
Green Yellow Pink Jokes

26 green yellow pink jokes and hilarious green yellow pink puns to laugh out loud. Read bar jokes about green yellow pink that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Green Yellow Pink Short Jokes

Short green yellow pink jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The green yellow pink humour may include short bright yellow jokes also.

  1. A black man, a blue man, a green man, a pink man, a red man and yellow man walk into a bar... The bartender says, "We don't serve your kind in here. Too much Risk."
  2. Punny wednesday The phone rang 'green green' and so I pink up the phone.
    "Yellow? Blue is this? Can you speak louder? I can't hear you purplerly, I'll call you black later."
  3. What do the colors green, pink, and yellow have in common with a phone? The phone rings, so you pink it up and say yellow.
  4. Have you heard the story of green, pink and yellow? The phone went green, green, green. So I pinked it up and said yellow!!
  5. The phone rings at Crayola Headquarters {green-green-green}
    "May I speak to Mr. Brown?"
    "Please white while I transfer you."
  6. Doctor I feel like a snooker table... "It may be your diet, what have you eaten?"
    "3 reds, a yellow and a pink!"
    "ah there's your problem, you're not getting enough greens"
  7. The Qutub Minar in India was painted in bright pink,yellow and neon green... It is now known as the Qutub Minaj
  8. Jokes from a college student. How to use green, yellow, and pink in a sentence?
    The phone goes green, green, green, I pink it up, and say yellow.

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Fun-Filled Green Yellow Pink Jokes to Boost Your Mood

What funny jokes about green yellow pink you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean yellow orange jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make green yellow pink pranks.

The man came home early from work to find his wife lying n**... on the bed, crying her eyes out.

What's wrong? he asked.
I've got nothing to wear to the dance tomorrow night, she
Oh come on now! You've plenty of clothes, and with that
he went over to the wardrobe. See here, there's the nice
pink dress, the pale blue skirt, the yellow cocktail dress, hi
there Tom, the green silk gown…

A border patrol officer stops a Mexican immigrant...

...on his way in to the U.S.
He says to the Mexican: "If you can make a whole sentence using the words Green, Pink and Yellow, Ill let you in with no delay"
The Mexican pauses to think for a few minutes then replies: "The phone goes Green-Green, I Pink it up and I say Yellow"

A white man tells a black man

Why do people call you color man ?? To what the black man answers " I don't know
When I was born; I was black.
When I started to grow, I was black.
When I go to the beach I'm black.
When I have a cold I'm still black.
When I have panic I'm black.
When I'm sick I'm black.
even when I die I continued to be black.
Instead you my friend
When you're born you're pink.
When you start to grow you are white.
When you go to the beach you look red.
When you're cold you look blue.
When you have panic you look yellow.
When you're sick you look green.
When you die you turn gray ....
And they still dare to call me a color man

Mujibar get a job in India

Mujibar was trying to get a job in India .
The Personnel Manager said, 'Mujibar, you have to show you are proficient in the English language. Please make a sentence using the words: Yellow, Pink, and Green.'
Mujibar responded, 'The telephone goes green, green, I pink it up, and say, Yellow! This is Mujibar.'
Mujibar now works at a call center. No doubt you have spoken to him.

A Mexican Joke

A Mexican man finds a much needed job and asks the owner to hire him. The owner says he'll hire him ONLY if he can come up with a sentence using 3 words of his choice. The words are Green, Pink and Yellow. So the Mexican thinks for a second then replies (read in a Spanish accent) the phone goes Green Green, so I Pink it up and say Yellow?

A Mexican gets caught by a border patrol agent..

The border patrol agent says to the Mexican,
"If you can put these 3 words in a sentence I will let you go. The words are green, pink and yellow."
The Mexican thinks for a second,
"The phone goes green green green, I pink it up and I say yellow."

Immigration pulls a Spaniard Over and Questions him

Officer: You aren't American. You shouldn't be here.
Spanish Person: But officer, I'm American.
The officer thinks about it and says, If you are, then use the words green, pink, and yellow in a sentence.
The Spaniard thinks for a moment and says, The phone goes green green, I pink it up and say 'Yellow'.

A Mexican is applying for citizenship

and for the final portion, the proctor says "okay, I need you to come up with an English sentence that contains the words 'green, pink and yellow'."
The man smiled and said "When the phone goes 'green green', I pink it up and say 'yellow'!"

An Indian guy is getting a job at a call center for copy machine support

The interviewer decides to test his knowledge of mixing light vs. Mixing pigments by asking him to use green, pink, and yellow in the same sentence about his job.
He says "When the phone goes 'green green', I pink it up and say 'Yellow?'"

A Mexican man is in line at the immigration office...

and the judge is tired from a long day. Flustered, the judge yells out, "If you can put these three words into an english sentence you're a citizen and we can all go home: 'pink', 'green', and 'yellow'!"
The man thinks for a second and responds, "I think I have it, Señor. The phone goes 'green', I 'pink' it up, and say, 'yellow'"!

I've had constipation for 3 months

Never been to the doctors in years, but took myself there as not had a number 2 in a long time.
Doc says "what have you been eating"?
I said well doc I've been eating snooker b**...!!
What?? Snooker b**... Charlie??
Yes doc, in the morning I have 3 reds a pink, bowl porridge and a nice cup of tea.
Lunch is a sandwich a black, 2 reds and a yellow washed down with another cup of tea.
For dinner I have a nice steak, 4 reds 2 blues 1 brown again washed down with a nice cup of tea.
Doc said "hey Charlie I know where you're going wrong, you ain't eating enough greens!!"

The teacher said to use the colors green, yellow, and pink in a sentence.

The 1st student goes.."i like the colors green, yellow and pink"
the 2nd student goes.."the grass is green, sun is yellow, and my shirt is pink"
the 3rd one, an asian, goes.."my phone went green green so i pinked it up and said 'yellow?'"

A mexican is crossing the border

The guard says, "if you can use the words pink, green and yellow in a sentence, I'll let you across."
The Mexican agrees, and thinks for a while the says, "I hear my phone going 'green green', so I pink it up and say 'yellow!'"

A Indian Joke about Indian accents

The grammar has been changed to make the joke smaller:
Some psychologists are running a test based on speech patterns. They get three people; an American, an Australian and an Indian, and ask them to say a few sentences with the words: green, pink and yellow.
The American and Australian give pretty normal answers, stuff like I put on my green hat etc. When it gets to the Indian he says "The phone goes green green, I pink up the phone and say yellow?"

A Mexican guy goes looking for a job

He finds one that he's interested in and asks the owner to hire him. The owner says "Fine I'll hire you, but only if you can make a full sentence out of three words I give you." The man nods ok. "The words are- Green, Pink and Yellow." The guy thinks for a second and says ok. "The phone goes green green so I pink it up and say yellow!

One day a black white and Asian got arrested but the cop said if u can say green pink and yellow in a sentence, then u won't go to jail.
The black didn't know what to say so he went to jail.
The white said "well white guys are pink....." but the cop said wrong order so he went to jail.
So the Asian guy said "well the phone go Green green so i pink up the phone and say yellow"

A poem written by an African

When I'm born, I'm black
When I grow up, I'm black
When I sunbath, I'm black
When I'm cold, I'm black
When I'm scared, I'm black
When I'm sick, I'm black
When I die...still black.
And you, white guy...
When you're born, you're pink
When you grow up, you're white
When you sunbath, you're red
When you're cold, you're blue
When you're scared, you're yellow
When you're sick, you're green
When you die, you're grey!
And you call me a man of color...
f**...' RAINBOW!

REQUEST: Racist "White" jokes, please.

I know DOZENS of Racist Jokes. But only a couple (not very good) Racist White Jokes.
For example:
Did you hear about the 2 house fire in Mexico?
Thousands died.
Why do Mexican's drive low-riders?
So they can pick strawberries from their car.
A man walks into a Bar with a Parrot on his shoulder.
The Bartender says: "Wow, that's awesome! Where can I get one?"
The Parrot Replies: "Africa! There's millions of them!"
Seriously though: I love Black People.
I think everyone should own one.
How do Asians name their children?
They throw their pots and pans in their air and record the sounds:
Ping Bang Pow.
How do you blindfold an Asian?
With dental floss.
The only "White Joke" I know is:
White people are born purple.
Then turn pink.
When they're mad, they're red.
When they're sick they're green.
When they're scared they're yellow.
When they're cold they're blue.
And have the nerve to call everyone else colored.
So: Does anyone have any "White Jokes" for me?

APPLICANTS for a clerical post in a paint company were given a simple written test. They were asked to write a short note using the words GREEN, PINK, YELLOW, BLUE, WHITE, PURPLE and BLACK one candidate wrote:

Phone went 'GREEN, GREEN'. I PINKed up the phone and said, " YELLOW, YELLOW! BLUE's Speaking? WHITE did you say? Wrong number! Don't PURPLEly disturb people! And don't call BLACK!!!

jokes about green yellow pink