Greek Mythology Jokes
41 greek mythology jokes and hilarious greek mythology puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about greek mythology that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Greek Mythology Short Jokes
Short greek mythology jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The greek mythology humour may include short greek god jokes also.
- I passed all my courses except for greek mythology. It has always been my Achilles' elbow.
- Not knowing about Greek mythology is my Achiless' Horse. Uh oh, I've really opened a Pandora's Labyrinth here
- In Ancient Greek mythology, Chiron was a half-horse, half-human doctor. He was the Centaur for Disease Control.
- Who is the most attractive Greek mythological figure? I don't know about you, but Medusa always gets me rock hard.
- I got caught faking my way through an ancient history course I failed because Greek mythology is my achilles horse
- My complete lack of knowledge about Greek mythology has always been my achilles elbow. thanks, Mike!
- Did you hear the joke about the shield from Greek mythology? I would think so, it's been around for aegis.
- My Greek mythology class is killing my GPA. I guess you could say it's my Achilles' elbow.
- In Greek mythology, Chiron was known for his knowledge and skill with medicine One could even call him the Centaur for Disease Control.
He was a big believer in herd immunity. - My Favorite Character From Greek Mythology is the Crazy Brother of Hercules... ... Testiclees.
He was nuts.
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Greek Mythology One Liners
Which greek mythology one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with greek mythology? I can suggest the ones about mythology and ancient greek.
- I failed my Greek Mythology exam. It has always been my Achilles' elbow
- My lack of Greek mythology knowledge has always been my Achilles elbow
- Not knowing Greek mythology is my biggest weakness It's my Achilles horse
- I'm terrible at Greek mythology It's my Achilles horse
- My poor knowledge of Greek mythology... ...has always been my Achilles' elbow.
- If you don't know a lot of creatures in Greek Mythology... I'll give you a mini-tour
- What do you call a Greek mythology professor who speaks in rhymes? Dr. Zeus
- I'm bad at Greek mythology. It's my Achilles' elbow.
- I've never been good when it comes to Greek mythology. It truly is my Achille's elbow.
- Who do Greek mythological dogs go to when their teeth need fixing? The Orthus-dontist.
- Who's the sorriest god from Greek mythology? Apollo.
Because he's always apollogizing - I like the drama in Greek Mythology. It a-muse-s me.
- I can sum up Greek Mythology in three words. Zeus got h**...!
Zeus Greek Mythology Jokes
Here is a list of funny zeus greek mythology jokes and even better zeus greek mythology puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Did you hear about the Spaniard who was obsessed with Greek Mythology? I said to him, "Jesus?" and he replied, "Where's Zeus?"
Fun-Filled Greek Mythology Jokes to Make You and Your Friends Chuckle & Giggle
What funny jokes about greek mythology you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean ancient greece jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make greek mythology pranks.
I have an unhealthy s**... attraction towards figures in Greek mythology ever since
I laid my eyes on Medusa. Been rock hard ever since.
In Greek Mythology, the Gorgon sisters Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa had the power to turn anyone who looked at them into stone.
But few people know that there was a fourth Gorgon sister named Zola.
She had the power to turn her enemies into cheese.
i picked up this copy of the Iliad the other day...
I picked what I thought was a copy of the Iliad the other day. But when I started reading it, I saw someone had just slapped the dust cover from The Iliad on a YA Fantasy novel based upon Greek Mythology. That's when I realized I had been RickRiordaned.
I've always wanted to improve my knowledge of Greek Mythology....
It's been my achilles elbow for quite some time.
I almost had a 4.0 at University.
It turns out that Greek mythology was my Achilles elbow.
Why are annoying high school girls obsessed with Greek mythology?
Because they have Arachne
I Heard that the Afterlife in Greek Mythology was Pretty Boring.
I wonder why Hades didn't liven things up a bit.