
Indian Family Jokes

18 indian family jokes and hilarious indian family puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about indian family that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Indian Family Short Jokes

Short indian family jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The indian family humour may include short indian people jokes also.

  1. How does an Indian girl tell her family she will be wearing a Western dress to her wedding? "Sorry, not Sari."
  2. An Indian family went into self quarantine after eating lunch at their English friend's house as they couldn't taste anything.
  3. I dated an Indian girl in college and got to know her extended family Now I have strong passwords for life
  4. What you call an Indian family that makes bread the traditional way? >!Naan conformists.!<
  5. A young Indian couple was trying to have a quiet wedding, but their family refused and made them have a big wedding instead. What fruit did they serve at the event? Cantelope
  6. couple arguing in an Indian restaurant My family and I heard a couple arguing in an Indian restaurant about bread. I told them to try to not listen since it's naan of our business
  7. Want to know how I knew that gas station was owned by an Indian family? Well, I thought it was quite obvious.
    All of the Singhs were there!
  8. Our local Indian used to be an old euthanasia clinic So at a family dinner last night I finished my naan off with a pilau

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Indian Family One Liners

Which indian family one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with indian family? I can suggest the ones about indian tribe and indian wife.

  1. A large Indian family walks into a restaurant It was a party of Sikhs
  2. Why did the family wind up in the Indian Ocean? Turns out they were of Malaysian descent.

Indian Family Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about indian family you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean indian kids jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make indian family pranks.

An Indian shop owner is on his deathbed in hospital.

An Indian shop owner is on his deathbed in hospital. His family comes to visit him as he his waking up from a deep sleep. He looks around the room in a daze and calls out to them.
"Padma, my beautiful wife, are you here"
"Yes I am here my husband", she says
"Kajol, my daughter, are you here"
"Yes I am here father", she says
"Suren, My son, are you here"
"Yes I am here father", he says
"Well, if all of you are here, then who is looking after the b**... shop" yells the father

An Indian man is at home...

An Indian man is at home, cooking for his family. He is a very wealthy scientist, so he was able to purchase a tandoor. Tonight he decides to break it in. As he takes his bread out, he notices something strange. It almost falls apart in his hands. As he gets it on the plate, it turns into a viscous liquid. Amazed, he began trying to figure out what this was. After several minutes of keeping his family waiting, he let's out an audible "Aha!" He then proceeds to slam his fist onto the bread. Miraculously, the bread held together and almost seemed to form a solid.
"Just as I thought." He says.
"A Naan-Newtonian Fluid."

Indian with his ear to the ground.

A man walking down a road happens upon an Indian with his ear to the ground.
"do you hear something?" the man asks.
The Indian says "a red wagon, two horses, family of five, heading north"
"you can tell all of that just putting your ear to the ground!? " the man asked.
"No, they just ran me over"

The Indian Driver

An Indian guy was driving with his family, when he noticed that a cop car was following him. After a couple seconds, he pulled over, and one of the cops came out to his window. He rolled it down and asked, "Is there a problem, officer?"
The cop said, "No, no problem at all, sir. We have been observing you for your entire right. You've stuck to the speed limit, followed traffic rules and were respectful to other drivers. It's Road Safety week so you've been selected as the Best Driver today. So allow me to present to you this $1000 cheque as a token of our appreciation."
The Indian was so pleased. "Great! Now I finally have money for a driver's license."
The officer did a double take. Immediately, the Indian's wife said, "Oh, don't mind him, officer, he blabbers when he's drunk."
This prompted the driver's old mom to mutter, "See, this is why you shouldn't pull over when you're driving a stolen car."

A catholic priest and an Indian named John...

One Friday afternoon on the reservation John and his family were starving. John, being a great hunter, went out and killed a deer to feed his wife and kids.

A catholic priest sees this and says, "John! What are you doing? You cannot eat meat on a Friday!"

John says to the priest, "It's not meat, it's fish!"

The priest couldn't believe his ears. He quickly replied, "It is meat and you should not tell lies, John!"

John says, "I assure you father, it is fish."

Cofused and curious the father ask John, "Why do you say it is fish?"

John says, "I sprinkled water on it and I said from meat you become fish."

The priest yells at John, "You cannot do that!"

John says, "Why not father? When I met you I was Mapuche, then you sprinkled water on me and I became John."

The Indian with a great memory

When I was a kid, everyone all over the country would come to visit the Indian reservation to meet one person. He was the only man in the world to have a perfect memory, but people were only allowed to ask one question. My family decided to go visit him for ourselves, and when we got there I had the perfect question.
"Excuse me sir, what did you have for breakfast when you were 15 years old?"
He replied, "Eggs." and that was that. I was disappointed by his answer, but there was nothing I could do.
Ten years later I recognized the man sitting by himself in a park. I walked up to him, held my hand up with the palm up, and said "How". He said "Scrambled."