Gravestone Jokes
39 gravestone jokes and hilarious gravestone puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about gravestone that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Gravestone Short Jokes
Short gravestone jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The gravestone humour may include short headstone jokes also.
- I asked my dying father if he could pay for his expensive gravestone in advance before he died. He replied, "Over my dead body."
- Nothing else signifies the end of a beyblade career like a gravestone. It's the last way to... Let it R.I.P.
- "I saw a famous rapper urinating onto a gravestone." "P. Diddy?"
"Yes, onto a gravestone." - My therapist asked me how I knew I was in the wrong body. I simply checked the gravestone.
- If I was Jim Carrey I wouldn't have "RIP" on my gravestone. I'd have: "Take care now, bye bye then!"
- Did you know it's a Jewish tradition to place rocks on gravestones? Yeah, flowers were too expensive.
- Open wide ye heavenly gates! Open wide ye heavenly gates!
For Father suffered in passing through,
and Mother weighs much more.
-Gravestone - A boy and his mother passed a cemetery. The boy saw a gravestone read 'Here lies an honest lawyer'. He said to his mother "I thought Gandhi was cremated."
- I was walking in a cemetery this morning and saw a bloke hiding behind a gravestone. I said, "Morning." He replied, "No, just having a s**...."
- I was in the cemetery and saw a man get up from behind a gravestone 'Morning' I said.
'No, just taking a s**...' he said
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Gravestone One Liners
Which gravestone one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with gravestone? I can suggest the ones about graveside and graveyard.
- Buddhists never write R.I.P on the gravestones All of them just say BRB
- What does it say on the gravestone of the guy who made Beyblades? Let him RIP!
- What did the robot have written on their gravestone? Rust In Peace
- what was written on the hypocondriac's gravestone? I told you I was sick.
- What is written on Ronald McDonald's gravestone? McRIP
- When is the best occasion to wear a gravestone marker hat? When your hair is dyed
- Whats engraved on the gravestone of a person who died of leprosy? Rest in pieces
- Saw a gravestone yesterday marked 'Eliza'... Eliza Mann
- What's on robot's gravestone? Rust in peace
- What do you write on a Robot's gravestone? Rust In Peace
- Steven Hawkings is going to have amazing flowers at his gravestone.
- If I had 3 knives, and you took 1, what would you have? A gravestone.
- Gravestone of a lawyer "Here lies a lawyer. he lies still."
- What did the DJs gravestone say? His beat finally dropped
- My ex-wife recently passed away. Guess what she got on her gravestone? My u**....

Hilarious Gravestone Jokes that Bring Laughter with Friends
What funny jokes about gravestone you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean cemetery jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make gravestone pranks.
There once was a boy named "Odd."
People made fun of him because of his name, so he decided to keep his gravestone blank when he died.
Now when people pass by the burial site, they point and say, "That's odd."
A little boy and his father are walking in a cemetery
...and come across a gravestone that reads "here lies a lawyer and a good man"
The boy asks his father "Dad, why did they bury 2 men in 1 grave?"
It was a dark night in the cemetery..
..and Eric had, unwisely, elected to take a short cut. The leaves rustled in the trees, the shadows appeared to move around him, and then.. and then.. tap, tap, tap. Eric started to walk faster but the tapping was only getting louder. Eric grew scared, really scared, until he rounded a big old gravestone and saw a man tapping away at the front of the stone. Trying to hide his relief, Eric said, "You're up late on a cold windy night!" "Yes", said the man. "You always work this late?" said Eric. "Not normally", replied the man, "But the b**... spelt my name wrong!"
What do you call a plan to kill a bunch of crows that are hanging around on a gravestone?
A plot to m**... a m**... plot's m**....
Wise words from a Gravestone
In life... a man needs a woman he can laugh with,
a woman who will cook for him,
a woman who he can enjoys life's adventures with,
and it's super important that these women never meet,
Otherwise you will end up in the ground like me.
A man is taking his dog for a walk through a graveyard early one morning.
A man is taking his dog for a walk through a graveyard early one morning when he sees an elderly man crouched by a gravestone. Not wishing to appear rude the dog-walker greets the elderly man with a cheery:
The elderly man replies:
"Oh no, just taking a dump."
Two men walking in a cemetery find a gravestone
Two men walking in a cemetery find a recent gravestone , so they read it:
-"Here lies an honest man and a competent lawyer"
So one of the guys turn to the other:
-"When did they start burying two people together?"
My dad uses to tell this joke alot
There was once a man named Odd. He was very embarresed by his name and didn't want anyone to know about it. When he died he had no name written on his gravestone.
One day a bunch of tourists came to his town and visited the graveyard where they came across a gravestone with no name on it.
"That's Odd!" He said
I have to walk through a cemetery to get to work
This morning as I was walking through I saw someone crouching behind a gravestone. I said, 'Morning.' He said, 'No I'm just doing a p**....'
Here's a story about a boy with a strange name...
Once upon a time there was a little boy named Odd. Throughout his childhood he was picked on and bullied ruthlessly because of his name. He was so ashamed of that when he died, he decided to leave his gravestone blank.
Now, years later, whenever they pass his grave they would say, "That's odd."
Guy sitting in a graveyard
A man works at a graveyard, but he still gets the chills when he is around gravestones. The grave keeper passes by the graveyard one day and sees a man just sitting next to a couple of gravestones. He walks up to the man and asks him, Aren't you scared in this place?"
The man looks at him and smiles, Scared? Not really, I'm just glad to be out of that hole."