Great Grandfather Jokes
83 great grandfather jokes and hilarious great grandfather puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about great grandfather that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Great Grandfather Short Jokes
Short great grandfather jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The great grandfather humour may include short grandfather jokes also.
- I did an family history today and found out that my great grandfather helped rosa Parks initiate the civil rights movement He was the guy who said, "Get up, that's my seat."
- I spent my whole life being proud of my British heritage until I found out that my Great Grandfather was actually from Transylvania Now I can't even look myself in the mirror.
- My grandfather always used to say as one door closes another one opens Great guy.
Terrible carpenter. - I was really proud of my heritage until I found out that my great grandfather was from Transylvania. Now I can't even look at myself in the mirror.
- My great grandfather once destroyed 18 ww2 German aircrafts in one day. He was the worst mechanic the Luftwaffe ever had.
- When my Great Grandfather died they cremated his body but kept his toupee. It is considered a family hairloom.
- My great grandfather, grandfather, and father were born without legs. I guess it runs in the- wait a minute
- My great-grandfather started up an underground distillery during Prohibition It was a whiskey business
- My grandfather always said "son, you need to fight fire with fire..." Great guy, terrible fireman though
- My great-grandfather knew that Titanic would sink and tried to alert people 3 times The third time, he was expelled from the movie theater.
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Great Grandfather One Liners
Which great grandfather one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with great grandfather? I can suggest the ones about granddad and grandfather grandson.
- I inherited my great-grandfather's antique wig-making equipment. It's a family hairloom.
- My great grandfather sunk 5 U-boats in ww2 Easily the worst captain the kriegsmarine had
- My great grandfather was a communist... His nickname was "popsickle"
- Who's Ji-Sung Park's great, great, great, great, great grandfather? Jurassic Park
- My great grandfather is about to be one of the oldest men alive. The wait is killing.
- My great grandfather is a really spiritual person He's dead.
- What do you call your great grandfather's will? The Elder Scrolls.
- My great-grandfather died in Auschwitz.
- My great grandfather died in Auschwitz Those guard towers needed better safety rails
Laughter Great Grandfather Jokes for Everyone for Fun and Frivolity
What funny jokes about great grandfather you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean grandpa jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make great grandfather pranks.
A trio of old veterans were bragging about the heroic exploits of their ancestors one afternoon down at the VFW hall.
“My great grandfather, at age 13,” one declared proudly, “was a drummer boy at Shiloh.”
“Mine,” boasts another, “went down with Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn.”
“I’m the only soldier in my family,” confessed vet number three, “but if my great grandfather was living today he’d be the most famous man in the world.”
“Really? What’d he do?” his friends wanted to know.
“Nothing much. But he would be 165 years old.”
I went for a walk through Memory Lane today.
I found some boxes in my closet. In it were old family relics. My great-great grandfather's World War One helmet was the first thing I saw. There was also my grandmother's surgical gear when she was a nurse in the local hospital, and countless heirlooms I can't possibly list all of which.
Then, I got to the one that sparked the most memories: My grandfather's collecting hobby.
Every day since January 1st, 1949, he collected ties with funny designs and wore them to work. Some had cats, or snakes or airplanes. He had close to 100 by the time he died several years ago. I remember as a kid how much I loved them, he had stories of what happened to him while.he wore those ties. He had an awesome memory and was good at telling stories.
When he passed, he left them to me. I couldn't keep all 100, and I also gave some to my cousins, but I decided to keep the ties that were his absolute favorites: his chicken pattern ties.
One day, he wore his first chicken tie when he met my grandmother. From then, he collected more chicken ties to remind him of her. I wear them every now and again, as well.
Thanks for reading this. I like to talk about them, but all my friends act weird when I tell them about my granddad's Hen Tie collection.
p**...'s 18th birthday
p**... had long heard the stories of an amazing family tradition.
It seems that his father, grandfather and great-grandfather had all been able to walk on water on their 18th birthday. On that special day, they'd each walked across the lake to the pub on the far side for their first legal drink. So when p**...'s 18th birthday came around, he and his pal m**..., took a boat out to the middle of the lake, p**..., stepped out of the boat ...and nearly drowned!
m**... just barely managed to pull him to safety.
Furious and confused, p**... went to see his grandmother.
"Grandma," he asked, "Tis me 18th birthday, so why can't I walk across the lake like me father, his father and his father before him "
Granny looked deeply into p**...'s, troubled blue eyes and said,
"Because ye father, ye grandfather and ye great-grandfather were all born in December, when the lake is frozen, and ye were born in August, ya fookin idiot!"
My dad is German and dropped this one on me the other day.
Dad: I never told you this but, my great grandfather died in the holocaust.
Me: Oh, man thats terrible.
Dad: Yeah, he got really drunk one night and fell off of the guard tower.
two guys were talking about their ancestors
o**... said
"My great grandfather was in a concentration camp when he died when he tried to escape"
"that's funny" said the other guy
"whys that?" questioned the other
"my great grandad was killed when he fell out of a guard tower onto an escaping prisoner."
21st Birthdays
A boy from Duluth, Minnesota named Lars had heard stories of an amazing family tradition. It seem that his father, grandfather and great grandfather had all been able to walk on water on their 21st birthdays, to the boat club across the lake for their first legal drink.
So when Lars' 21st came around, he and his pal Sven took a boat out to the middle of the lake. Lars stepped out of the boat and nearly drowned. Sven managed to pull him to safety.
Furious and confused, Lars went to see his grandmother. "Grandma," he asked, "it's my 21st birthday, so why can't I walk across the lake like my father, his father, and his father before him?"
Granny looked into Lars' eyes and said, "Because your father, grandfather and great-grandfather were born in January. You were born in July."
Two Jewish brothers go to see the Pope...
This was the last joke told by my great grandfather before he died.
Two Jewish brothers who owned a very successful bakery, Rosen's, went to see the Pope.
They got through to his chamber, and the Pope asked what he could do for them. They said, "We have an offer for you. We will pay you 1 million dollars if you change two words of the Lord's prayer."
The Pope replied that he could not do that.
The brothers offered 5 million dollars.
The Pope said that he still could not do that.
The brothers made their final offer - 10 million dollars.
The Pope, exasperated at this point tells them that he does not have the authority to change the Lord's prayer.
The brothers seem to understand, and so begin to leave. Before they exit, though, the Pope calls out to them.
"Just out of curiosity, what two words did you want to change?"
"We just wanted you to change 'daily bread' to 'Rosen's rye'."
I'm getting really sick of all the Holocaust jokes...
My great grandfather died at Auschwitz, so I find these jokes really offensive. Granted, he fell out of a guard tower and broke his neck, but I think that still counts.
I found a joke recorded in an old book from my great great great great grandfather in 1881
A married woman said to her husband. You have never taken me to the cemetery. No dear, replied he. that is a pleasure I have yet in anticipation.
That's one.
As a child my grandfather would tell me story of his great great grandfather's Ignacio crossing the desert in Mexico. He and his wife rode in a covered wagon pulled by donkeys. A few hours into the journey one of the donkeys tripped, and he said, "That's one." Few hours go by and the donkey trips again, and he says, "That's two." Hours go by and again the donkey trips. Ignacio says "That's three." He pulls out his gun, shoots, and kills the donkey.
At this point his wife starts yelling, " What were you thinking! We don't have many donkeys! Why would you shoot him!" Ignacio replied, "That's one."
(works best when looks like it's gonna rain) "I hope the rain keeps up..." it don't come down!"
my great grandfather used to say that all the time. Not sure if anyone here would care but its almost funny
Holocaust jokes aren't funny. My great grandfather died in Auschwitz.
He fell off of a watch tower.
My great great grandfather died at Custer's last stand?
He didn't die fighting he was camping nearby and went over to complain about the noise.
My racist grandfather: "I think black people are great...
... Everyone needs to have one or too of em' "
A lot of people think it's weird that...
I carry my grandfather's picture in my wallet, But I think it's a great reminder of what he meant to me. Plus, the mortician did such a lovely job.
You guys really shouldn't make jokes about the Holocaust or concentration camps...
My great-grandfather died at a concentration camp. He fell from the watch-tower.
I reported my great grandfather to the ASPCA!
He told me that during his years as a pilot in WWII, he was involved in what he called "dogfighting". How cruel can you be?!
I have an axe that was once owned by George Washington.
My great-great grandfather had to replace the handle. And my grandfather had to replace the blade, but it's Washington's axe.
You know, living through these tumultuous times politically reminds of a saying my great-great grandfather always use to say...
(*Insert racial pejorative here*)
My great grandfather once worked in a WW2 aircraft factory.
*"Our factory closed down on account of increased B-24 production"*, he said.
*"Why is that?"*, I asked. *"Did the military favor the B-24 over your aircraft?"*
*"The military hated the B-24!"*, he snapped back. *"It always flew above flak and our Focke-Wulfs couldn't hit them either."*
Gunpowder therapy
A boy goes to his grandfather and says "Grandpa, how did you ever get so old?"
"Well," replies the grandfather, "every morning, I pour a teaspoon of gunpowder into my coffee, and I guess that's the reason." So the boy begins drinking coffee and doing the same.
90 years pass, and the boy dies having reached the age of 95. He left behind 3 kids, 5 grandkids, 4 great grandkids, several million dollars, and a 60 foot hole in the wall of the crematorium.
"How do we get our names?"
There was once a young Native American boy talking to his father.
"How do we get our names, dad?" The boy asked.
"Well, son," the boy's father replied, "after a baby is born we go out of the teepee and name the child after the first thing we see. This is why your great grandfather was Soaring Eagle, your grandfather is Running Elk, and I am Hopping Grasshopper."
The boy nodded, but still looked as though he was confused.
The boy's dad then asks, "Why do you ask, Two Dogs F*cking?"
TIL: A famous comedian's close family member was charge with killing a dog and spreading it on his Tacos!
It appears... Great Dane Cook's Great Grandfather Grated and cooked a great Great Dane.
I want to be a baker
My great grandfather was a baker, my grandfather was a baker and my dad was a baker.
I was bread for this.
My great-grandfather worked on the production line for a prosthetic nose manufacturer during the 1940s.
We call it the ol' olfactory factory.
This is the anniversary of my great great great grandfather inventing camouflage.
Not that anyone noticed.
My great-great-grandfather burned to death during the Christmas Truce of ww1
He died in a ceasefire.
Long life
A old friend of mine passed the other day, she was 107 years old, I asked her once what her secret to living so long was, she told me that when she was a child she asked her great grandfather the same question and he told her to sprinkle a teaspoon of gunpowder on top of her oatmeal every morning, and she and all her family has followed that advice, it worked apparently, she left behind 7 children, 17 grandchildren, 29 great grandchildren, 42 great great grandchildren, and a 40 foot crater where the crematorium used to be...
My great grandfather and grandfather both have Alzheimer's
My dad is starting to show early signs of the disease as well and it's scary because I know that sooner or later I will also get Alzheimer's as well because my great grandfather and grandfather both have Alzheimer's and my dad is starting to show early signs of the disease......
Hitlers s**...
One jewish man tells a joke to a woman, so he says:
"Why did h**... commit s**...?"
She said: "I don't know."
he replies:".... He saw the gas bill."
Then she said:"That's horrible! How could you say that!"
And he replies: "I'm sorry, I really shouldn't be joking about the holocaust. My great grandfather died in concentration camp."
The girl replies: "I'm so sorry to hear that."
And he says: "Yeah, it's sad, he fell off the guard tower."
A Jewish cook went to the Vatican and insisted on seeing the Pope.
After a long wait the Pope granted him an audience and asked the cook what could he do for him.
The Jew said that he was a cook, before him his father was a cook, his grandfather was a cook, his great grandfather was a cook, and that he comes from a family of cooks that goes back to over 2000 years....
The Pope congratulated him and asked him again, what could he do for him?
The Jew said: "Well, the bill for the last supper has still not been paid.... "
My Great Grandfather managed to predict the extermination of Jews.
Everyone told him to shut up, but he wouldn't. Eventually, the theater had to kick him out of Schindler's List.
My great grandfather got to see the Titanic
He told everyone it would sink, no one believed him. He said it again, they shut him up. For the last time, he warned everyone that it would sink. They have had enough and he got kicked out of the movie theatre.
For grandfathers day I decided to take out my grandfather
The coffin was a little heavy but we had a great time
A jewish father was on his death bed with his family around him...
He whispered
"son, come close"
And his son leaned forward so he's inches away from his father. The father grabs a watch from his night stand, a very fancy one, and whispers
"son, this watch has been worn by multiple generations, your great grandfather, your grandfather, and me."
The son with tears on his face says
"Yes father, what about it"
And his father, with his last breaths says:
"We'll, son... Wanna buy it?"
Good news! I've just inherited an estate from my great grandfather!
Bad news, it's a 1975 Volvo...
Man, my Grandfather was such a great pilot.
He returned from almost 15 Kamikaze missions! God bless him
My great grandfather got me an IPad for my birthday.
My so-so grandfather got me a pair of socks.
I look up to my grandfather as a national hero
He did many great thing, he was a soldier in ww1 and even killed hurled in ww2.
TIL that the "o" in Irish names denote that you're a grandson
My great-great-great-great grandfather was Reilly, Vehiclepiece. I'm O'O'O'Reilly, Autoparts
My great grandfather saw The Titanic and he warned everyone it would sink, but they all ignored him Time and time again he warned them
until they threw him out of the movie theater
When I was Young
I once caught my grandfather sprinkling gunpowder onto his grits one Sunday morning. I asked him why he would do that.
He explained, "Kid, my father did this, and his father did this. If you do this as well, every day, it'll help keep you hale and hearty well into your golden years."
It must be true, since when he died last year, he was 97, and left thirteen children, twenty-seven grandchildren, twelve great grandchildren, four great great grand children, and a fifteen foot deep crater where the crematorium used to be.
found a very old photo my great-great grandfather took in 1874
in the photo he was wearing a tall black hat.
i took the photo to the local restoration shop and asked if they could restore it. "no problem" said the assistant.
"is it possible you could take his hat off? because he looked better without it."
"no problem, the photo will be ready saturday" said the assistant
"by the way, did your grandfather have his hair parted on the right or left side?" asked the assistant
"i don't know" i repllied, "but you will find out when you take his hat off"
Gold watch
Salim was on the verge of death. In his last moments, he called his son Saul ...- Saul, my son, are you seeing this pure gold watch?It belonged to your great grandfather.It belonged to your grandfather. It belonged to me ...... wanna buy?
A guy says: "My great grandfather died in the concentration camps"
Then he laughs: "He fell from the guard tower"
"Stop telling jokes about this" His friend replies - "My great grandma also died in concentration camps"
"Oh I'm sorry"
"Yeah, some idiot d**... dude fell on top of her from the guard tower"
Three bodies are delivered to the mortuary one day. Each of them has a great big smile on their face.
The coroner examines the bodies and then calls the police to tell them what has happened...
"Well, the first body is a Frenchman, who had a heart attack while making love to his mistress, hence the smile." says the coroner.
Second body's a Scotsman, 25, won the lottery and spent all his money on whisky. Died of alcohol poisoning, hence the smile."
"Ah!" says the coroner. "This is the most unusual one. Sean, the Irishman, 30, struck by lightning."
"Why is *he* smiling then?"
"He thought he was having his picture taken."
*My grandfather told me this one as a kid so I hope you enjoyed!*
I've been doing some research into my family tree, and it turns out my Great Grandfather was a terrible dictator.
Apparently none of his secretaries understood a word he said.
My grandfather used to tell me this joke
Three British kids are arguing about whose father is superior.
one says "my dad drinksba full cup hot tea in a sip"
then the other says "well my dad drinks it straight out of the p**..."
upon hearing nothing from the third kid they ask "Peter how does your dad drinks tea"
Peter struggling to find something more great says
"well my dad drinks a cup of milk takes a teapack in his mouth and jumps right into the fire"
My great grandfather's joke
One day my great grandfather was taking his friend for a ride on his motorcycle. His friend said "It's freezing back here."
My great grandfather told him to turn his coat around so the wind wouldn't blow through the opening. His friend did and after awhile my great grandfather noticed that he had fallen off. He went back and saw a group of people with his friend laying in the middle of them. My great grandfather says "is he alright?"
One person in the group said "he seemed to be doing fine until we turned his head back around."
A 7-year-old is sitting on a park bench eating a chocolate bar. The man sitting next to him looks over and says, "Eating that many chocolate bars is bad for you."
The boy looks over and responds, "My great grandfather lived to be one hundred and five".
The man replies, "And he ate that much chocolate?"
"No" says the boy, "But he minded his own fckng business."
Throughout WWII, my great-grandfather was responsible for 43 German planes going down.
He was the worst mechanic in the Luftwaffe.
I just found out that my great grandfather was on the Titanic.
And as far as I know, he still is !!
My great grandfather told me a joke from his time in WW2
A German man, a Japanese man and an Italian man walk into a BAR.
The flag on the moon.
The flag on the moon is fading from the constant exposure to the sun. My grandfather said "Great in a few more years people are going to think the French landed there. "
My great-grandfather sunk 7 U-boats during WW2
Some say that he was the most incompetent captain in the Kriegsmarine
My daughter brought a friend from school and she said his great-great-great-great-grandfather was coming to pick him up later
I was impressed and asked: "Does he know how his so many greats grandfather lived for so long?"
My daughter answered: "It's because of my friend's stutter."