Getting Lost Jokes
31 getting lost jokes and hilarious getting lost puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about getting lost that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Getting Lost Short Jokes
Short getting lost jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The getting lost humour may include short wandering jokes also.
- As I get older and remember all the people I've lost along the way, I think to myself... maybe a career as a tour guide wasn't for me.
- You know when you get the urge to eat something just because it's there? Anyways, I lost my job as a gynecologist today.
- As I get older I remember all the people I've lost along the way I think to myself, maybe a career as a tour guide wasn't for me.
- I stopped showering or changing my clothes, as a precaution against COVID-19. If anybody gets within six feet of me, I know they must have lost their sense of smell.
- As I get older, I remember all of the people I lost along the way Maybe my budding career as a tour guide was not the right choice
- Why can't pirates learn the alphabet? You would think they have a hard time with R, but it's actually because they always get lost at C
- gambling has really helped me get back on my feet Because I lost my car in poker last night.
- As i get older, i remember all the people i lost along the way Maybe a career as a tour guide wasn't the right choice
- As I get older I think about all the people I've lost along the way Maybe being a tour guide wasn't for me
- The older I get, the more I regret all the people I've lost over the years. Maybe being a trail guide wasn't such a great idea after all.
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Getting Lost One Liners
Which getting lost one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with getting lost? I can suggest the ones about losing your head and lost and found.
- If you Google "lost mediaeval servant boy" You get "This page cannot be found".
- I lost 189 lbs in one week. By getting a divorce.
- Why did C-3P0 get lost? He went on an R2-Dtour.
- Why can't pirates recite the alphabet? They keep getting lost at sea.
- Why don't pirates know the alphabet? Because they get lost at C
- Why can't pirates finish the alphabet? Because they get lost at C
- Why does Heisenberg hate driving? He gets lost every time he checks the speedometer.
- Why did ChatGPT get lost in the forest? Because it couldn't find the right algorithm!
- How come the boat couldn't recite the alphabet? He'd always get lost at C
- You know you are fat when ... you hug a child and it gets lost.
- What do Italians say when their mother gets lost during a war? Mama mia.
- You know you are fat when you hug a child and it gets lost.
- Where did Joe go after getting lost on a minefield? Everywhere
- How does a friend contact you when he gets lost at a Rave? EDMs you
- What mythical creature always gets lost? A where-wolf
Getting Lost Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about getting lost you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean running away jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make getting lost pranks.
After getting lost in the huge Costco, I couldn't find my wife after25 minutes looking for her....
I went up to a very attractive woman and I told her: I lost my wife
The woman looked at me: I don't know how talking to me is going to help you find your wife
I said, just wait 3, 2, 1... my wife rounds the corner, hey honey what are you doing?
Where did Steve go after getting lost in a minefield?
Happy Columbus Day
I'm celebrating by getting lost in the grocery store while looking for the spice aisle.
why cant pirates sing the alphabet?
They keep getting lost at "C"....
Did you know that Scarlett Johansson kept getting lost on the set of Black Widow?
She kept Romanoff.
My friend has the ability to hike the most complex of trails without getting lost.
It's pathological.
A young man was at prom with his date.
He went off in search for something to drink. After getting lost a few times, he finally asked a chaperone, "So where's the punch line?"
When it comes to getting lost at sea,
I'm in a league of my own.
How come Physicists are always getting lost?
They either know where they are or how fast they're going, but not both!
"Where did you go time?"
Oh sorry.. I meant Tim, that guy's and idiot, always getting lost
Speaking of time, I always loose track of it, "where did you go time?"
...Oh sorry.. I meant Tim, that guy's and idiot, he's always getting lost
Women will drive miles out of their way to avoid the possibility of getting lost using a shortcut.
Getting Lost in the Woods...
So a young reporter went to a village deep in the woods of Estonia, where she approached the mayor, asking for an interesting story for her newspaper.
The mayor smiled, and said "Last month, this s**... young lady from the village got lost. So I gathered all the men together, and we search through the night and found her, then we took turns nailing her!"
The reporter, stunned, says "I can't use that there anything else that happened, maybe less dirty?"
The mayor leaned back and said..."Well in all the excitement, the girls Mother- she's old but ok looking, went missing. So I got about half of the men from the village... and we found her, then took turns nailing her."
The reporter threw up her hands in frustration. "Mr. Mayor, I can't use those about you...has anything interesting happened to you lately?"
The mayor grew silent and then said, after a sigh he said: "I got lost last week...but we won't talk about that!"
You must be in tech support...
My aviation management professor told this to the class on the first day today:
One afternoon, a hot-air balloon pilot decides to relax and go for a ride. After a while he ends up getting lost, having no idea where he is. So he descends closer to the ground until he ends up flying by a guy outside his house.
The pilot yells down, "Hey! Where am I?!"
The guy on the ground yells back, "You're in a balloon, 50 feet above my house!"
Pilot: "You must be in tech support!"
Guy on ground: "Yeah, actually. How did you know?!"
Pilot: "Because everything you've told me is 100% true and 100% useless!"
Guy on the ground: "You must be in management!"
Pilot: "Yeah I am! How did you know?!"
Guy on the ground: "You don't have any idea where you are or where you're going. You're in the exact same position you were in before we met five seconds ago, but somehow it's my fault!"