Impotent Man Jokes
14 impotent man jokes and hilarious impotent man puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about impotent man that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Impotent Man Short Jokes
Short impotent man jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The impotent man humour may include short impotent jokes also.
- What do Ted Cruz and an impotent Japanese man have in common? Neither can achieve an election
- Why did the old black man wear a tuxedo to his vasectomy? 'Cause if I gonna be impotent, I better look impotent,too.
- I've never had a single man confide in me that he's experienced problems with impotence. Maybe it just didn't come up.
- An impotent man shuffles into the doctor's office. Doctor: excuse me, sir, but why are you shuffling?
Man: Well, you see, ever since I was diagnosed as impotent I've had a limp. - Why did the black man wear a tuxedo to his vasectomy? If Imma *be* impotant, Imma *look* impotant!
- Why did the man with ED go tuxedo shopping? Because if he was going to be impotent he wanted to look impo'tant.
- Why did the black man where a suit to his vasectomy? "If I'm gunna be impotent, I'm gunna look impotent!"
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Impotent Man One Liners
Which impotent man one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with impotent man? I can suggest the ones about desperate guy and armless man.
- A man sued a drug company for making him impotent but his lawyer got him off
- What you shouldn't say after offending an impotent man. No hard feelings.
Impotent Man Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about impotent man you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean muscle man jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make impotent man pranks.
A man goes to buy a pack of cigarettes......
The cashier hands him a pack. He goes out and thinks of lighting one up. The pack reads "Beware smoking causing impotency". He goes back in hey man i think you gave me the wrong pack give me the one with cancer.
A man walks in to a store and buys a pack of cigarettes.
As the clerk hands the pack to him he says "you should really read the warning on them". "It says right here that smoking causes erectile dysfunction and highly increases your rate for impotence". The man looks at him in shock and says "can I just get the lung cancer ones".
Southern man getting a Vasectomy, no not the cherry bomb joke.
A man from the southern US goes to the doctor to get a vasectomy. He wears his finest 3 piece suit with his best shoes. When the nurse is getting him ready she asks him why he's dressed so fancy. The man replies, "Well heck, if I'ma be impotent, I'ma look impo'tant too."