Im So Tired Jokes
18 im so tired jokes and hilarious im so tired puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about im so tired that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Im So Tired Short Jokes
Short im so tired jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The im so tired humour may include short so tired jokes also.
- Im sick and tired of people calling America the stupidest country in the world Personally I think Europe is the stupidest country in the world
- What's the difference between snow tires and slaves? Slaves sing when chains are put on them.
PS - im going to church today to beg for forgiveness - My daughter told me she was frickin tired of my dad jokes. Hi Frickin tired of my dad jokes. Im dad.
- Im tired of the movies, I miss the Transformers cartoon. That's when Optimus was in his prime
- Im getting tired of your b**... Ladies marathon. It's been one week since you looked at me.
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Im So Tired One Liners
Which im so tired one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with im so tired? I can suggest the ones about im so and im so old.
- i would say a joke about Covid-19 in 2023... but im getting sick and tired of it!
- Im getting tired of the book "Life of Pi." It never ends.
- Im so tired of the lockdown Hi so tired of the lockdown I'm dad
- when Life teaches you a lesson make lessonade!
im tired - what did the peanut say to the squirrel ??? he said im hungry and I'm as tired as a tree
- im tired of chasing my dreams So I'll just get their number and catch up with them later
Happy Im So Tired Jokes for a Lighthearted Night with Friends
What funny jokes about im so tired you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean tired jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make im so tired pranks.
A cop lights me up for speeding
Im driving down the road and a cop lights me up
So I took off and made him chase me awhile..
Finally I give up and pull over.
The cop walks up and says, "Look, its the end of my tour, Im tired,
I dont feel like doing paperwork, If you give me a good excuse, Ill let ya go"
So I say "Last week my girl left me and ran off with a cop,
I thought you were trying to bring her back"
An old woman calls her doctor.
She said she is tired of living and want to know the best way to kill herself. The doctor says, " Im sorry ma'm but i cant help you kill yourself!" The old woman tells him, "Fine, i will just jump off of a building then." The doctor didn't want that, so he said "Very well. Lay down in your bed and shoot yourself two inches below your left breast." So, the woman called all of her loved ones one last time, got her husbands old shotgun, lied down in bed, and blew her left kneecap off.