
Gender Equality Jokes

24 gender equality jokes and hilarious gender equality puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about gender equality that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Gender Equality Short Jokes

Short gender equality jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The gender equality humour may include short equal rights jokes also.

  1. How will we truly reach gender equality? By leaving the toilet seat at a 45 degree angle for the next person to decide without bias.
  2. To further gender equality, I think it's time we have our first transgendered superheroes. The Ex-Men.
  3. "I wish for gender equality!" *the genie waves his wand.*
    "Well, I'm not sure how you guys will repopulate, but that's on you."
  4. In the interest of gender equality, this year my church... going to sing Christmas Hers.
  5. I believe in gender equality.. That's why I don't say ladies first,
    I say ladies at the same time.
  6. How will we know when we've reached gender equality? Magicians will be sawing men in half, too.
  7. Why are women so upset with the gender hiring equality in the Post Office? Because it's such a mail dominated industry
  8. I love going out to dinner with feminists I always talk up gender equality before handing them the check
  9. Women like to claim that they are equal to men... Women like to claim that they are equal to men, but women have never successfully oppressed and entire gender.
  10. Why don't we organize a marathon to promote gender equality? 8km for men and 5km for women!

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Gender Equality One Liners

Which gender equality one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with gender equality? I can suggest the ones about sexism and gender studies.

  1. Why is every gender equality officer female? Because it is cheaper.
  2. Why is every "Gender Equality Officer" a female? They're cheaper.
  3. Gender equality is like women's pockets It just looks like it's there.
  4. As a man, the only reason I'm against gender equality is… I don't want to give birth.

Experience Good Cheer with Hilarious Gender Equality Jokes and Friends

What funny jokes about gender equality you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean women rights jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make gender equality pranks.

Gender Equality

Visiting Afghanistan for a second time, a war correspondent from CNN noted that since the fall of the Taliban, wives who used to walk ten paces behind their husbands were now walking ten paces in front.
The journalist asked one of the men if this was a sign of growing equality.
"No", the man replied. "Land-mines."

Did you know that within the UK, gender equality becomes significantly more progressed the further north you go...

If you go far north enough, it's common place for the men wear skirts and the women have deep voices.

I'm being told that because of my gender I can't be the first female president of USA.

I tell you, as a man, this gender equality in feminism is b**....

I'm all for gender equality.

If men can go in public t**..., then women should be able to go in public t**... too.

Protests on TV are demanding diversity, same s**... relationships, gender free norms, free healthcare, cultural enrichment, free education, drugs, income equality - I found the perfect place that has all this for them.


The country with most gender equality is Canada...

... because everyone fights like a girl.