
Hurr Jokes

85 hurr jokes and hilarious hurr puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about hurr that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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What is a good hurr joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

What did the Hurricane say to the palm tree?

Hold on to your nuts, this ain't no ordinary b**....

Why were hurricanes and tropical storms originally always given women's names?

Because when they first come along it's all wet and wild with lots of suckin and blowin, but by the time it's over and they leave - your house is gone, your boat's gone, your truck's gone...

They should name hurricanes after black people:

It only takes one to ruin the neighborhood.

Hurricanes are like women...

...they all start with a lot of blowing and s**... and in the end you lose your house.


Mitt Romney has advised everyone in the path of hurricane Sandy to make their way to their 2nd or 3rd homes immediately.

Mc'Donalds in hurricanes

No wonder McDonalds places are still open during hurricane sandy. None off their customers can blow away anyways

This Hurricane should have been called Snooki...

The're both heading to the jersey shore with plans to blow everyone in a 50 mile radius.

Hurricane Sandy

I asked my bartender for a Hurricane Sandy. She looked confused and asked, "What is that?"
I replied, "A watered down Manhattan."

Why do hurricanes have girl names?

First they are all wild and wet, then they take your house.

What did the hurricane say to the coconut tree?

Grab onto your nuts, this is no ordinary b**....

What did the hurricane say to the coconut palm?

Hold on to your nuts, it will only be a quick blow.

Why are hurricanes always named after white people?

Because white people destroy everything.

The hurricane Sandy.

A guy goes to a bar and looks at the drink menu to see if he can try a new cocktail that he never had before. He noticed there is a drink on the menu named "Hurricane Sandy." The guy never heard of it before so he asks the bartender what is it. The bartender replied "It's a watered down Manhattan."

Not in a hurry

- Alcoholism Is A Slow Death!
- And we are not in a hurry!

Why do they name all hurricanes after women?

Because when they arrive they are wet and wild, and when they leave they take your house and car

What do hurricanes do when they lose arguments?

They storm off.
(I remembered this one when I saw the "from when I was seven" post)

Hurricane Joaquin

This Category 3 Storm is likely to hit the Eastern US this week.
Good news for Arizona residents: you will not be affected by Joaquin, Phoenix.

A hurricane is going to hit the east coast?

Are you Joaquin?

Hurricane Malt Liquor:

Because the power shouldn't be the only thing experiencing a b**... this weekend.

We should just name hurricanes after politicians.

That way we wouldn't have to worry about them actually coming through with anything.

The hurricane coming in is called Joaquin. When it leaves, does it Joaqout?

A Hurricane and a Divorce in Virginia

I learned this joke from my chem teacher:
What do a hurricane and a divorce in Virginia have in common?
Screaming, crying, and somebody loses a trailer!

Hurr joke, A Hurricane and a Divorce in Virginia

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Hurr One Liners

Which hurr one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with hurr? I can suggest the ones about duh and bah.

  1. Why is the show called SpongeBob when... Patrick is the star. Hurr durr. Tee-hee.

Hurr joke, Why is the show called SpongeBob when...

Hurr joke, Why is the show called SpongeBob when...