
Hotter Jokes

46 hotter jokes and hilarious hotter puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about hotter that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

It's hot outside and these jokes are even hotter! Get ready to cool off your day with hotter than the summer weather jokes. Celebrate the longest day of the year with the best, funniest, and hottest jokes faster than the slowest of the solstice!

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Funniest Hotter Short Jokes

Short hotter jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The hotter humour may include short hottest jokes also.

  1. My friend had asked me for tips that may help his erectile dysfunction Apparently, a hotter wife wasn't a good answer.
  2. Why did god make homosexuality a sin? Because His boyfriend thought that would make it hotter.
  3. Why did the global warming activist compliment the earth? Cause it looked hotter than usual! (I'll see myself out)
  4. My girlfriend asked me if she was ugly, so I threw a molotov cocktail at her. It's safe to say she's much hotter now.
  5. Why are people always hotter when they're standing up? Sitting down they're only 90 degrees, standing up they're 180.
  6. Poor Dragons!. Have you even wondered how they drink tea? The more they blow, the more hotter each sip gets.
  7. They're predicting record highs for Wednesday. In other news the weather will be hotter than usual.
  8. A couple of muffins are baking in an oven One turns and asks, "Is it getting hotter in here or is it just me?"
    The other turns back and says "OH MY GOD A TALKING MUFFIN!!"
  9. How hot was that oven? That they baked you in?
    Because you're hotter than a freshly baked Pizza!
  10. Why are Americans so "fat and ugly"? Because they're richer and hotter than europeans at the moment.

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Hotter One Liners

Which hotter one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with hotter? I can suggest the ones about hot stuff and warmer.

  1. Why do Macs run hotter than PCs? Because they don't have Windows.
  2. If you're hotter than me... Then I guess that makes me cooler than you.
  3. What gets colder as it gets hotter? Women.
  4. Why are educated people hotter than everyone else? Because they have more degrees!
  5. God, this summer has been... hotter than a spoon at Demi Lovato's house.
  6. Shout out to Mother Earth! She's 4.6 billion years old and still getting hotter.
  7. Girls are like resistors... The more resistance they have, the hotter they are.
  8. There's no romance like necromance But pyromance is hotter
  9. You know what would probably be hotter in the 20s than in the 30s? A hotdog.
  10. My Sun is a Gas Giant. My Sol just keeps getting hotter and hotter under the collar.
  11. If you're hotter than me, then that means I'm cooler than you.
  12. Having a shower is like having a daughter with time they both get hotter
  13. What's hotter than a beagle on a Summer's day? A jew in the oven.
  14. Shamless self promotion makes my blood boil hotter than a George Foreman Grill ^TM
  15. If you're hotter than me... Does that mean I'm cooler than you?

Its Hotter Than Jokes

Here is a list of funny its hotter than jokes and even better its hotter than puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • You Must Have A High Ohm Rating Because the more voltage I put in you, the hotter you get.
  • My wife asked me why I was yelling at the p**... of water on the stove. I said, water boils ~~faster~~ hotter under pressure.
  • I'm really paranoid that I'll see a n**... picture of my sister on the Internet and not know it. It would be way hotter if I knew that it was her.
  • A kettle is like s**.... It gets louder the hotter it is.
  • Hotness When target practicing,the hotter the object the more you p**....Same goes for a woman.
Hotter joke, Hotness

Playful Hotter Jokes to Add Joy and Laughter to Your Group

What funny jokes about hotter you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean hot blooded jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make hotter pranks.

Daddy, I fell in love & want to date this awesome girl!

Son:"Daddy, I fell in love & want to date this awesome girl!"
Father: "That's great son. Who is she?"
Son: "It's Sandra, the neighbor's daughter"
father: "Ohhh I wish you hadn't said that.
I have to tell u something son, but you must promise not to tell your mother.
Sandra is actually your sister.
"The boy is naturally bummed out, but a couple of months later ...
Son: "Daddy, I fell in love again n she is even hotter!"
Father: "That's great son. Who is she?"
Son: "It's Angela, the other neighbor's daughter."
Father: "Ohhhh I wish you hadn't said that.Angela is also your sister."
This went on couple of times and the son was so mad,
he went straight to his mother crying.
Son:"Mum I am so mad at dad! I fell in love with six girls but I can't date any of them because dad is their father!"
The mother hugs him affectionately and says: "My love, you can date whoever you want. Dont listen to him He isn't your father."

Ex's meet after a month of divorce

ExHusband: Hey can i still think of you when i have s**... with my girlfriend?
ExWife: Why? Is it because im hotter than her?
ExHusband: Nope, i just wanna last longer.

A man goes to the doctor because it burns when he pees.

When the doctor walks in the man notices how buff he is. This doctor is SWOLE.
The exam begins and after some time the muscular physician cannot stop bringing up the weather.
"Hotter than normal this time of year, don't you think?"
"There's a storm coming in this weekend."
On and on he goes.
After this continues for some time the man asks, "why do you keep talking about the weather? This has nothing to do with it burning when I pee."
"My apologies," said the doctor. "I'm a Meaty Urologist."

Russian man dies

Russian man die, but for him suffer not over. Man very wicked, and go to h**.... There devil make punish: he burn in lake of fire. Is warm. Russian man finally happy.
So devil make lake hotter. But Russian man now is warmer. Now is happier.
Devil get very frustrate. So devil make fire lake into ice lake--lake cold as million Russian winter. But Russia man now happiest of all!
"Devil!" he say, "h**... is freeze! Russia is finally happy country!"
But is not true. Is only story.
Also, man not in h**..., only Russia.

2 squares and 2 circles

2 squares were in an argument and 2 circles were in an argument.
The squares were arguing over who was hotter, even though they were both 90 degrees.
The 2 circles argue all the time so the argument was pretty pointless.

I told my gf she'd look hotter with her hair back.

Apparently, that is an insensitive thing to say to a cancer patient.
I don't know why she's so upset, I'm the one that's gotta find a new girlfriend.
She has her whole life to get her hair back, I only have 153 days until Valentine's Day.
(Combined 2 jokes I heard plus added the last part).

A blonde went to an Alaskan sledding race.

She stood near a brunette as the race began. "There is absolutely *nothing* sexier than a man in a doggy-sled race," she said, biting her lip.
"Iditarod," the brunette corrected her.
The blonde woman scoffed. "So? I've used a cucumber, but this is still hotter."

Hotter joke, My Sun is a Gas Giant.