
Gassy Jokes

32 gassy jokes and hilarious gassy puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about gassy that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Gassy Short Jokes

Short gassy jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The gassy humour may include short flatulence jokes also.

  1. What's the difference between the planet Earth and a soldier in the trenches? One's got gas emission, the other has a gassy mission.
  2. If the man who made walkie-talkies named a few other objects: Laxitives: passy-gassy
    Loofah: cleanie-beanie
    Ocean wave: wooshy-splooshy
    Socks: heaty-feeties
    Musical: singy-thingy
  3. The universe is... ...very gassy.
  4. What did the f**... cow say to the farmer who fed him? Gassy a**...
  5. What do you call a gassy cat? p**... n t**....
  6. Gassy pimps don't f**.... They have prosti-t**....
  7. Why did nobody want to be around h**...? Because he was very gassy.
  8. Camels... Doctor, Doctor I get gassy and bloated when I see one h**... camels.
    Doc: Sounds like you have a dromedary intolerance.
  9. What do you call a gassy time traveler? f**... McFly
  10. Did you know h**... didn't like juice? He got gassy.

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Gassy One Liners

Which gassy one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with gassy? I can suggest the ones about gases and passing gas.

  1. Why were the gassy mummies such great friends? They had Tutankhamen.
  2. My gassy dog might be the leader of Russia... ...because she is always Putin.
  3. What is round, HUGE, and very gassy? Uranus
  4. What do you call a gassy russian? Vladimir Tootin
  5. What do you call a gassy greek? A Fartin' Spartan
  6. Yo momma is just like Jupiter: huge, round, and gassy.
  7. What do you call a gassy Egyptian rapper? Tootin Common
  8. Why is Russia such a gassy country? Because their leader has been Putin for a long time.
  9. How do you call a Jew who farts a lot? Gassy.
  10. Caffeine makes me so gassy... ... so I think Auschwitz to decaf
  11. What planet is large and gassy? Jupiter. What did you think I would say?
  12. What do you get after eating a Jewish restaurant? Gassy
  13. Why do jews dislike me? I'm just very gassy.
  14. Why do Jews hate soda? Because they're gassy
  15. what do you call a gassy Scotsman? Bravefart

Gassy joke, what do you call a gassy Scotsman?

Giggle-Inducing Gassy Jokes for Joyful Times with Friends

What funny jokes about gassy you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean gasp jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make gassy pranks.

A old Jewish man goes to the doctors...

He says "Doctor I've got a huge problem."
The doctor says "What is it?"
He says "I keep getting these silent, smelly, gassy emissions I was with my wife and the Grossmans yesterday and it happened about 100 times during dinner and created a nauseous gas but it was silent so no one new who it was and then again on the bus this morning and even in your office now I must have had 20 of them, Do you have anyway to fix this problem doc?"
The doctor looks up and says "Well first off I'm going to send you to specialist."
The man interrupts him "What kind of specialist doc?"
"A hearing specialist!"

m**... Jagger goes to the doctor...

m**... Jagger: "Doctor, I feel all bloated and gassy, but I just can't seem to f**...."
Doctor: "Are you saying that..."
m**... Jagger: "Yes, doctor... I can't get no flatus action."

Gassy joke, What do you call a gassy time traveler?