
Hens Jokes

47 hens jokes and hilarious hens puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about hens that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Are you looking for a good laugh? Check out our selection of hilarious jokes perfect for any hen's party! From funny fowl and chick puns to rib-tickling turkeys, get ready to crack up and make your next get together a hoot!

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Funniest Hens Short Jokes

Short hens jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The hens humour may include short chicken and hen jokes also.

  1. What do you call a hen that counts her own eggs? A Mathmachicken.
    My kid told me that and it made me chuckle.
  2. Due to the current economic situation in the world, I've started a dating site for chickens. It's not my full-time job, I'm just doing it... make hens meet.
  3. I've started a dating app for chickens. It's not my main job though, just to makes hens meet.
  4. I've just started up a dating site for chickens... It's not my main job, I'm just doing it to make hens meet...
  5. Started a chicken dating website. It's not my full time job, just doing it to make hens meet.
  6. Asked a hen how many eggs it lays daily? It said: two eggs
    I said: Oh strange!
    It said: what's strange? the fact that I lay two eggs?
    I said: no, the fact that you talk
  7. I thought my dating site for chickens would make me a fortune But I'm struggling to make hens meet
  8. I bought some french hens recently, but it's very frustrating that so far they've only laid a single egg Un oeuf is enough.
  9. I'm thinking of starting a social media network for chickens But not as my full-time job. Just as a way to make hens meet.
  10. What came first, the chicken or the egg? Neither, it was the selfish Rooster that came first and the Hen never even finished.

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Hens One Liners

Which hens one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with hens? I can suggest the ones about rooster and hen and poultry.

  1. I once had a hen that could count her own egg She was a mathemachicken
  2. I used to run a dating service for chickens... But i was struggling to make hens meet.
  3. I had a hen who could count her own eggs She was a mathamachicken
  4. When is a hen following the letter W That's it
  5. A dyslexic cat broke into a hen house It was an absolute fluster cluck
  6. Why did the hen fall in the well? she couldn't see that well
  7. my mum just started a dating site for chickens She'd do anything to make hens meet
  8. What do you call a hen staring at a bowl of shredded lettuce? Chicken sees a salad
  9. Why did the French Hen give up her job? One day she'd just had un œuf.
  10. I used to run a dating company for chickens But I couldn't make hens meet.
  11. What kind of chickens make everyone laugh? Comedi-Hens
  12. Which door do hens use when they leave? The eggs-it.
  13. What do you call someone who looks after hens? A chicken tender.
  14. What happens when you feed a hen too many carrots? You get orange chicken!
  15. What do you call a hen that can add, subtract, and multiply? A mathamachicken.

Hens Lay Jokes

Here is a list of funny hens lay jokes and even better hens lay puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What do you call it when all the hens in the coup resign the same day from their jobs laying eggs? chicken tenders.
  • What kind of eggs do evil hens lay? Deviled eggs!
  • What sound does a French hen make when it lays an egg? Oeuf.
  • What does an evil hen lay? Deviled eggs!
  • What do gay hens lay? *heyyyyyyyggs*
  • Why do hens lay eggs? If they dropped them, they'd break!
  • Old McDonald's prized hen asked another chicken to lay on her egg for a while But it cracked under the pressure
  • For fresh omelettes, visit Texas in summer. Hens lay them.

Hens Party Jokes

Here is a list of funny hens party jokes and even better hens party puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • I took my sister to a poultry farm. Apparently that isn't what she meant by "Hen Party".
Hens joke, I took my sister to a poultry farm.

Hens joke, I took my sister to a poultry farm.

Hilarious Fun Hens Jokes That Will Have You Rolling with Laughter

What funny jokes about hens you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean fowl jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make hens pranks.

It's Easter Sunday morning...

... and chubby Chuck has been chomping on Easter eggs all night. He decides that he simply can't eat one more Easter egg. So he plays a prank. He goes into the chicken coop and replaces every single egg the hens have laid with a brightly colored one. A few minutes later, the rooster walks in, sees all the colored eggs, then storms outside and kills the peacock.

I developed a successful chicken social network app to make more money.

I didn't do it for the glory I did it to make hens meet.

A hen is having a talk with its chick

Chick: Why do humans get names but we don't? We are only called hens, or chickens or roosters.
Hen: Well, WE might not get names but when we die, we have many names. Humans on the other hand, are only called zombies or ghosts.
Chick: What are we called when we die then?
Hen: Names such as, curry chicken, roast chicken, fried chicken..


A guy walks into a bar and orders a beer. "So, what have you been up to lately?" the bartender asks him. "Well, I recently set up a dating website for chickens," the guy tells him. "I mean, its not my main job ... I'm just doing it to make hens meet."

Why are hens so good at fire drills?

They always know where to egg sit.

A man ran over a cockerel with his car

Feeling guilty, he goes to a nearby farmhouse to see how he can help. A woman opens the door and he says: I appear to have killed your cockerel. I'd like to replace him.'
She replies: Please yourself, the hens are round the back.

I buy chicks but not hens.

A chick's a little cheeper

A guy was driving down a country lane and he ran over a rooster

He was very upset.
He went to the farmhouse and knocked on the door and a woman opened it and he said: 'I appear to have killed your rooster. I'd like to replace him.'
And she said: 'Please yourself, the hens are round the back.

Tough business

I started a business breeding chickens, but I'm struggling to make hens meet.

Hens joke, Tough business