Hitting Deer Jokes
61 hitting deer jokes and hilarious hitting deer puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about hitting deer that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Hitting Deer Short Jokes
Short hitting deer jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The hitting deer humour may include short talking deer jokes also.
- My insurance agent asked if I had ever hit a deer. I told him that I had but in my defense he swung first.
- So Two Blondes are stand on a pair of Tracks So two blondes are standing on a pair of tracks arguing, They're deer tracks , No They're Bear Tracks
Half a Hour a later they get hit by a train - Hitting a deer with your car is always an unfair trade. You're out the cost of the insurance deductible, but nature is only out a buck.
- Difference between a corrupt government getting hit by a car and a deer being hit by a car? There where skid marks leading up to the deer...
- Two blondes came across some tracks in the woods - and they argued with each other about whether or not it was bear or deer tracks... Until they both got hit by a train.
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Hitting Deer One Liners
Which hitting deer one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with hitting deer? I can suggest the ones about deer hunting and hitting.
- What did homer say when he hit a female deer? DOE!
- -Santa's sleigh was hit by a car. Several deers died. What is left? -The remaindeer
- I hit a deer the other day. My fist still hurts.
- My uncle hit a deer with his car He would anything for a buck
- I've hit may deer... ...dear friends with my car.
Hitting Deer Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about hitting deer you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean duck hunting jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make hitting deer pranks.
Three blondes girls were walking in the woods and came upon tracks.
The first one said, "Look, it's deer tracks." The second one said, "No, it's wolf tracks" and before the third one could answer, they got hit by a train.
Three statisticians are out hunting.
Suddenly, a deer appears 50 yards away.
The first statistician shoots and hits the tree 5 feet to the left.
The second statistician shoots and hits the tree 5 feet to the right.
The third statistician starts jumping up and down, yelling "We got him! We got him!"
Two deer hunters were not having any luck so they asked for advice from an old-timer.
"You can just about guarantee a deer if you learn to hunt with dogs," he said.
The two hunters got a trained deer dog and hit the woods.
At the end of the day and still empty-handed, one hunter said to the other, "Maybe tomorrow we'll get one if we throw the dog out of a higher treestand."
A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead are lost in the wilderness...
...and they become very excited when they come across tracks. As they are following the tracks, the three of them take a guess on what animal could have possibly left them.
"Obviously, it must have been a horse," said the Blonde.
"No no no, we're in the forest, it must have been a deer," said the Brunette.
"You're both idiots. Obviously it's a dog!" said the Redhead.
They debated until the train came and hit them.
Three men enter a hunting contest...
The rules of the contest are simple: A contestant must enter the woods, shoot an animal, return to the judges, and tell them how he shot it.
So the first man goes into the woods, and about an hour later he returns with a freshly shot b**....
The judges ask, "So how'd you shoot it?"
The hunter replies, "I followed the tracks... I followed the tracks... and BAM! I shot the b**....
Then the second man goes into the woods, and about 3 hours later he returns with a freshly shot deer.
The judges ask, "So how'd you shoot it?"
The hunter replies, "I followed the tracks... I followed the tracks... and BAM! I shot the deer.
Then the third man walks into the woods. The judges wait, and wait, and wait for almost a day. Eventually, the man is gone so long that they send out a search party for him. After hours of searching, they find the hunter. He is crawling along the ground, covered with blood and bruises, and both of his legs are missing. He groans with agony, and it's clear that he doesn't have much time left.
They scream, "Oh my god, what happened to you?"
With his last painful breaths, the hunter pulls a judge close and whispers into his ear, ""I followed the tracks... I followed the tracks... and BAM! I got hit by a train."
3 Blonds in the Forest
.... came upon some tracks. The first blond said, "are these deer tracks?" The other two said, "Oh no,these aren't deer tracks." The second blond said, "These have to be rabbit tracks!" In disagreement, the other two blonds said, "No, I don't think these are rabbit tracks." The third blond said, "I know I know!!! These are bear tracks!!!" Again, the other two blonds said, "No, these aren't bear tracks." ...They kept arguing on and on until a train came by and hit them.
My favorite blonde joke
2 blondes are walking in the woods. The first blonde looks down and says, 'Wow, deer tracks!' The second blonde looks down and says, 'You idiot! Those are bear tracks.' They start arguing about what kind of tracks they are. After a few minutes they get hit by a train.
They were still arguing when..
There were three men in a forest. Walking down a path, they saw some tracks. The first man said "these are definitely deer tracks". But the second one said "No, I am pretty sure they are bear tracks". The third one said "come on guys, you can clearly see that these are dog tracks.
They were still arguing when the train hit them.
Tennessee Joke
Two guys are hunting in the woods one day and they get to arguing about a set of tracks they had spotted, "Them is deer tracks," one says. The other, "No them's bear tracks!" Back and forth for about an hour... Then they get hit by the train.
Two Blondes are out on a hike....
....when one looks down and sees some tracks. "Hey look, deer tracks!" she exclaims. The other blond looks over and says, "Those aren't deer tracks! Those are rabbit tracks!" After about 10 minutes of bickering about what type of tracks they are, they get hit by a train.
Three blondes are on a hike...
When they suddenly come across some tracks. The first blonde looks at the tracks and says "I've seen tracks like these before. These are fox tracks."
The second blonde looks at them and says "No, these are definitely deer tracks."
The third blonde looks at them and says "You two are both wrong. These are bear tracks.
Then they all get hit by a train.
Three hunters
Three hunters went into a forest and came upon three sets of tracks. The first hunter examined the first set and said "These are deer tracks", the second hunter examined the second set and said "These are bear tracks", the third hunter didn't say anything because he was hit by a train.
Three blondes went for a walk in the country...
...when they stumble upon a line of tracks in the woods.
The first blonde looks down and says, "These are definitely deer tracks!"
The second blonde replies, "No s**..., these are bear tracks!"
The third shouts, "You're both wrong these are certainly dog tracks!"
They were still arguing 5 minutes later when the train hit them.
Three blondes are walking through the woods...
They come across a pair of tracks.
The first blonde says, "I think these are bear tracks!"
"No", the second blondes goes, "these are definitely deer tracks!"
The third blonde says, "I think they're rabbit tracks!!"
Then the train hit them...
This is my favorite clean joke by far.
Three Blondes
Three blondes are hiking in the woods when they see some tracks.
1st blonde: Look guys, deer tracks!
2nd blonde: No, s**..., they're wolf tracks!
3rd blonde: You guys are both dumb, they're clearly bear tracks!
Then they got hit by a train.
There's 500 bricks in a plane. How many are there if you throw one out?
There are three steps to putting an elephant in a refrigerator. What are they?
Open the fridge, put the elephant in, close the fridge.
There are four steps to putting a deer in the fridge. What are they?
Open the fridge, take the elephant out, put the deer in, close the fridge.
The Lion King is having a birthday party. All the animals are there but one. Why is that?
The deer is in the fridge.
A woman wants to cross an alligator infested swamp. How does she do it?
She crosses normally because the alligators are at the Lion King's party.
She dies anyways. Why?
She gets hit in the head with a brick.
Three blondes walking by some tracks
Three blondes girls were walking in the woods and came upon tracks. The first one said, "Look, it's deer tracks." The second one said, "No, it's wolf tracks" and before the third one could answer, they got hit by a train.
Three blondes find tracks in the forest
They look down at the tracks.
The first blonde says, "Those are deer tracks."
The second blonde says, "No, those are bear tracks."
The third blonde says, "You're both wrong, those are monkey tracks."
They were all arguing when the train hit them.
Three blondes are out on a hike...
when they come across some tracks. The first one quickly says "Let's get out of here, those are mountain lion tracks." The second one says "Don't be silly, those are deer tracks." The third one says "I think you're both wrong, but I'm no expert" right before they all got hit by a train
Three blondes discovers animal tracks in the road
The first blond says "these are deer tracks"
The second blond says "you're wrong, these are fox tracks"
The third blond says "you're both wrong, these are clearly wolf tracks"
Then while they're arguing over what kind of tracks they are, they all get hit by a train.
A blonde, brunette and ginger get lost in the woods
They make a shelter but start getting hungry so the brunette decides to go out hunting. She returns with a rabbit and the blonde asks "how'd you get that?", the brunette replies "Oh I just followed some tracks and found it"
The next day the ginger decides to go out hunting, she returns with a deer, and the blonde asks "how'd you get that?", the ginger replies "Oh I just followed some tracks and found it"
The next day the blonde decides to go out hunting, she returns covered in bruises and cuts, the brunette asks "what happened to you?" The blonde replies "I followed some tracks and got hit by a train".
Two blondes are walking through a forrest...
They come across some tracks and the first blonde says." I think these are deer tracks". The second blonde says." No these look like rabbit tracks". They keep arguing untill an hour later they were hit by a train.
So three blonds were walking in th woods...
When they come across a set of tracks.
"Look at these deer tracks," said the first.
"These are clearly elk tracks," corrected the second.
"You're both wrong, these are moose tracks," replied the third.
They were all still arguing when the train hit them.
Three blonde women stumble across some tracks...
The first one spots them in a large clearing and beckons her friends over. "Look! I think I've found some deer tracks!"
The second woman snorts. "Nonsense," she exclaims, "those look like bear tracks to me."
"Well they can't be both," says the third blonde impatiently. "So what kind of tracks are they?"
And then the train hits them.
Bush, Obama, and Trump go on a hunting trip.
Their hunting guide instructs them to find and follow tracks and they should be able to find their quarry.
Bush follows some tracks and gets a bear. Obama follows some tracks and gets a deer.
Trump follows some tracks and gets hit by a train.
Three blondes were...
Three blondes were taking a walk in the country when they came upon a line of tracks. The first blonde said, "Those must be deer tracks!"
The second blonde said, "No, s**..., anyone can tell those are rabbit tracks!"
The third blondie said, "No, you idiots, those are horse tracks!"
They where still arguing ten minutes later when a train hit them.
Three blondes found some tracks...
The first blonde said, "Those are bear tracks!"
The second blonde said, "No, those are deer tracks!"
The third blonde said, "No those are dog tracks!"
And that was when the train hit them.
Three Statisticians go hunting in the woods.
After a few hours, they happen upon a deer.
The first statistician takes a shot and misses 10 feet to the left.
The second statistician takes a shot and misses 10 feet to the right.
The third statistician throws his hands up in the air and says "WE HIT IT!"
Three blondes are taking a walk through the woods
Suddenly, the blondes come across a set of tracks. They were intrigued.
The first blonde looked down at the tracks and said, "I think these might be bird tracks."
The second blonde went to look and said,
"No way, these have to be deer tracks."
They stepped aside and the third blonde went over to the tracks.
"Wait a minute.... These are—"
And then they were all hit by a train.
The law of averages
A biologist, a chemist and a statistician are out hunting.
They spot a deer and the biologist shoots and misses left by three feet. The chemist shoots and misses right three feet. The statistician shouts "WE HIT IT !"
Three blondes are walking through the forest when they come across a set of tracks.
The first blonde says, "Hey, look at that, deer tracks!"
The second blonde chimes in and responds, "No, Becky, those are moose tracks!"
The third blonde steps in and says, "You two are both wrong, those are obviously elk tracks!"
The three blondes kept arguing about what animal left the tracks until they were eventually hit by a train.
Two blondes are walking in the park and come up on a set of tracks
One blonde says "I think these are bear tracks", the other blonde argues they are deer tracks. They were still arguing when the train hit them.
A doctor, a lawyer and a statistician go hunting.
After a while they spot a deer. The doctor shoots first missing the shot by a meter to the left. The lawyer proceeds to shoot and misses the shot by a meter to the right.
That's when the statistician throws his gun to the ground, start jumping and cheers "Yaaaayy, we hit it!!!!"
Three blondes in a wood
Three Blondes are walking through a wood.
They come across some tracks on the ground.
The first blonde says "these are deer tracks."
The second blonde says "no, these are bear tracks."
The third blonde says "no, these are fox tracks."
*s**...* and that's when the train hit them.
Three blondes are walking when they come across tracks. The first blondes says I know these, they're deer tracks! The second says No! They're bear tracks Finally the third speaks up and says Your both wrong! They're obviously fox trails!
They were still arguing when the train hit them.
Three blondes walking through the woods...
One of them stops and points at the ground in excitement saying, "Oh my gosh look. Those are like, bunny tracks!"
"Those are so not bunny tracks. They're deer tracks." The second blonde says in a matter-of-fact tone.
The third blonde, with hands on her hips, says "Your both wrong. They're not bunny tracks and they're not deer tracks. They're-"
A train suddenly hits them.
Two men are in a car.
They are driving along a road in the middle of the night. o**... is sleeping, and the other is driving.
They drive for a while, and the man is woken up by a thud. "What was that?" He asks his friend. "Nothing, I just hit a deer. Go back to sleep." So the man goes back to sleep.
They drive for a bit longer, and the man is woken up again, this time by two thuds. "What was that?" He asks.
"Nothing, I hit two deer this time." So the man goes back to sleep.
The drive for a little while longer, and the man is woken up a third time. "Let me guess. You hit three deer?"
The friend replies, "Nah, I hit one, but I had to go through two fences to get 'em.
Wife driving the car ....
WIFE: honey?
Husband: yes dear
WIFE: did something hit the car
Husband: yes deer
WIFE: do you know what it was
Husband: yes deer
WIFE: was it an animal
Husband: yes deer
WIFE: was it a rabbit
Husband: no deer
A scientist, Mathematician, and statistictian all go out hunting....
They see a deer and this Scientist takes the first shot. He misses by 3 feet
The Mathematician takes a shot and misses again by 3 feet on the opposite side.
The Statistictian shouts "We hit it!"
Three people are going on a walk.
They come across some tracks. The first person says that they are deer tracks. The second disagrees and says they are moose tracks. The third says the other two are dumb and that they are clearly horse tracks.
They were still arguing when the train hit.
"A very Polite Deer"
A lizard is walking through the forest when he sees a rabbit knocked down. He askes what happened. The rabbit says "It was the deer. He's gone crazy and now he's hitting everyone with a bat, but I gotta say-he is very polite."
The lizard continues down the forest when he sees a bear also knocked down. He asks "What happened?" The bear responds "It was a deer. He has gone nuts! He hit me with a bat! But I can't not say, he is one very polite deer."
The lizard rushes to home, locks the door and goes to his room. He relaxes when from behind he hears...
"*good evening*"
Two blondes were taking a walk through a bush when they came across a set of tracks.
'I'm sure they're bear tracks!', said the first blonde.
'No, they're deer tracks', said the second blonde, confidently.
They were still arguing when the train hit them.
3 blondes were standing around some tracks.
The first blonde said "look at these tracks! Do you think they're deer tracks?"
The second blonde shook her head "no, there are no hoof prints. If anything these are dog tracks".
The third blonde chuckled, "come on you two. Look at the even spacing, the consistent depth, the distance between the tracks - it's obvious they're bear tracks!"
The other two blondes looked at the third in admiration of her excellent knowledge of nature, and then all 3 were hit by a train.
Three blondes are taking a walk
Three blondes are taking a walk in the woods when they come across a set of tracks.
The first girl says "Look! Deer tracks!"
The second one is like "No, those are moose tracks."
The third goes "What are you two thinking? Those are positively elk tracks.
So they continue to argue about it until the train hits them.
A biologist, a physicist and a statistician went hunting
After a good, long while, they found a deer.
The physicist lifted his rifle, took aim, fired, and hit three feet to the left of the animal.
The biologist fired too, and sent the bullet three feet to the right of the deer.
The statistician lifted his rifle triumphantly in the air, and exclaimed: 'We got it!'
3 blondes are walking in the woods.
3 blonde girls are walking in the woods when they stumble across a set of tracks, the first girl having went to a zoo last week claims that the tracks are deer tracks, the second blonde laughs,
"Caitlyn you dumb b**... those are bear tracks!"
The third blonde chimes in,
"Oh my god no you're both wrong those are rabbit tracks."
They were still arguing when the train hit them.