Gravity Falls Jokes
26 gravity falls jokes and hilarious gravity falls puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about gravity falls that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Gravity Falls Short Jokes
Short gravity falls jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The gravity falls humour may include short gravity up jokes also.
- Why did Isaac Newton's son know so much about gravity? The apple didn't fall far from the tree.
- Someone was falling into a black hole The gravity of their situation was really becoming apparent.
- My ex still misses me. I mean, her aim's not getting any better?
I just started gravity falls. - How did na idiot survive after falling off a cliff? He didn't understand the gravity of the situation.
- Two astronauts are falling into a black hole while telling jokes. One turns to the other and says "I'm afraid we're not aware of the gravity of the situation."
- If you are on a free-fall and feeling weightless ... You probably don't understand the gravity of the situation you're in ...
- I have finally found something I must be in love with. GRAVITY! I fall for it all the time.
- Ya'll remember time baby from gravity falls? I liked that character, because he was always ahead of time.
- What happens if you cross Einstein and gravity? IDK, but the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
- Ladders causes more accidents in homes than guns That's why I have 10 guns, incase some psycho tries to sneak in a ladder.
Gravity Falls has the best jokes.
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Gravity Falls One Liners
Which gravity falls one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with gravity falls? I can suggest the ones about gravitational and earth gravity.
- Guess you can call me mr. Anti-gravity Cause no one ever falls for me.
- What's the most attractive law of science? Gravity.
Everything falls for it. - I was going to tell you a gravity joke ....but no one was gonna fall for it.
- At one time a falling Apple lead to the Theory of Gravity Now it's just a broken iPhone
- An apple didn't fall on Isaac Newton's head. He missed the gravity of the situation.
- Why can't you fall in love in space? Because there is no gravity
- Did you just fall? No, I was checking if gravity still works.
Hilarious Gravity Falls Jokes for a Fun-Filled Night with Friends
What funny jokes about gravity falls you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean fall guys jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make gravity falls pranks.
So last night I fell off my balcony...
Instead of falling and getting really badly hurt, I kinda just floated down to the ground... landing without a scratch.
The news spread fast and everyone was wondering how that happened. I was later asked to explain the whole event, but I couldn't. I guess I just didn't get the whole gravity of the situation.
Que dijo la persona que estaba callendo de un edificio muy muy alto en diciembre?
Feliz gravidad!
(Translation: What did the person falling from the very very tall building in december say?
Happy Gravity!)
You know, studies show that keeping a ladder inside the house is more dangerous than a loaded gun.
That's why I own ten guns. In case some maniac tries to sneak in a ladder!
^(Source: Gravity Falls. Can't find a good clip of the moment)