
Handouts Jokes

6 handouts jokes and hilarious handouts puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about handouts that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Handouts Funny Jokes to Tell Your Friends and Kids.

What is a good handouts joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

What should we do with people who rely on government handouts, but refuse to work?

Kick them out of Congress

There is one thing I hate about lazy and entitled cannibals

They're always looking for handouts.

Did you hear about the man who faked leprosy to get charity handouts?

It was a l**... con.

Republicans don't like swaddled babies...

Because they're always trying to get a handout.

Why are liberals always asking for handouts?

Because the PowerPoint projector is broken.

p**... Englishman and p**... Irishman

p**... Englishman and p**... Irishman are walking along the beach together, when they come upon a lamp in the sand. Being familiar with such clichés, they picked up the lamp, rubbed it, and lo and behold a genie appeared before them.
"For releasing me from my prison, I shall grant you both one wish each."
p**... Englishman goes first, and thinks silently for a moment:
"Well, genie, I love my country, and I'm sick of it being ruined by lazy immigrants who do nothing but live off of state benefits and handouts. I wish all the immigrants were gone from my country, and that it was just us English that lived there. Furthermore, I want a giant wall built around the coast and borders of England so nobody else can get in."
"Done" says the genie, and **p**...** p**... Englishman is back in England with the rest of his compatriots
"Genie," says p**... Irishman, "tell me more of this giant wall surrounding England"
"Well, it's over a mile high and half a mile thick. Nothing can get in or out." the genie replied
p**... Irishman thought for a moment, then looked to the genie and said:
"Fill it with water."

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