
Fuss Jokes

26 fuss jokes and hilarious fuss puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about fuss that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Fuss Short Jokes

Short fuss jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The fuss humour may include short hassle jokes also.

  1. While Donald Trump is out there, causing a fuss, what is his opponent doing? He is just waiting around like an average Joe, Biden his time.
  2. What's all the fuss about Donald Trump's Russian Ties? I know for a fact that all his Ties are made in China.
  3. A programmer began to cuss Because getting to sleep was a fuss.
    When laying in her bed
    Looping round in her head
    Was: while (!asleep()): sheep++;
  4. I don't get what all the fuss is about. Giving up smoking is so easy! I've done it hundreds of times.
  5. I don't get the fuss about all the palindrome jokes on this sub lately... they all go the same either way.
  6. A man over heard my conversation about GameStop stock and asked me what'a this fuss all about? I said, Do you want the long or the short story?
  7. How many Lutheran grandmothers does it take to change a lightbulb? No, I'm fine, don't make a fuss over me. I'll just sit in the dark.
  8. I don't get all the fuss about Nintendo Labo. Papa John's has been selling cardboard for over 30 years.
  9. A marriage is a lot like an execution. A whole lot of fuss for something that just takes a second.
  10. I don't understand all the fuss about getting rid of guns in America. Just do what Steven Speilberg did. Replace all the guns with walkie-talkies. Not that hard!

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Fuss One Liners

Which fuss one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with fuss? I can suggest the ones about messing and fret.

  1. I can't understand what the fuss is about the Labour manifesto! I'd give it full Marx.
  2. I'm not sure why all the fuss about Prince Andrew It seems to be a pretty minor affair...
  3. I slept in my sons crib last night I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
  4. What is the big fuss over which way people are looking? I support the gaze.

Fuss joke, What is the big fuss over which way people are looking?

Experience Good Cheer with Hilarious Fuss Jokes and Friends

What funny jokes about fuss you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean trouble jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make fuss pranks.

An old man goes fishing

An old man is fishing at a lake when a frog approaches him.
The frog says "If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful woman and fall in love with you."
The man is amazed. He pick up the frog, stuffs him in his pocket and heads for home.
On the drive, the frog starts squirming and making a fuss, so the man takes the frog out of his pocket.
The frog says "Hey, did you not hear what I said? Just kiss me already and you'll have the woman of your dreams!"
The old man replies "I'm 80 years old. I'd much rather have a talking frog"

I don't fuss over the difference between "can" and "may" like other English teachers.

In fact, once a student asked me this: "Can you give me an example of future progressive tense?"
I responded with "Certainly. I will be seeing you after class."
He must have wanted another example, as he was still standing in my classroom when I arrived the next day.

There a man in the Soviet Union who always complained about the constant shortages

One day the KGB went to the apartment he lived and arrested him. The occupant of the apartment knew that he was gonna die so they didn't make a fuss out of it. But after a week much to the apartment's occupant surprise, the man returned relatively unharmed except for some bruises so the occupant asked him why he wasn't shot despite his constant criticism of the state. The man answered, "The Gulags have the same problem as we do, they've ran out of bullets!"

a couple is going through a divorce

The mom makes a big fuss, saying she absolutely HAS to keep the son. The dad asks "Why?"
"Because I gave birth to him!"
The man thinks for a while and finally says "If I put money into a soda vending machine, is the soda mine or the machine's?"

For the first time ever I understood what all the fuss was about 80s music

It was an Aha moment

I don't know what the fuss is about Alt-Right.

Personally, I always use Alt-Left, Ctrl-Left and Shift-Left

I don't know why people make such a fuss about not m**...

It's so easy that I've given it up twice today!

All this fuss over a film being stored on DNA

But when Pee Wee Herman tried to do the opposite, everybody lost their minds?

So I got the new Note 7

and I don't see what the fuss is about exploding? Everything is going fi

Everyone said I should get a kid

I really don't see what all the fuss is about. All mine does is ask 'How long until I can see my parents again?'

Fuss joke, Everyone said I should get a kid