
Incompetent Jokes

30 incompetent jokes and hilarious incompetent puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about incompetent that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Incompetent Short Jokes

Short incompetent jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The incompetent humour may include short incapable jokes also.

  1. Just got fired from my job at Google Maps. Apparently I was terrible at drawing the boundaries between countries. They said I was borderline incompetent.
  2. I work as a Customs Officer and yesterday I had my yearly performance review. They feel I'm borderline incompetent.
  3. I know this guy who teaches people how to access the Dark Web, but if they're incompetent then he physically and psychologically abuses them He's a Tor mentor.
  4. My incompetent uncle Hans worked at a sausage shop in Frankfurt. One day he fell into the mixer. Hans is literally the wurst.
  5. Trump may have dodged the draft but he was still given honorary military ranks. Private Tax Return,
    Major Embarrassment,
    Chief Petty Officer,
    General Incompetence.
  6. Investigation finds rise in complaints regarding worker incompetence at Quiznos locations > "Whoops, wrong sub"
  7. My great-grandfather sunk 7 U-boats during WW2 Some say that he was the most incompetent captain in the Kriegsmarine
  8. What's the difference between a belly dancer and an incompetent pastry chef? One shakes body parts and the other bakes shoddy tarts.
  9. *Spoiler* US Presidential Election Result Leaked The dodgy, incompetent, unfit, slightly psychotic, rich, possibly criminal one who should 't even be in the race, wins.
  10. God, to an incompetent doctor at the gates of Heaven "Thank you for your patients... but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to transfer you."

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Incompetent One Liners

Which incompetent one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with incompetent? I can suggest the ones about unprofessional and irresponsible.

  1. Most people are shocked when they find out... incompetent I am as an electrician.
  2. Did you hear about the incompetent circumciser? He slipped and got the sack.
  3. What do you call an incompetent lawyer? Senator
  4. I often get the order wrong... What do I have in common with an incompetent fry cook?
  5. Superman is so incompetent... He can't do anything without supervision.
  6. My gardener is completely incompetent He keeps soiling himself
  7. My ex-girlfriend was like an incompetent tailor... She didn't suit me.
  8. Why do incompetent German oncologists never laugh? They have no sense of tumor.
  9. Impotence It's like incompetence but without the come.
  10. What do you call an incompetent fortune teller? Nostradumbass
  11. Incompetence knows no barriers of time or place.
  12. What's the worst kind of incompetent? Leader.
  13. What do you call an Incompetent Female Arsonist? A Farcenist
  14. how many incompetent math teachers dies it take to screw in a lightbulb? 1, 2, -3, 8...
  15. What police agency is more incompetent and ridiculed than Ferguson MO? Interpolock

Incompetent joke, What police agency is more incompetent and ridiculed than Ferguson MO?

Amusing Incompetent Jokes to Make You Laugh with Friends

What funny jokes about incompetent you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean impotent jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make incompetent pranks.

My Brother was a Bad a**... Doctor

Which sounds so much better than Incompetent Proctologist.

A man living in the Soviet union is queuing up for bread...

when he gets to the front he is told there is none left.
Annoyed, the man goes on a tirade, complaining about the poor conditions and the incompetence of the government.
A soldier, hearing this, says to him, "you better be careful. In the old days it would have been...", the soldier points his gun at the man's head, "...bang!"
The man apologises and shuffles off. When he gets back home his wife asks him, "husband, your hands are empty! Have they run out of bread again?"
To which the man replies, "it's even worse than that. They've run out of bullets!"

Doctor's news

Doctor: I've got good news and bad news.
Patient: I'll take the bad news first.
Doctor: I'm really sorry to have to tell you this but there was an error in your chart and I'm afraid we cut off the wrong leg.
Patient: WHAT THE HECK?!? That's not bad news. That's TERRIBLE news. What incompetent fools! You've ruined my life!!!
Doctor: Now hold on. You haven't heard the good news. I'm pleased to tell you that upon further study it turns out your other leg's going to be okay!

TIL about the Downing-Keurig Effect in which poor performers greatly overestimate their abilities. It shows that underperforming individuals reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence robs them of the ability to realize."

I feel so smart knowing about this.

Zelensky recieves a call from an unknown number (a joke)

Anon: Sir, I have a clear shot at putin. How much will you pay me for successful elimination?
Zelensky: 1 million dollas for not killing putin.
The man shocked at the response, asks for a reason for this.
Zelensky: No way the next guy they put in is going to be this incompetent

Incompetent joke, Zelensky recieves a call from an unknown number (a joke)