
Genetically Jokes

40 genetically jokes and hilarious genetically puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about genetically that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Genetically Short Jokes

Short genetically jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The genetically humour may include short hereditary jokes also.

  1. I'm not sure I believe all this stuff about genetically modified food being bad for you... I feel fine and I just had a really tasty leg of salmon...
  2. Scene at the supermarket... Customer: Pardon me, but are these vegetables genetically modified?
    Clerk: No, sir. Why do you ask?
    Carrot: Yeah, why do you ask?
  3. What do you get when you cross a duck with an octopus? Fired and blacklisted from the genetics industry.
  4. What do you get when you cross a bat and a man? A ban. Specifically, a lifetime ban from the genetics labs, as well as a visit from the ethics committee.
  5. A very curious customer asked a local tomato farmer if their tomatoes are genetically modified. "No." Said the farmer
    "No." Said the tomato
  6. "Doctor, I think I have genetic diarrhoea" "But diarrhoea isn't genetic"
    "Well, it's in my jeans"
  7. What do you get when you cryogenically freeze a genetic copy of basketball legend Kareem Abdul Jabbar? An ice Kareem clone
  8. Researchers have discovered that diarrhea is influenced by genetics. Their evidence: It runs in your jeans.
  9. Dave: Excuse me, sir, is this carrot genetically modified? Clerk: No, why do you ask?
    carrot: No, really, why do you ask?
  10. My girlfriend isn't just beautiful on the outside, but on the inside as well. She must have a great genetic makeup.

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Genetically One Liners

Which genetically one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with genetically? I can suggest the ones about genetic engineering and legally.

  1. Diarrhea is genetic It runs in your jeans
  2. "Should I be concerned about eating genetically modified tomatoes?" Tomato: "No"
  3. Did you know that Diarrhea is genetic? It runs in the jeans
  4. A recent study revealed that diarrhea is genetic... .....It runs in the genes.
  5. Scared of eating genetically modified fruit? Grow a pear.
  6. I don't always feel like I won the genetic lottery, but when I do... I'm at Wal-mart.
  7. I recently learned diarrhea is genetic... Yeah, it runs in your genes.
  8. We have a genetic predisposition for diarrhea. Runs in our jeans.
  9. I just found out diarrhea is genetic... It runs in your genes.
  10. Diarrhea is actually genetic. It's in your jeans.
  11. They say mental illness is genetic I know my kids make me crazy
  12. Why did the DNA chain blush? It was part of his genetic makeup.
  13. What did the genetic engineer say on December 25th? Merry CRISPRmas!
  14. What do you call a genetically altered picnic pest that can't speak? A mute ant
  15. What kind of drug can you genetically engineer a goat to make? Am-feta-mines.

Genetically joke, What kind of drug can you genetically engineer a goat to make?

Hilarious Fun Genetically Jokes That Will Have You Rolling with Laughter

What funny jokes about genetically you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean morally jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make genetically pranks.

A mother and a son walk into a doctor's office

Because the son has been doing very poorly in his classes.
The mother says to the doctor "I think my son has become s**...."
The doctor says in reply "Well how do you suppose that would happen?"
"Well I don't know for sure but he hasn't passed a single test since he was vaccinated last year."
"Ah-ha! That's it!"
"So it was the vaccines then?"
"No, it's genetic."

I can't believe Prince Harry, who's British royalty, is marrying African American actress Meghan Markle. Why would someone that rich and famous marry an obviously inferior genetic specimen? It's just unthinkable.

Though I suppose if Meghan wants to marry a ginger, it's none of my business.

Recently, a group of scientists discovered...

a subclass of ant has a genetic mutation that makes them grow larger than average, DESPITE missing a jointed segment on their legs. This same mutation also causes them to have an aversion to dairy-based foods, even with their high based sugar content.
TL;DR lack-toes-in-taller-ants

An objective analysis of the correlation between genetics and obesity.

A doctor is telling an obese woman that she needs to start losing weight.
The woman, offended, replies defensively, "It's not my fault! Obesity runs in my family!"
The doctor looks her up and down, and finally says, "*Nobody* runs in your family."

A marine biologist developed a race of genetically engineered dolphins...

could live forever if they were fed a steady diet of seagulls. One day, his
supply of the birds ran out so he had to go out and trap some more. On the way
back, he spied two lions asleep on the road. Afraid to wake them, he gingerly
stepped over them. Immediately, he was arrested and charged with transporting
gulls across sedate lions for immortal porpoises.

What do you get when you cross a duck and a pig?

A media circus that focuses on the morals and ethics of genetic engineering.

So my genetics professor reported this morning that diarrhea has a genetic basis

According to her, it runs in our jeans.

Why was the first person to have their eyes genetically edited so pleased?

Well, who wouldn't want CRISPR vision?

Genetically joke, Why was the first person to have their eyes genetically edited so pleased?