thoughts," she said."It's amazing! " he replied. "I just can't see how anybody can make a crib like that for only $146.50. "

A single father needed breast milk for his infant baby and so he asked others how he could get it.

A colleague of his who was lactating offered to give her milk to the baby.
She became his breast friend.

While at the mall with my infant son, I was glad to see the men's room had a baby changing station...

…so I took the kid right in there and strapped him into it.

Imagine my disappointment when we left the restroom and he was still the same foul-tempered, demanding and inarticulate little brat I walked in there with.
[Edited for clarity]

What do you call a really really big ant?

Now what do you call a baby ant?
an Infant!
What do you call an ant thats into business?
A Merchant!
please post more ant jokes if you know of any.

In Europe baby infant boys very rarely get circumcised, but in the US they get circumcised w**...-nilly'

An apartment building is on fire. Firefighters are on the scene, however both their ladder and life net are broken. A star quarterback sees the commotion and asks, "What's happening? Can I help?" The fire chief says, "There's a mother and baby stuck in the building on the 19th floor! The mother is up there in the window. Can you catch her child?" The mother frantically waves down to the men below and the football player shouts up to her, "Go ahead, I'm ready!" He holds his arms out and the women drops the infant. Just when the quarterback deftly catches the child, he spikes it to the ground yelling, "TOUCHDOWN!"