
Grader Jokes

43 grader jokes and hilarious grader puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about grader that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Looking for some funny jokes to get your 1st grader, seventh grader, sophomore, or 10th grader giggling? Look no further! Check out this collection of hilarious jokes designed specifically for each grade level. Perfect for a great start or end to the school day.

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Funniest Grader Short Jokes

Short grader jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The grader humour may include short grater jokes also.

  1. Where do you find a horse with no legs? Where you left him.
    Told to me today by a first grader.
  2. Have you seen the movie, "Constipation?" Of course not, it won't be out for a while.
    Btw, I am a teacher and a 3rd grader told me that today.
  3. Helen keller sets down a cheese grader and says... That was the most violent book i've ever read
  4. My first grader made this one up: What do you call the northern lights when they're not very interesting? Aurora Boringalis
  5. What's the funniest joke you've heard that can be told to a 5th grader? I always loved this one: (works better said out loud of course)
    What do you call a fish with no eyes?
    ... A FSHHH
  6. On the first day of school, a first-grader handed his teacher a note from his mother. The note read…. "The opinions expressed by this child are not necessarily those of his parents."
  7. What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus? I want to hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand.....
  8. I bought my blind friend a cheese grader for his birthday. A week later…
    He said it was the most violent book he's ever read…
  9. Why should you never bully a fifth grader gypsy? Because his father is in the eleventh grade.
  10. Why are frogs happy? Because they eat what bugs them..
    Source: 3rd grader told me this joke..

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Grader One Liners

Which grader one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with grader? I can suggest the ones about teacher grading and grad student.

  1. What scares a caterpillar? A dog-erpillar! (From a 3rd grader at dismissal yesterday!)
  2. What do you call third grader with no friends? A Sandy Hook survivor.
  3. What do you call a 10th grader that's into Chemistry? A Sophmole.
  4. What's do C-graders have in common with my audience? They're both extremely mean.
  5. In the cheese competition, who is the judge? The cheese grader
  6. Stevie wonder got a cheese grader for Xmas He said it was the best book he ever read
  7. Why was the relgious seventh grader sad? He was made fun of by eighthiests
  8. Why did the ninja go to the doctor? For his Kung Flu.
    Courtesy of a 3rd grader
  9. Sassy 3rd Grader Tricks millions of US citizens
  10. Why nobody bullies a first grader mexican kid in school his dad is in the 4th grade
  11. Whats a punch that can kill 28 first graders? A Sandy Hook
  12. How do you kill 42 first graders in one punch? A Sandy Hook.
  13. Repeat after me.... I Pam sofa king read card Ted.
    Complements of my 6th grader.
  14. Why do first graders make terrible gardeners? Because they can't w**....
  15. Why did all the 11th graders die during World War 2? Cuz h**... killed all the Jewniors

1st Grader Jokes

Here is a list of funny 1st grader jokes and even better 1st grader puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • 11 year old step son told me this... I lol'd Why did the cops show up at the elementary school?
    A 1st grader was resisting a rest.
Grader joke, 11 year old step son told me this... I lol'd

Cheeky Grader Jokes that Will Make You and Your Friends Chuckle

What funny jokes about grader you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean report card jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make grader pranks.

Smart first grader

A first-grade teacher can't believe her student isn't hepped-up about the Super Bowl. It's a huge event. Why aren't you excited?
Because I'm not a football fan. My parents love basketball, so I do too, says the student.
Well, that's a lousy reason, says the teacher. What if your parents were morons? What would you be then?
Then I'd be a football fan.

Dad and son octopus crossing the road, dad said to his son:

gimme your hand, gimme your hand, gimme your hand, gimme your hand, gimme your hand, gimme your hand, gimme your hand, gimme your hand. (Courtesy of my 1st grader).

If you snort coke, you get high. If you snort flour... get baked.
...frighteningly, my 5th grader came up with this while we were having a discussion about drugs and what he might end up seeing in Middle School next year.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get to the d**...'s house. Knock knock.
(Who's there?)
The chicken.
(As told by my 4th grader today)

A seventh grader asked his English teacher a question in class

"Why do we ignore some letters in pronunciation eg. the letter H Hour, Honour. .....etc. She replied, "We are not ignoring them; they're considered silent."
During lunch break that day, the teacher gave the student her packed lunch and asked him to heat it in the Cafeteria. He ate all the food and returned her the empty container.
Shocked, she asked: "What happened? The boy replied: "Madam, I thought 'H' was silent.

Ben was a fifth grader notorious for his lack of filter.

One day, he walked into class 10 minutes late. "What took you so long, Ben?" asked the teacher. "Sorry miss, there was construction happening in a w**... nearby so all the roads were blocked."
Suddenly, all the girls in the class, disgusted at Ben, rose up to protest against his v**... rhetoric. "Simmer down, you s**...", Ben replied "they are not taking applications yet."

A black 6th grader goes to the swimming pool with his class

When he returned home, he asked his Mum:
"Hey mum, everybody was staring at my wee-wee in the communal shower. They said it's so big. Is it because I'm black?
"No Jamal, it's because you're 18"

Plane Joke

There was a plane about to go down. The people who were on there were: Trump, The Pope, The Pilot, and 3rd grader. There are three parachutes. The Pope grabs a parachute and says; "I am more important" Then bails. Trump grabs a parachute and says "I am the worlds smartest man. I can't die" Then bails. The Pilot looks at the kid and said here have my Parachute, the kid responded No need to, the "worlds smartest man" grabbed my backpack.

What did one hurricane say to the other?

I was very concerned my first grader was about to say "blow me" in the middle of a busy store, but "I've got my eye on you" was the answer.

I got promoted to the senior supervisor at the cheese factory.

I am now the greater grater grader.

A Priest and a Rabbi are walking behind a 3rd grader.

The priest says "hey we should screw that kid"
The rabbi says "outta what?'

Only possible with the mind of a 7th grader...

My brother comes home from school one day and tells me his friend was held after school.
I asked him what for.
He said he moved all the women's rights books in the library into the fiction department.

A 3rd grader was giving a presentation on the planets. He got stumped and whispered to his Dad 'What's this one?' Father says 'Uranus.'

The kid looks proudly to the class and says 'This is my a**....'

Billy at school

The teacher asks Billy, the first grader, questions about animals:
T: Billy, what do we get from pigs?
B: Meat
T: That's right! And what do we get from sheep?
B: Wool
T: Correct! And what do we get from cows?
B: Homework

The things kids say....

I work in a middle school and I was talking to a 6th grader today. He was bummed because he's so short:
He says: I should go back to kindergarten with kids my own size.
Me: Well maybe you should try 1st grade because you already know the alphabet, right?
He didn't skip a beat and responded: I'm so American, the only letters I know are U, S and A!
It was hilarious.!! Thank you children for making us laugh.

What is the name of the new game show hosted by Katt Williams?

Are You Stronger Than A 7th Grader?

Grader joke, What is the name of the new game show hosted by Katt Williams?