
Gamer Jokes

103 gamer jokes and hilarious gamer puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about gamer that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Ready for a laugh? Check out our hilarious collection of gamer jokes, including jokes about Fortnite, PC gamers, Minecraft, Dota, and Borderlands. Whether you're a pro or a novice, these jokes will have you rolling on the floor!

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Funniest Gamer Short Jokes

Short gamer jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The gamer humour may include short gaming jokes also.

  1. What did the gamer say when his girlfriend asked what World of Warcraft and League of Legends were? "Wow, lol"
  2. I've been a PC gamer for over 20 years. Yesterday I bought a PS4, best decision ever! Now my 8 year old son doesn't have to touch my beloved PC!
  3. Today I found out that King Charles is a gamer, and mostly plays Nintendo games. He knows how to properly use the royal Wii.
  4. Why did the console gamer cross the road? Why did the console gamer cross the road? To render the buildings across the street.
  5. Two elitist gamers meet each other and discuss their favorite online games Gamer 1: "You play WoW? LoL"
    Gamer 2: "You play LoL? WoW"
  6. Why did the gamer refuse to join the Boy Scouts? He hates camping
  7. Why do console gamers use their in game names in real life? They don't have anti-aliasing
  8. As a gamer I find it strange that Biden was declared the winner... Trump had way more kills
  9. What's the difference between a abusive father and a Korean gamer? Only one will stop beating you
  10. What's the difference between a slug and a gamer? A gamer gets salty when they die, but a slug dies when it gets salty.

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Gamer One Liners

Which gamer one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with gamer? I can suggest the ones about gambler and video game.

  1. Why did the console gamer get a headache at the art museum? Too many frames.
  2. Why did the console gamer cross the road To render the other side
  3. Why did the gamer cross the road? Buy the DLC to find out
  4. Why can't PC gamers use Uber? Too many incompatible drivers.
  5. Why are PC gamers always so sad? Because they can't console each other.
  6. Why was the tumblrina mad at the gamer? He was pushing the right trigger.
  7. Why are gamers bad in bed? They are always trying to beat their best time.
  8. The average person has s**... 90 times a year. Man this going to be an epic new years eve!
  9. American politicians must be console gamers So many of them rant about being anti-PC
  10. Why couldn't the PC gamer stop crying? He refused to be consoled.
  11. You know why all elephants are console gamers? 'Cause they're afraid of the mouse
  12. A Gamers perspective of Reality. Great graphics, terrible gameplay.
  13. How Do You Know Someone Is A PC Gamer? You don't, they tell you.
  14. Why did the console gamer die in the art gallary? There was too many frames.
  15. Why didn't the pc gamer cross the street ? Because he's morbidly obese

Pc Gamer Jokes

Here is a list of funny pc gamer jokes and even better pc gamer puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Why was the pc gamer denied entry into the nightclub? It was exclusive.
  • PC gamers don't take hot showers. They take Steam-y ones.
  • Why don't pc gamers get laid Because they're micro-soft
  • Told my PC gamer friend that I bought a home for my rodent. He should see my new mouse pad.
  • Sunblock. AdBlock is sunblock for PC Gamers.
  • "WDASDWwAdWwda" -said every pc gamer
  • How do you know if a PC Gamer has a 1080ti? Don't worry, they'll make sure you know.
  • What is the most depressing thing about a pc gamer... His pointer finger.
  • A PC gamer, a vegan, and a cross-fitter just walked into a bar. How do I know this? They have already told everyone in the bar ten times over.
  • Whats a PC gamer's favorite dessert? A Control-Malt-Delete
Gamer joke, Whats a PC gamer's favorite dessert?

Comedy Gamer Jokes to Make Your Friends Giggle

What funny jokes about gamer you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean nerd jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make gamer pranks.

What does a gamer say when he get married?


What did the gamer hear that made him rush to the bathroom?

The call of Doodie.

Why did the gamer start working out?

He wanted to finally get respecced.

What did the gamer say to his wife after her miscarriage?

You must construct additional pylons.

What is a gamers favorite place to visit?

Your mom's house.

Gamers vs Feminists

Because gamers are obsessed with Chrono Trigger discussion, feminists decided to kill Crono.

A console gamer walks into a bar...

...only to buy a free drink for 60$
To anyone wondering this joke is not made by me but i just had to share it. Credit goes to /u/Unbiased_Bob

What did the gamer say when he assassinated the Pope?

360 NO POPE!!!!

Jesus Christ was a very dedicated gamer

He died for his Sims.

For gamers of a certain age

Why did Rodney Dangerfield always make such unbalanced RPG characters?
He never got no respec.

Some gamers think that it's wrong to cheat...

but i think its down right left triangle up square down left square right circle cross

What's the difference between a gamer and a p**... of boiling water?

A p**... of boiling water doesn't get salty when you put a tea-bag in it.

Gamers are like hurricanes

The bigger they get, the saltier they are.

What do you call a gamer g**... her period?

Red ring of death.

How can you tell a gamer from a rugby player?

Ask them if they play league.

What is the difference between a hyper-active gamer and someone with a predilection of violence towards sheep?

One's a button masher, and the other is a mutton basher.

Who's a gamers favourite Asian

Lo Ping

What's the worst part about working with a gamer?

They're always trying to 1-Up you.

"You don't have to press the b**... harder to go faster"

Said no gamer ever.

How do you tell a gamer from a car mechanic?

Ask them what HP means.

Why did the console gamer cross the street?

To render the rest of the buildings

A console gamer was walking in the street

A bar popped up.

What is it called when a gamer fights someone?

An Asthma attack.

Today I asked the gamer what his new year's resolution is.

He said "1920 x 1200"

What is every gamers New Years Resolution?


Why did the console gamer faint when they visited the art gallery

There were too many frames

What do gamers who switch consoles and mathematicians have in common?

They both have problems finding x.

What did one gamer do to the other gamer after he lost?

Consoled him

I am a gamer.

I play Clash of Clans

How do gamers defend themselves?

With LAN Mines.

A gamer and a girl gamer were deeply in love, but they just couldn't find another

They were not on the same level.

What do you call a dumb gamer?

A wii-t**...

Gamers say video games don't encourage violence.

Yet this new Star Wars Battlefront has got everyone wielding pitchforks.

All gamers are bilingual...

They speak both English and Profanity.

A Goldfish has memory for up to 5 months

The average gamer has memory for about 24 hours

What do you call a gamer who is the best at new games?


What do you call a gamer with erectile disfunction?

A Try-Hard

How do gamer guys pee?

Spray and Pray or split-stream

What is a gamers explanation for first seeing the lightning and then hearing thunder


Jesus was a gamer.

After respawning he went to the next level.

What do you call someone who's tired of playing monopoly?

A bored gamer.

What do you call an instigated angry gamer?

An inclination of 1080p swearing.

What did the gamer eating pasta say?

Spaghottem bois.

Why are EU gamers so serious about what they do?

Because they can't be memers

Did you hear about the gamer who commit s**... while playing?

It was a first-person shooter.

My gamer girlfriend just left me...

said I always tried to controller

During a zombie apocalypse

Normal Zombies: BRAAINNNNSSS!!
Vegetarian Zombies: GRAAINNNNSSS!!
Body Builder Zombies: GAAINNNNSSS!!
Plumber Zombies: DRAAINNNNSSS!!
Conductor Zombies: TRAAINNNNSSS!!
Weatherman Zombies: RAAINNNNSSS!!
Gamer Zombies: GAMMMMESSS!!
Depressed Zombies: PAINNNNSSS!!
Batman Zombie: BANNNNEEE!!

I'm not a player, I'm a gamer. Players get chicks.

I get bullied at school.

A d**...,a suicidal person and a gamer walk into a bar

The bartender says: you are 13 why are you in a bar

My pet fish is a gamer

His favorite game is cod

(this is my first post on here please be nice)

What did the gamer say when they were told they had to spend the next year inside their home, physically isolated from the rest of the world?

What's the catch?

What did the gay gamer call his b**...?

His Rainbow Six!

Gamer joke, What did the gay gamer call his b**...?

jokes about gamer