
Grammer Jokes

23 grammer jokes and hilarious grammer puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about grammer that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Grammer Short Jokes

Short grammer jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The grammer humour may include short essential jokes also.

  1. What is the saddest thing in you're life? That you clicked on this link only to correct my grammer....
  2. Acording to an study.... 80% off students is good in mathes, at least I be from the rest 30% who is good at grammer.
  3. A quick laugh from work What do you call it when Kelsey Grammer is giving a PowerPoint presentation?
    Slideshow Bob

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Grammer One Liners

Which grammer one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with grammer? I can suggest the ones about importance and inability.

  1. What do they serve for breakfast in Grammer class? Synonym toast.
  2. just made some synonym rolls just like grammer used to make
  3. Grammer contractions are important You can't put a you will log on your fire.
  4. They're are three things I'm not good at 1. Grammer
    2. Counting
  5. "Hey man, for our grammer project, do you think we might get an A?" "We shall C"
  6. How do you get an grammer n**...'s attention? That. That is how.
  7. Grammer n**... are the worse. Thank you four you're time.
  8. They're really just "Grammer n**..." But the media keeps calling them "Alt-Write"
  9. Why are accountants big grammer n**...? They get scared when there is no Capital.
  10. Why do we hire n**... as Game Developers? Because they're Pro-Grammer.

Grammer joke, Why do we hire n**... as Game Developers?

Humorous Grammer Jokes to Bring Fun and Laughter to Your Life

What funny jokes about grammer you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean assembly jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make grammer pranks.

man with a wooden leg

My friend said he knew a man with a wooden leg named Smith.
So I asked him "What was the name of his other leg?"
(Try this one with your students the next time you are teaching a lesson that includes this type of grammer.)

"Are your mother and father in?"

Asked the neighbour when the small boy opened the door.
"They was in," said the boy, "but they is out now."
"They was in - they is out!" exclaimed the neighbour. "Where's your grammer?"
"Out in the kitchen making some cookies."

Grammer joke, They're are three things I'm not good at