
Hauling Jokes

8 hauling jokes and hilarious hauling puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about hauling that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Heartwarming Hauling Jokes that Make You Laugh

What is a good hauling joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

A Day Off

An man goes to see his boss..
Boss, he says, we're doing some heavy house-cleaning tomorrow before my mother-in-law arrives for Christmas. My wife needs me to help with cleaning, moving and hauling stuff.
COVID has us short-handed, the boss replies. I can't afford to give anyone a day off.
The man says, Thanks boss, I knew I could count on you!

What do you call a convoy of trucks hauling cheddar?

A cheesy pickup line

Saw a truck filled with donkeys going pretty fast

It was really hauling a**...

What do you call a chicken hauling logs?

Pull Tree

I was pulled over by the police on my mule.

I got a speeding ticket for hauling a**....

I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance

by putting it in reverse and hauling a**... away from that accident I caused.

Big truck accident

A large truck was hauling water. Next thing I know, a truck hauling vinegar smashed into the water truck. It was very loud, all I could hear was a large *d**...*!

I saw a uhaul going 90 mph

I bet they were hauling a**...!

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