
Graph Jokes

77 graph jokes and hilarious graph puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about graph that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Start cracking up over these hilarious graph puns and jokes! Learn why square roots are so radical, why exponential growth is always explosive, and why a mathematician always has plenty of chart candy. Discover why linear graphs refuse to bend and why trig graphs are so chaotic. Whether you love graph paper or graph theory, these jokes will put a smile on your face.

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Funniest Graph Short Jokes

Short graph jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The graph humour may include short chart jokes also.

  1. I just saw my math teacher lock himself in his office with a piece of graph paper. I think he must be plotting something.
  2. I just watched a movie about a y=x graph The plot was a bit predictable
    And a little flat
    Good special f(x) though
  3. I found out what that math teacher with graph paper from yesterday's joke was plotting.... ...weapons of math instruction.
  4. I'll do algebra, I'll do trigonometry, I'll even do statistics. But graphing is where I draw the line!
  5. I saw my math teacher with a piece of graph paper, and a very strange look on his face yesterday I think he may be plotting something.
  6. I saw my math teacher walking down the corridor holding some graph paper. I thought, he's plotting something .
  7. I'll do algebra, I'll do trigonometry, I'll even do statistics... But graphing is where I draw the line!
    Actually, graphing is fine, but calculus is my limit.
  8. My father works as a statistician at Ford. He must be pretty well-respected there, people are always asking for his auto graph.
  9. My daughter is making graphs for her math homework. Awfully suspicious... Pretty sure she's plotting something.
  10. My son used to be horrible at graphing trig functions. Luckily he's made excellent sines of improvement.

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Graph One Liners

Which graph one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with graph? I can suggest the ones about drawing and plot.

  1. I'm making a graph of my past relationships... I have an 'ex'-axis and a 'why?'-axis.
  2. I don't trust people with graph paper They're always plotting something
  3. I'll do Algebra, even put up with Trigonometry But Graphing is where I draw the line
  4. Never trust a mathematician with a graph. They're always plotting something.
  5. My graphing calculator works really well... Some would say it functions perfectly.
  6. Never trust anybody who has graph paper. They're always plotting something.
  7. I made a graph of my past girlfriends. It has an ex axis and a why axis.
  8. I plotted a graph of my past mistakes It has an ex-axis and a why-axis
  9. I'm making a graph of all my old relationships It has an ex axis and a why axis.
  10. I made a graph showing all of my past relationships. It has an ex-axis and a why-axis.
  11. You can never trust a teacher who uses graph paper, they're always plotting something.
  12. Did you see the movie about graphing? It didn't have a good plot.
  13. I like math for the most part... But graphing is where I draw the line.
  14. I'm making a graph on my previous exs It has an Ex axis and a Why axis.
  15. I made a graph showing my past relationships It has an ex-axis and a why-axis

Graph Paper Jokes

Here is a list of funny graph paper jokes and even better graph paper puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Why should you worry about the math teacher holding graph paper? She's definitely plotting something.
  • Never trust math teachers who use graph paper They're always plotting something.
  • Teacher arrested on airplane after bag was searched A protractor, a ruler, a calculator, and a book of graph paper. He was charged with possessing implements of math instruction
  • I was going to write a book about an x-axis and y-axis on a piece of graph paper. But there was no plot.
  • Why don't pencils and graph paper get along? Because they're made out of graphite
  • My wife has been secretly storing plenty of graph paper inside her closet. I bet she is plotting something against me.
  • The FBI arrested the Math teacher with a Graph Paper He was definitely plotting something
  • jokes And Accurate Graphs About Irritating Everyday Life. The Toilet Paper Graph(#3) Killed me!

Pie Graph Jokes

Here is a list of funny pie graph jokes and even better pie graph puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Today at work I beat my boss over the head with a pie chart. I've been charged with a graph-aided assault.
Graph joke, Today at work I beat my boss over the head with a pie chart.

Linear Graph Jokes

Here is a list of funny linear graph jokes and even better linear graph puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What did the Exponential Equation say to the Linear Equation? Real graphs have curves.
Graph joke, What did the Exponential Equation say to the Linear Equation?

Hilarious Graph Jokes that Bring Laughter with Friends

What funny jokes about graph you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean draw jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make graph pranks.

I'm a graphic designer for an online casino

I do a lot of arts & craps.

A graphic designer is working on a website...

...and his client says, "Could you make this banner a little more green?"
So he makes the color a little bit more green.
But his client says, "No, that's too green. Make it a little less so."
So he makes it a little less green.
The client says, "No, it's still a bit off."
So the artist, losing his patience, shouts, "On a scale of 0 to 255, how green do you want it!?"

I lost my ruler and my work after drawing a graph...

I think they were plotting something.

Graphene can do everything...

Except leave the lab. :)

I was making a graph of my past relationships. First I drew the Ex axis then the Why axis.

Full disclosure: I saw this in yik yak thought is share it here. :)

How can you tell between a graphic designer and recruiter?

Ask them to pronounce "hires"

What do you get when you graph mud versus traction?

a slippery slope

What do graphic designers smoke up to get high?


How many graphic designers does it take to change a light bulb?

Does it have to be a light bulb? 'Cause I had this other idea...

Where do graphic designers go for a drink?

CGI Friday's

My girlfriend's mood is like the graph of sin(x).....

Her mood goes up and down within one period.

What's Asian on top and black on bottom?

IQ distribution graph

What do you need when your graphics card is drunk?

A new driver.

I went outside once....

The graphics were great! But the storyline s**...!!!!!

What do you call an issue with the graph of a quadratic formula?

A parabolem.

Graphene may be a miracle material

But only on paper

A graphic designer has a heart attack

I guess you could call it...
a s**....

What do you call a giraffe with no eyes?

A graph

I've gotten a Graphic Design job at a nuclear plant

The pay is not great, but they told me I'd be getting some exposure.

I just finished making a graph of all my past relationships with women

It has an Ex axis and a Why axis.

I was drawing a graph for my report expecting a straight line. But I got a curve.

What a plot twist

How can you chart all the lies your parrot tells?

A poly graph.

Say what you want about the graphics for Lara Croft's bosom in the original Tomb Raider

At the time, they were cutting edge.

What do you call an unexpected wiggle on a straight graph?

A plot twist.

I've just finished a graph charting my previous relationships...

It has an Ex axis and a Why axis.

I have a graph of my relationships

It has an Ex axis and a why axis, trust me I've been plotting for a while

a graphic designer, an astrophysicist, a dentist and an electrician walk into a bar

it was queen and they were playing their first gig

Graphing calculators cannot be trusted.

Theyre plotting something, I can feel it.

What would be the best way to visually depict the number of nightclubs in my city?

I'm thinking I should use a bar graph.

This is a discussion about the safety of 4-wheelers/ATVs.

I'm sick and tired of hearing about the deaths and serious injuries related to these vehicles. In fact, if you plot those terrible outcomes against speed and operator inexperience, you can see that those events are clustered in the top right corner of the graph.
In other words, this is a quad rant.

Graph joke, This is a discussion about the safety of 4-wheelers/ATVs.

jokes about graph