
Hideandseek Jokes

29 hideandseek jokes and hilarious hideandseek puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about hideandseek that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Hideandseek Short Jokes

Short hideandseek jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The hideandseek humour may include short bored jokes also.

  1. I was double majoring in cloning and hide-and-seek But I had to take a year off to find myself.
  2. Sleeping with my wife is like playing Hide-and-Seek... I close my eyes, count to ten and say, "Ready or not, here I come."
  3. I love playing hide-and-seek with my dad! He's a good hider though. It's been 20 years and I still haven't found him!
  4. Pros and cons of post-crucifixion Cons: No longer able to eat Skittles
    Pros: Makes hide-and-seek super easy

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Hideandseek One Liners

Which hideandseek one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with hideandseek? I can suggest the ones about piece and draws.

  1. Why do tigers always beat cheetahs at hide-and-seek? They've never been spotted.
  2. Why are snakes so bad at playing hide-and-seek? Because of their inability to count.
  3. Why are IRS agents excellent at Hide-and-Seek? They can fined anyone.
  4. What game do people with epilepsy play instead of hide-and-seek? Search and seizure
  5. You know why you shouldn't play hide-and-seek with mountains..
  6. What do you say when you win at hide-and-seek in a hospital? ICU
  7. Why was George Washington so good at hide-and-seek? Because he always founder.
  8. Who was the hide-and-seek champion of 2005? Nobody knows, they haven't found him yet.
  9. Why don't g**... like to play hide-and-seek? Because everyone knows they're in the closet

Hideandseek joke, Why don't g**... like to play hide-and-seek?

Heartwarming Hideandseek Jokes that Make You Laugh

What funny jokes about hideandseek you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean stash jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make hideandseek pranks.

Einstein, Newton, and Pascal play hide-and-seek

Einstein decides to be the seeker and begins counting. Pascal immediately runs to a closet and hides inside. Newton doesn't run or try to hide. Instead he takes some tape, makes a box on the ground, and steps inside. Einstein finishes counting and turns around to see Newton standing like an idiot.
"I found you Isaac, great hiding spot," says Einstein.
"You didn't find me," Newton replies. "You found one Newton per square meter. You found Pascal!"

Two gay guys live together

The first guy says, "Let's play hide-and-seek. I'll hide, and if you find me I'll blow you."
The second guys says, "What if I can't find you?"
He says, "I'll be behind the piano."

Einstein, Newton, and Pascal decide to play hide-and-seek.

Einstein is "It," closes his eyes, counts to 10, and then opens them. Pascal is nowhere to be seen.
Newton is sitting right in front of Einstein, with a piece of chalk in his hand.
He's sitting in a box drawn on the ground, a meter to one side. Einstein says, "Newton, you're terrible, I've found you!"
Newton says, "No no, no. You've found one Newton per square meter.
You've found Pascal!"

A Scientific Joke !!

Einstein, Newton, and Pascal are hanging out one afternoon.
Einstein is bored, so he suggests, "Let's play hide-and-seek. I'll be it!"
The others agree, so Einstein begins counting. "One... Two... Three..."
Pascal runs off right away to find a place to hide.
Newton draws a one meter by one meter square on the ground in front of Einstein. He finishes and steps into the square just as Einstein shouts, "Ready or not -- here I come!"
Einstein looks up and immediately spots Newton standing right in front of him. He says, "I found you, Newton!"
Newton replies, "No, you found Pascal!"

You're It!

Einstein, Newton, and Pascal are playing hide-and-seek. It's Einstein's turn to be it, so he closes his eyes and starts counting, Eins, zwei, drei… Pascal runs off and hides under a big bush. Newton runs over to a nearby driveway, takes out some chalk, and draws a box around him that is one meter long on all four sides. As soon as Einstein opens his eyes, he sees Newton and says, What are you doing? I found you immediately, Newton!
Newton says, Nah-ah! I am one Newton per square meter, so I'm actually Pascal!

Einstein, Newton, and Pascal are hanging out one afternoon.

Einstein is bored, so he suggests, "Let's play hide-and-seek. I'll be it!"
The others agree, so Einstein begins counting. "One... Two... Three..."
Pascal runs off right away to find a place to hide.
But Newton merely takes out a piece of chalk and draws a mid-sized square. He finishes and steps into the square just as Einstein shouts, "Ready or not -- here I come!"
Einstein looks up and immediately spots Newton standing right in front of him. He says, "I found you, Newton!"
Newton replies, "No, you found one Newton per square meter -- You found Pascal!"

Einstein, Newton, and Pascal are hanging out one afternoon.

Einstein is bored, so he suggests, "Let's play hide-and-seek. I'll be it!"
The others agree, so Einstein begins counting. "One... Two... Three..."
Pascal runs off right away to find a place to hide.
But Newton merely takes out a piece of chalk and draws a 1 meter x 1 meter square. He finishes and steps into the square just as Einstein shouts, "Ready or not -- here I come!"
Einstein looks up and immediately spots Newton standing right in front of him. He says, "I found you, Pascal!"

Hideandseek joke, Einstein, Newton, and Pascal are hanging out one afternoon.