
High School Senior Jokes

13 high school senior jokes and hilarious high school senior puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about high school senior that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest High School Senior Short Jokes

Short high school senior jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The high school senior humour may include short senior year jokes also.

  1. Senior year of high school is a lot like a retirement home... You don't work anymore, you hate everyone who's younger than you, and in a few months, all of your old friends will be dead to you.
  2. 1600 out of 2000 high school seniors flunked their math exam in my city. That's almost half!
  3. Did you hear about the gay high school football player? freshman year he was a tight end.
    By senior year, he was a wide receiver.

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High School Senior One Liners

Which high school senior one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with high school senior? I can suggest the ones about high school graduation and high school.

  1. A paraplegic high school senior can graduate... ...but can't walk with their class.
  2. What do you call a High School Senior girl in Alabama? You call her a m**....

Fun-Filled High School Senior Jokes to Make You and Your Friends Chuckle & Giggle

What funny jokes about high school senior you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean college freshman jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make high school senior pranks.

A high school senior visits a psychic...

"I've applied to 10 different colleges," the student said. "Which ones will accept me? Which one will I attend?"
"That is hard to say," said the psychic. "But you will spend an absurd sum of money."
"How do you know this?" the student asked.
The psychic replied,
"It's mostly intuition."

This high school guys was born without one of his eyes.

He was given a wooden eye as a prosthetic. His whole life he has been self concious about his wooden eye.
Eventually senior prom rolls around and he want to take someone out.
He sees a girls with a hair-lip. Thinking that she may also be self concious about her malformity, he thinks he may have a chance with her.
He approaches her and nervously asks
"Would you like to go to the prom with me?"
She turns to him and excitedly says
"Oh would I, would I!"
He is shocked and responds
"Hair-lip hair-lip"

How tall is a library?

I don't know, it depends on how many stories it has.
One of my faves that I came up with my senior year of high school in 2013. First joke on this sub, hopefully many more to come.

A senior in high school finally musters up the guts to ask his crush out to prom...

To his surprise, she says "yes." So, he decides to go all-out... He goes to rent his tux and there's a huge line, but he waits patiently and gets the tux. Next, he goes to the flower shop and has to wait in another really long line, but eventually gets the flowers. He goes to pick her up and she loves the tux and flowers and they head to prom. When they arrive, there's another long line but they eventually get in. While they're dancing she says to him that she's thirsty, so he goes to get her something to drink. He goes to get her some punch and there's no punchline.

Old joke, still funny

A genius senior in high school takes a chemistry test. He gets his score back and is shocked he missed exactly one question and thus would not be accepted to his university of choice. He is especially bummed because the question he missed was How many valence electrons does a Hydrogen atom have? In his haste to complete the test, he had answered 2.
Depressed and despairing, he takes a walk alone along a beach and is lost in thought when he trips on a metal object in the sand. Picking it up, he finds it to be a bronze oil lamp, and as his fingers brush the surface of the lamp, a genie suddenly appears. The genie thunders, I can grant you any one wish, but you must answer now. What do you desire? The student eyes light up and immediately replies, I wish I had gotten that question right, and the universe explodes.

Rival School Prank

On the night before a rival football game several high school seniors abducted four cows from a local farmer. In red paint, they labeled each of the cows. On the first cow was the "#1", on the second was "#2", the third was "#3" and on the final cow they wrote the number "#5". The students then released the cows in various parts of their rival's school grounds. The next morning, the cows were found and quickly rounded up. The rival school then spent the entire day searching for cow #4.