
Hydro Jokes

32 hydro jokes and hilarious hydro puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about hydro that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Discover the world of Hydro Jokes! Take a look at our collection of entertaining jokes about water, hydro power, electric, and H2O. Get ready to laugh with our witty and unique selection of humor related to the popular Hydro Flask.

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Funniest Hydro Short Jokes

Short hydro jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The hydro humour may include short humidity jokes also.

  1. My cousin is a hydro-technician. Cleaning those golf carts gives him a lot of time to come up with better job titles.

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Hydro One Liners

Which hydro one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with hydro? I can suggest the ones about fluid and heat.

  1. What do you call a super watered down liquor with all the oxygen removed? Hydro-gin
  2. How does Aquaman calm himself down? With 2 Hydros and an Oxy.
  3. What do you call an extremely durable, hydro-powered country? Eternal d**...

Hydro joke, What do you call an extremely durable, hydro-powered country?

Silly & Ridiculous Hydro Jokes to Spread Joy & Laughter

What funny jokes about hydro you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean hind jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make hydro pranks.

A solar panel, a wind turbine and a hydro dam are all getting to know each other.

'What kind of music are you into?' asks the dam.
'I'm into trance', replies the solar panel.
'Ooh, too intense for me', dam says, 'I much prefer classical melodies, maybe a little 60s soul at the weekends.'
'What about you Mr Turbine? What are you into?'
'Me?' He replies, 'I'm a huge metal fan.'

Hydrogen walks into a bar.

The bartender says, "Want a drink? Most of the good ones argon."
Hydrogen doesn't react.

Do you know how many hydrogen bonds I can disrupt? (Chemistry pick-up line)

Enough to break the ice, how's it going?

Hydrogen asks his parents, Sodium and Potassium if he can go to a party.

First, he asks his mom, Sodium. He knows that she is very strict and she will probably say no.
"Na," she says, exactly what he expects
He decides to ask his dad. He is much less strict, and was in a good mood. Maybe he can let Hydrogen go to the party.
"k," he says

So Hydrogen finally admitted to Sodium that she had been bonding with Oxygen

Sodium reacted violently.

If hydrolysis is splitting things with water and electrolysis is splitting things with electricity...

... What is analysis?

Two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom had a t**......

Made me so wet.

A friend calls his engineer friend

A friend calls his engineer friend. What are you doing? He asks. The engineer answers "I'm in the middle of the project hydro thermal behavior of porcelain glass and metals under a controlled high-pressured environment". I am not sure I understand, can you explain it in plain language?. And the engineer answers "I'm washing the dishes and my wife is watching me"

A hydroxide ion and a nitric oxide molecule walk into a bar.

The bartender says: "OH NO".

Why did Hydrogen hurt Iron?

Because he wanted to see him Sulfur.

Two hydrogen atoms walk into a bar

One says, "I've lost an electron."
The other says, "Are you sure?"
The first replies, "Yes, I'm positive."

Are you a hydroelectric source of power?

...cause dam!

Two hydrogen atoms decide that they want to ride on the Large Hadron Collider.

They jump on a plane to Switzerland and sneak in while no one is looking. As they start to speed up one of them realises that they have both lost their electrons. It mentions it to his friend who asks "Are you sure?"
It replys "I'm positive."

How do hydrogen atoms find a new leader?

They hold an *electron*.

A hydrogen atom walks into a bar.

So a hydrogen atom walks into a bar.
He goes up to the bartender and orders a beer. He says to the bartender, 'I think I've lost an electron.'
The bartender says, 'Are you sure?'
The atom says, 'Yes, I'm positive.'

A Hydrogen atom suddenly exclaimed: "I think I just lost my electron!"

"Are you sure?" Asked its friend,
"Yes" replied the first, "I'm positive."

Two hydrogen atoms are walking down a street

All of a sudden, one stops and says oh my goodness I've lost my electron! The other turns to him and says are you sure to which the first replies yeah! I'm positive!

A Hydrogen atom walks into a bar...

...and asks for a shot.
Bartender, "what's the occasion?"
Atom, "I think I lost an electron."
Bartender, "you sure?"
Atom, "I'm positive."

If you're a hydrophiliac...

Does that mean water makes you wet?

Two Hydrogens walk into a bar and spot an Oxygen

Feeling adventurous, they approach her and ask "Hey baby, can we interest you in a waterway?"

Hydrogen walks into a bar

and yells "Oh no! I've lost my electron!"
The bartender says, "Are you sure?"
"I'm positive!"

Hydrogen is the smartest.

The rest of the elements are denser.

Hydrogen and Carbon walk into a bar

Hydrogen: Hey I was thinking about starting a business about electrons and wanted to ask if you wanted to be a partner
Carbon: Sure! I've got nothing to lose!

Why don't hydrocarbons make good criminals?

They're always getting com-busted.

Yes I am hydrophobic

I hate 70% of myself

Hydrogen atom walks into a bar and says to the barman:

Have you seen an electron? I've lost mine"
Barman:"You sure?"
H.A.: "I'm positive"
Yeah..sorry 'bout that.

Hydrogen punched helium...

Helium didn't react.

Hydrogen is a light, odorless gas, which, given enough time, turns into people.

\- Edward Robert Harrison, *Smithsonian Magazine*, December, 1995.

A Hydrogen atom sits crying in the corner...

I approached and asked if he was okay. He said "No, I lost my electron"
I said "Are you sure?"
He said "Yes, I'm positive"
(This joke once scored me a week's extension on some chemistry coursework I hadn't been doing)

Hydro joke, A Hydrogen atom sits crying in the corner...