
Google Chrome Jokes

37 google chrome jokes and hilarious google chrome puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about google chrome that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Google Chrome Short Jokes

Short google chrome jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The google chrome humour may include short internet explorer jokes also.

  1. Did you hear that Google has tied every single one of their programs to their browser? I guess you could say that *all codes lead to Chrome*.
  2. really old joke based off a video game from the 90's What are the three certainties in life? ( Thank you for spellcheck on google chrome ) 1. death 2. taxes. 3. you'll hear this joke sooner or later
  3. Why is Google Chrome like a submarine? They tend to get a little slow if you open too many windows.
  4. Google fired an employee who claimed their technology was sentient. Which is sad, because he was Chrome's only friend.
  5. Why don't we let Google Chrome drive? Because it crashes all the time.
    *Disclaimer - shameless chrome user*
  6. This joke is brought to you by AdBlock Plus for Google Chrome. Blocking every ad on the internet, except this one.
  7. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Safari walk into a bar. Google Chrome asks for a stiff drink. Safari asks for a heavy drink... Internet Explorer asks for a frozen drink.
  8. Why did Steve Jobs die of cancer? Because he searched for a medicine in Safari and not Google Chrome.
  9. OC: Why wouldn't Jesus Christ have been born if Google Chrome existed 2000 years ago? Because there would've been no more RAM in the Task Manger.
  10. What genetic defect do all people who refuse to use Google products have? Too few Chrome-osomes.

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Google Chrome One Liners

Which google chrome one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with google chrome? I can suggest the ones about chrome and web browser.

  1. What is the most commonly searched term on Internet Explorer? Google Chrome.
  2. I get really angry when Google Chrome crashes. It gets me totally on Edge.
  3. I exclusively use internet explorer to download Google chrome.
  4. I just opened up Microsoft Edge... Now I can download Google Chrome in style.
  5. why is it called the Google Chrome Helper? because it helps itself to all of your RAM
  6. What is Internet Explorer useful for? To install Google Chrome.
  7. Why should we be afraid of Google? Because everything's Chrome in the future.
  8. True Fact The most anybody ever uses internet explorer for is to download Google chrome.
  9. What's the most searched item on Bing? Download Google Chrome
  10. Girl, are you Google chrome? Cuz you made me go fiery & foxy.
  11. What's the most googled word in Mozilla Firefox? Chrome.
  12. Whats another name for google glass? Dome Chrome.
  13. My electronics professor said **Microsoft** *created* **Google** Chrome

Google Chrome Jokes to Giggle and Enjoy A Night of Unforgettable Laughter

What funny jokes about google chrome you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean safari jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make google chrome pranks.

Incognito mode on google chrome is useless..

Everyone in the library can still see me w**...

I just checked out the new Windows 10 browser.

I'm still on the edge to download Google Chrome.