
Howl Jokes

27 howl jokes and hilarious howl puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about howl that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Howl Short Jokes

Short howl jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The howl humour may include short wolf jokes also.

  1. What's the difference between a coyote and a flea? One howls on the prairie; the other prowls on the hairy.
  2. Wolf down this joke fellows -Knock knock
    "Who's there"
    "Howl who ?"
    -"Howl you know unless you open the door ?"
  3. An astronomy joke, kind of... Why do werewolves howl at the full moon?
    Because it's just after the waxing phase!
  4. A wolf in a river didn't know w(h)ere it was, so it how-led and an owl "who'd" back. The wolf replied "What?"
  5. What's grey, has four legs, howls at the moon, and eats cement? A wolf. I threw in the cement to make it hard.
  6. What did Allen Ginsberg say upon being intoduced to Lawrence Ferlinghetti? Howl do you do ?
  7. What has four arms, two legs, and howls in the night? Oscar Pistorius being r**... by his cellmate.

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Howl One Liners

Which howl one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with howl? I can suggest the ones about owls and werewolf.

  1. Why are coyotes howling in the night? Because they can only see the cactuses in the day.
  2. Why do Werewolves howl at the full moon? It's right after a waxing phase.
  3. What do owls say when they're introduced? Howl do you do?
  4. You really don't need to worry about wolves, unless you have chickens. No farm, no howl.
  5. What seperates any given man from a woman? The distance he can howl 'a wo.'
  6. Why do wolves howl at the full moon? They know the waxing phase is coming next
  7. What do wolves say to each other on the dance floor? Howl-ow can you go?
  8. Why did the wolf howl at the salad? It had aroo-gula.
  9. What bird sits at night and yells to the moon? The howl
  10. What do you call it when a cat howls? It Meyowls
  11. What do you call it when wolves get bad breath? Howl-itosis.
  12. What has four legs, is grey and furry, howls at the moon, and is full of cement? A wolf!

Howl joke, What has four legs, is grey and furry, howls at the moon, and is full of cement?

Comedy Howl Jokes to Make Your Friends Giggle

What funny jokes about howl you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean growls jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make howl pranks.

The Great Writer

There was once a young man who, in his youth, professed his desire to become a great writer.
When asked to define great, he said, "I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level, stuff that will make them scream, cry, howl in pain and anger!"
He now works for Microsoft writing error messages.

An aspiring writer once said, I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level, stuff that will make them scream, cry, howl in pain and anger!

He now writes error messages for the Microsoft Corporation.


Little Johnny was practicing the violin in the living room while his Uncle was trying to read in the den. The family dog was lying in the den, and as the screeching sounds of little Johnny's violin reached his ears, he began to howl loudly. His uncle listened to the dog and the violin as long as he could. Then he jumped up, slammed his paper to the floor and yelled above the noise, "For h**... sake, Johnny, can't you play something this d**... dog doesn't know?"

An ax m**... is on a date with a girl, and he suggests a short cut through the woods to a special spot...

As they walk the sun starts to set.
The girl asks, Are we almost there it's getting dark?
The ax m**... says they're close and it's just a little further up.
They keep walking and get deeper and deeper into the woods.
All of a sudden there is a howl in the distance!
The girl say, Are we almost there I'm getting scared?!
The ax m**... says, >! YOU'RE scared? I have to walk out of here alone! !<

Little Johnny was practising the violin

Little Johnny was practising the violin in the living room, while his father was trying to read. The family dog was there too, and, on hearing the screeching sounds, began to howl. Johnny's father listened to the dog and the violin for as long as he could. Then he jumped up, slammed his newspaper on the floor and yelled, "For God's sake Johnny, can't you play something the dog doesn't know?"

There once was a young man who wanted to become a great writer...

When asked to define "great" he said, "I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level. Stuff that will make them scream, cry, and howl in pain and anger!" He now works for Microsoft, writing error messages.

David wanted to be a writer!

There was once this young man who professed his desire to become a great writer. Say hello to David. When asked what he wanted to write, David would say with great enthusiasm, " I want to write stuff that the whole world will read. Stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level. Stuff that will make them scream, cry, howl in pain and anger!"
A decade later, David did fulfill his dream:
David now writes the error messages for Python interpreter.

3 comedians

Three comedians are shooting the breeze at the back of a nightclub after a late gig. They've heard one another's material so much, they've reached the point where they don't need to say the jokes anymore to amuse each other, they just need to refer to each joke by a number. Number 37! cracks the first comic, and the others break up. Number 53! says the second guy, and they howl. Finally, it's the third comic's turn. 44! he quips. He gets nothing. Crickets. What? he asks, Isn't 44 funny? Sure, its usually hilarious, they answer. But the way you tell it s**...

Howl joke, 3 comedians