Hot Sauce Jokes
35 hot sauce jokes and hilarious hot sauce puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about hot sauce that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Hot Sauce Short Jokes
Short hot sauce jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The hot sauce humour may include short hot peppers jokes also.
- What's the best thing to give a dog with a fever? Tomato sauce and mustard, it's the best thing for a hot dog!
- Getting some tacos from the drive thru $12... gas to pick it up... $5.00 Getting home and realizing they have forgotten the hot sauce...
Spiceless - 9/11 gave rise to "Truthers", Obama gave rise to "Birthers", so... ... would a movement to determine whether Hillary Clinton actually carries hot sauce in her purse be called "Saucers"?
- The best part about Halloween is the trick or treaters.... ...What a great way to get rid of all those old ketchup and hot sauce packets in the kitchen drawer
- Why did the bachelor eat a tortilla with hot sauce for dinner? Because he was out of mustard.
- And they say jet fuel can't melt steel beams... When Hillary will collapse from too much hot sauce
- I invented a new burger today. I call it the "i**... alien" It's got lettuce and tomato on top, with jalapeno peppers and hot sauce hiding underneath.
Served with a free side of ICE.
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Hot Sauce One Liners
Which hot sauce one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with hot sauce? I can suggest the ones about hot chili and spaghetti sauce.
- Why did the Mexican put hot sauce on his taco? Por flavor
- What do you call a noble hot sauce? Sir Racha.
- What happens when you add Cold hot sauce on Hot food? you Chili things up.
- What's the most fearsome hot sauce, for vampires? Buffy-lo sauce.
- What did the sauce cook text to the hot girl working in his kitchen? Send noodles.
- What is the opposite of Hot Sauce? Chilly Sauce
- You pour hot sauce on an ant. What is it now? Tapatía
- What is Big Shaq's favorite hot sauce? Skrrracha.
- I just spilled hot sauce on my sheets.
- Chuck Norris invented hot sauce.
To put on his peppers. - Hillary Clinton hot sauce Fiery and Bernie out the back end
- What did they name the hot sauce lubricant? They called it Sricrotcha...
Hot Sauce Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about hot sauce you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean tomato sauce jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make hot sauce pranks.
Two men with Alzheimer's are sat in a park...
... when they hear an ice-cream van pull up nearby. Bob turns to Bill and asks 'do you want an ice-cream Bill?'
Bob says 'yes please, but don't forget the chocolate sauce.'
Bob says 'I won't forget, don't worry. Anything else?'
Bill says 'in that case, I'll have some chopped nuts on it too. Don't forget now.'
Bob says 'I won't, don't worry. Chocolate sauce and chopped nuts, coming right up' and
Bob wanders off in the direction of the ice-cream van.
After 40 minutes, Bob finally turns up with two hot-dogs. Bill says 'you fool Bob! I knew you'd forget! I wanted mustard on mine!'
Jar Full of $10 Bills
A man walks into a bar and sees a jar full of $10 bills on the bar. He goes to the barkeep and says "Hey, what's up with that jar?"
The bartender responds "Well, you put in 10 bucks, do 3 challenges, and if you do them you get the whole jar."
The man says "Wow that's pretty cool, what are the challenges?"
The barkeep lists "Well, first ya gotta drink a whole bottle of hot sauce, and no nursing. Second, there's a dog out back who has a sore tooth and he's real grouchy, and you gotta take out the bad tooth bare handed. Last, there's this old lady upstairs who's never done the hokey pokey, if ya know what I mean, and you gotta fix that."
The man replies in disgust "I can't do any of those!" So the man gets drunk. Being drunk, he decides he can do anything and says "Hand me the bottle of hot sauce." So the bartender hands the man the bottle and the man drinks the whole, straight down. He then goes outside to deal with the dog. As the door shuts you hear yelping and screaming and hollering and growling and then.... dead silence... The door creaks open and the man walks in. He's all covered in blood, his shirts torn, he's missing hair... and in a drunken slur he asks "Where's the old lady with the tooth problem?"
So you've all heard about the neutron that walks into a bar, but what about...
A neutrino walks into a Mexican Restaurant. He orders a taco with extra chili sauce. The bartender comes up to his table with a taco and a gigantic bottle of super-hot chili sauce. He opens the taco, starts pouring sauce and asks:
"So how much salsa do you want, amigo?"
The neutrino answers:
Three restaurant owners were arguing about their food
The first one said, "My spicy sauce is super hot! I put a bottle of pepper spray in every batch, and after just one spoon, people can't take anymore and shout for water."
The second one replied, "My spicy sauce is even hotter! I put three bottles of pepper spray in every batch, and the smell alone is enough to burn your face!"
The third one grinned. "That's nothing. My spicy sauce is so hot, that we pour it into aerosol cans and sell it as pepper spray!"