
Groundbreaking Jokes

58 groundbreaking jokes and hilarious groundbreaking puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about groundbreaking that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Groundbreaking Short Jokes

Short groundbreaking jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The groundbreaking humour may include short cutting edge jokes also.

  1. The invention of the shovel was groundbreaking, but the invention of the broom swept the nation.
  2. When you think of it, invention of the shovel was groundbreaking But it was the invention of the broom that swept the nation.
  3. It may seem hard to believe now, but there was a time where the shovel was considered innovative technology. Truly ground-breaking.
  4. Today I learned about Harvey E. Brown, a civil war surgeon who had so many amputations he ran out of fake legs and had to use a shovel. It was a ground-breaking medical procedure.
  5. Do you know what was said about the shovel when it was invented? Now that's groundbreaking idea!
  6. I just love the new minecraft update. It's groundbreaking.
  7. I remember when they first told me about pangea.... It was a groundbreaking discovery.
  8. The invention of the shovel was... Groundbreaking
  9. Come to think of it the invention of the shovel was pretty important... Some would even say it was groundbreaking
  10. What did the inventor of the shovel say about it? "This is Groundbreaking!"

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Groundbreaking One Liners

Which groundbreaking one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with groundbreaking? I can suggest the ones about revolutionary and breathtaking.

  1. Have you heard of the new thing called a shovel? It's groundbreaking.
  2. The shovel was such a great invention. It was truly groundbreaking.
  3. Sometimes I find myself just marveling at shovels. What a groundbreaking invention.
  4. Apple just announced their next groundbreaking product The iShovel
  5. I just got a futuristic coffee maker. It was a ground-breaking development.
  6. Next Battlefield map set in Nepal. It's made using groundbreaking technology.
  7. What was the most ground-breaking invention in human history? The shovel
  8. The shovel was a ground-breaking invention.
  9. My upstairs neighbor recently made a groundbreaking discovery... He can't fly
  10. Sure, lightsabers are cutting edge technology but the Death Star is groundbreaking
  11. The first person to invent a drill must've said, I've made a groundbreaking invention!
  12. The first Person to drop a Nokia made a discovery- A groundbreaking one
  13. When the first jackhammer was invented... was a groundbreaking innovation!
  14. The shovel. The discovery of the shovel was a truly groundbreaking moment for humankind.
  15. Did you hear about that new state of the art jackhammer technology? "Groundbreaking"

Groundbreaking joke, Did you hear about that new state of the art jackhammer technology?

Ridiculous Groundbreaking Jokes to Spark Fun and Laughter

What funny jokes about groundbreaking you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean heartbreaking jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make groundbreaking pranks.

I'm designing a new model of jackhammer

It could be ground-breaking technology!

True story

I've met a research geologist whose work was groundbreaking.

Did you hear about the new machine that creates earthquakes?

It was groundbreaking.

The Jackhammer,

Now that was a groundbreaking discovery.

Did you hear about the recent earthquake research?

The information is groundbreaking

Shovels are incredible

They're ground-breaking technology!

why are archaeologists so proud of their study?

their work is always groundbreaking

The person who made the shovel should receive an award

It was groundbreaking work.

A video of a groundbreaking bowler goes viral

He still had to pay to fix the bowling lane though

The concept of drilling for oil was ridiculous in the mid 19th century.

Now we just see it as groundbreaking.

When you think about it

The shovel was truly groundbreaking

Theres been a breakthrough in jackhammer techology

You could say its groundbreaking

England will make groundbreaking headlines in the World Cup tomorrow.

Being the first team to lose against a packet of cigars.

Say what you want about jackhammers...

but honestly, they are truly a groundbreaking invention.

Researchers have developed a groundbreaking new birth control gel for men

How it works is the man applies the gel for about two minutes and then realizes he no longer needs s**....

So what is your favorite groundbreaking invention?

Mine is the shovel......

Have you ever heard shovels?

It's a groundbreaking invention.

Last week I submitted a ten page in depth technical description of my groundbreaking invention to a prestigious journal... but it didn't get published.

They said I should just call a s**... a s**....

Groundbreaking joke, I remember when they first told me about pangea....

jokes about groundbreaking