
Hard Riddles And Jokes

2 hard riddles and jokes and hilarious hard riddles and puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about hard riddles and that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Hard Riddles And Funny Jokes to Tell Your Friends and Kids.

What is a good hard riddles and joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

Why are riddles about trees so hard?

Because they always leave you stumped!

What's green, hangs on the wall, and whistles?

Forgive me if this is a repost, but this is an old Jewish joke that my father loved to tell and I don't think I've seen it here before
So two old Jewish men are sitting shooting the breeze, and one says he has a riddle for the other.
"What's green, hangs on the wall, and whistles?"
The second man thinks long and hard and finally admits that he is stumped, and asks for the answer, to which the first man replies "A herring"
"But, a herring isn't green"
"So, you paint it green"
"And a herring doesn't hang on the wall"
"So, you hang it on the wall"
"A herring does not whistle"
"...ehh, two out of three ain't bad"

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