
Indian Kids Jokes

24 indian kids jokes and hilarious indian kids puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about indian kids that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Indian Kids Short Jokes

Short indian kids jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The indian kids humour may include short indian people jokes also.

  1. Indian parents don't usually throw surprise parties for their kids... But when they do, it's called an ARRANGED MARRIAGE.
  2. Did you read The Indian In The Cupboard as a kid? I text my wife my musing about his tribe. Do you think he was a plAZTEC Indian?
    We finalize the divorce paperwork tomorrow she says.
  3. My kids are playing cowboys and Indians. One is pretending to ride a horse and shoot stuff, the other is providing tech support.
  4. So an Indian and an African walk into a bar.... Just kidding... its Elizabeth Warren and Rachel Dolezal

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Indian Kids One Liners

Which indian kids one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with indian kids? I can suggest the ones about indian girl and indian family.

  1. What did the Indian kid say to his parents when he left for school Mum bai
  2. What does an Indian kid say before leaving his house for the day?.. Mumbai
  3. What did the Indian kid say to his mum? Mumbai
  4. What did the Indian kid say to his mom when he was leaving for school? Mumbai
  5. An Indian kid tried to walk into a bar But he couldn't because the bar was set too high
  6. What's an Indian kid's favorite TV show? Patelie Tubbies
  7. We were naming out uses for water in class. And Indian kid said "hygiene".
  8. Only Indian kids will get this . . . Cab Driving.

Quirky and Hilarious Indian Kids Jokes to Let the Chuckles Begin.

What funny jokes about indian kids you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean indian american jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make indian kids pranks.

A long time ago, an Indian chief fell into an outhouse.

An Indian chief fell into an outhouse.
Several days later a man went into the outhouse and noticed the chief. Startled the man asked, "How long have you been in there?"
"Many moons my son, many moons!"
And that was my favorite joke as a kid.

Falling rock

Waay back in the day the Indians had a child named Falling Rock, lovely kid. As soon as the white man came to their land Falling Rock disappeared. They couldn't find him anywhere, still even to this day we have signs on the road that say "watch for falling rock"

A couple placed an ad: "Have 4 sons, need advice on how to get a daughter.

American: "Keep trying!"
Briton: "Change Doctor!"
Aussie: "Follow a special diet."
Indian: "Practice yoga!"
Pinoy: "Let me try!"

Two boys are playing cowboys and Indians

when the "Indian" falls to the ground, clutching his chest. The other kid, worried, quickly calls 911.
"Hello, my friend is dead, I believe," he tells the operator.
"Have you checked?" responds the operator.
"Well, no" says the "cowboy".
"In that case, make sure he actually is dead" instructs the operator.
At the other end of the line, the boy drops the phone. After the sound of hurried footsteps, a loud, literal BANG reaches the operator's ears. The "cowboy" picks up the phone again and states:
"Yep, he's dead".