
Home Schooling Jokes

5 home schooling jokes and hilarious home schooling puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about home schooling that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Silly Home Schooling Jokes for a Good Time with Friends

What is a good home schooling joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

My daughter's new school uniform is really quite s**...

thats just one of the benefits of home schooling.

I've slept with every school teacher I've ever had.

Yep, home schooling has its perks.

Alabama is canceling home schooling.

Apparently too many teachers were having s**... with the students.

I just found out my teenage son had s**... with his teacher, and I am furious.

I should have never agreed to home schooling.

What did the r**... say to his lover?

Thanks for home schooling me mom, I really dodged a bullet there.

Home Schooling joke, What did the r**... say to his lover?

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Home Schooling joke, What did the r**... say to his lover?

Home Schooling joke, What did the r**... say to his lover?

jokes about home schooling